What annoys you at the gym?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My little brother is a college rugby player and all around meathead- and he thinks its funny to fart at the gym and watch people freak out. He will also walk over to the treadmills and "cropdust" the cardio people and watch them give each other the evil eye. People are even more obnoxious then you may realize!
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    Where do I start? :)

    - Not wiping down equipment after use (there are 6 "cleaning stations" people, use them!)
    - Not re-racking your weights after you are done (and when I say "done" it's not done your entire workout, it's done using them)
    - Talking loudly on the phone while working out (is the conversation that important that I need to hear it?)
    - Using equipment as a park bench...if you're not using it and you're not in between sets, get off!)
    - Ladies in the change room that decide to blast the music from their iPhones while they change. (Ok, so everyone should be stuck listening to your music blasting???)
    - People coming up to my trainer while we're on my scheduled time and asking for advice on what they are doing (can't you see he is with someone? My trainer turns them away politely, but still...)

    And the ultimate annoyance: Asking me if I'm on my last set WHILE I am lifting. (Hey, I have 135lbs in my hands that I'm lifting right now and that I'm finding tough, as you can tell...think you can wait a minute until I set it down???)

    End of mini-rant.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My little brother is a college rugby player and all around meathead- and he thinks its funny to fart at the gym and watch people freak out. He will also walk over to the treadmills and "cropdust" the cardio people and watch them give each other the evil eye. People are even more obnoxious then you may realize!

    One time I was doing incline crunches and accidentally ripped one really loud. All the guys around me thought it was just as funny as I did.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My little brother is a college rugby player and all around meathead- and he thinks its funny to fart at the gym and watch people freak out. He will also walk over to the treadmills and "cropdust" the cardio people and watch them give each other the evil eye. People are even more obnoxious then you may realize!

    One time I was doing incline crunches and accidentally ripped one really loud. All the guys around me thought it was just as funny as I did.

    Yeah him and his friends actually brag about farting at the gym.

    Edit...HE and his friends actually brag....I don't want the grammar police knocking....
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My little brother is a college rugby player and all around meathead- and he thinks its funny to fart at the gym and watch people freak out. He will also walk over to the treadmills and "cropdust" the cardio people and watch them give each other the evil eye. People are even more obnoxious then you may realize!

    One time I was doing incline crunches and accidentally ripped one really loud. All the guys around me thought it was just as funny as I did.

    Yeah him and his friends actually brag about farting at the gym.

    I've found, by being married and having lots of male relatives, that men think farts are hilarious no matter where or when they occur at any age. My grandfather used to think my grandmother's farts were hilarious, and he's 79.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My little brother is a college rugby player and all around meathead- and he thinks its funny to fart at the gym and watch people freak out. He will also walk over to the treadmills and "cropdust" the cardio people and watch them give each other the evil eye. People are even more obnoxious then you may realize!

    One time I was doing incline crunches and accidentally ripped one really loud. All the guys around me thought it was just as funny as I did.

    Yeah him and his friends actually brag about farting at the gym.

    I've found, by being married and having lots of male relatives, that men think farts are hilarious no matter where or when they occur at any age. My grandfather used to think my grandmother's farts were hilarious, and he's 79.
    Oh I know they do! My point in bringing it up is to the people that are annoyed by farts at the gym- you may be encouraging someone else's sense of humor by getting pissed off about it.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    The meat heads looking at themselves in the mirror, even after they are done lifting. It's just weird. I wanna say "yup your muscles are still there!" or "oh looks like you missed a spot" and point to a certain muscle. I also hate the whole talking or being on the phone while working out. if i have an important phone call, i stop my workout ( get off the treadmill and away from people) talk and then get back to working out. Or i just leave my phone in my bag.
  • makainui
    makainui Posts: 31
    i get annoyed with those that are there just to show off their body and not work out.....its a damn gym not a car show room place idiots!!! ugh
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    People shaving their legs in the shower at the gym - I hate this!!

    Do it at home!!
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    I once watched a guy flex his muscles in the mirror, then kiss his flexed biceps. Gag. :sick:
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    I once watched a guy flex his muscles in the mirror, then kiss his flexed biceps. Gag. :sick:

    Bodybuilders typically flex in the mirror between sets for a couple of reasons, for the pump, and more importantly, to practice their poses.

