Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    First of all thanks for all your replies, great information. You're awesome for helping so many of us out.

    I have read most of this thread and have a question about fruit.

    I know that as long as there is a deficit, one will lose weight regardless of what one eats. And you have repeated this many times on this thread.

    But then I read this on this same thread:
    I'm very surprised by the little amount of fruit it takes to go over the recommended daily limit for sugars on MFP. A large banana, 10 strawberries, and a large apple maxes out the sugars on a normal day before exercising. Obviously that number adjusts for calories burned, but does the daily goal seem to be too low? With the summer coming up, I eat a lot of fruit, and make fruit salads nearly every week - it would seem that one large bowl would max me out for the day.

    I'm not really worried about it because I have been active and working out, but I would welcome some input. Thanks.

    I love fruit personally. But I can easily become a fruitaholic sometimes. If I'm bulking, I don't watch it. I just eat however much I want. If I'm maintaining, then I watch it a little. If I'm cutting, I watch it like a hawk for just the same reasons as you said....they can add up really fast yeh.

    Why would it be necessary to watch fruit intake when trying to lose fat? Yes I know fruit has sugars in it but aren't these healthy sugars? Plus fruit is packed with vitamins and fiber, so why the need to watch fruit? Do all sugars have the same effect? I always thought that fructose was broken down differently than sucrose. Do I really need to worry if I have a deficit but have been going majorly over my sugar limits if it all came from fruit?

    I just started tracking calories last week and I know I have a deficit but don't know if I lost any weight yet. Just curious to know if and why fruit could hinder my fat loss efforts..
  • Pascua_j
    Pascua_j Posts: 67 Member
    In the last year I have lost 64 pounds in the last year. I am currently at 126lbs at 5 ft 6. I have passed my "dream" weight, I never thought I could lose this much. When I look at the number on the scale, I'm happy, but when I look in the mirror there is still SO VERY MUCH improvements that need to be made