    And really, it is quite motivating to see months, and even years, of hard work in the mirror.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    people watching me workout to the point where it's obvious. i;ve been doing more explosive moves in the weight room recently like front squat push presses and 1 armed DB snatches. yes these are fun to do, hard as hell and LOOK cool. i'd probably stare too if i saw an overweight girl like me doing them, but i would be so freaking obvious about it as to completely turn around, get closer and watch... that happened to me yesterday at the gym.

    oh and i'm one of those people who stare at their muscles in the mirrors. i love seeing progress and as much as i lift, i like seeing my muscles in action even if they are still covered by a layer of fat :laugh:
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I workout at the fitness center at my office. By the time I get over there after work I have the whole place to myself but less than an hour to get everything done before I am locked in and have to call security to let me out.

    So I HATE it when people do not clean up after themselves. Put your damn plates back on the rack jerks! When I have a limited amount of time I do not enjoy having to put away 100+ pounds of plates just so I can use the only oly bar. Jackholes.
  • V3ggieL0vinGinger
    I hate the men who are 20+ years old and hit on me! (I'm 16 by the way) I also hate it when people sing along with their iPods. It's so annoying!!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I hate it when dudes try to talk to you in the sauna, in the locker room, in the shower hall way standing their with their twig and berries hanging out trying to strike up conversation. Especially the ones sitting their with their legs as open as wide as possible and making a concerted effort not to put a towel or clothes on.

    Eyes and face forward guys.

    Guys that stand their naked and rest their testicles on the counter top as they brush their teeth or do their hair.

    Guys that blow dry their ball sack

    Seriously ?

    All my fears of going to a public gym came true the first week I started to actually shower and change at the gym...
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    People that stink, be that of sweated in clothes (old or all day sweat) or way too much deodorant and don't get me going on perfume in the Gym on the ladies.
    I have seen one guy bring a pizza into the Gym, that surprised me so much I even said to the bloke,
    " In some of the gyms I have been in, you'd of got whacked for that "
    I used to work at a gym, so people that eat and leave a mess in a Gym, people that train in dirty clothes, people that chat and don't train, people that answer the phone in the Gym and do not have the decency to take their call somewhere private,
    grrr, so much to moan about, oh the moaners, they don't bother me,,,, I probably sometimes grunt too, if your not, then your prob not going heavy,,, in weight or effort.
    Despite all I have said, I love the Gym,
    the Gym is my escape place, unless its over full I hate that too.
    Lol, I hate loadsa things....
  • sarahball386
    One day I was at the "gym," a small fitness center at my apartment complex, my boyfriend and I were on two of the treadmills leaving only one. This lady came in and carried on a phone conversation the whole time she was on the third treadmill next to us. I don't understand how people don't know how unsafe it is to be on the phone while using a treadmill. No headset, no speakerphone; just holding it between her ear and shoulder.

    Also, when parents let their kids climb all over the equipment instead of staying in the designated play area.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    My gym at work is super casual/low key. However, I hate when people come in there on their breaks just to walk at a 2.0mph pace for 10 minutes and leave. And even worse are the people that use it as a social break room area. Really throws a big damper on my work out when someone comes in there to enjoy their wendys double cheeseburger while texting. You'd think they'd have the common sense to do that elsewhere....
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    when people come and jump on a machine i was obviously setting up to use

    and im a smoker i did not realize i probably reak of cigarettes so srry to everyone who has to deal with it
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    In my defence, i dont talk on my phone, i play my music off it, therefore i select my song and put it back in my bra pocket, but the treadmill is always moving when im on it, same as any equipment i use while adjusting my phone, ill fb about my achevments, then i continue lol, i use to log on here to put my workout in that i just finished.BTW I work my *kitten* off and i am always red in the face......very sexy.....i know why noone stops to chat me up rofl
    Pet hates: being surrounded by social groups
    Knowing people are watching me, not glancing....watching
    People stop to chat infront of your locker
    People sit on the benches on their phone for 5 minutes......like 20 seconds peple is all u need.
    always missing the dumbells i want.
    locker room is next to the heavy lifters area and this guy grunted like he was orgasmin and i nearly **** myself like he was behind me lol
    like im the biggest dag at the gym, everyone else goes like a model
    and there was this one time i actually did 3 classes! im the uncoordinated one in the whole group and i was trying, noone said anything but hey they moved past me like i was dordling......this guy left 15 mins before the last class was up, i burnt like 1200 calories that day. anyways he was waiting for boxing which was next and he stopped a girl right infront of me and was going way to go u did great and blah blah blah hi five!!!! mean while it all happened in slow motion she raised her arm to hi five, and so did he, he was facing me and i went to walk past and as they clapped BAM HIS SWEAT SPLASHED ME ON MY FACE....i coulda vomited.....TOWEL PEOPLE TOWEL!
    btw i may be fat, but im trying and im not as coordinated, fast, lifting heavy but i pay my membership and just cos u have a size anno waist line does not give u any more rights then me, so keep ur better then me looks to urself.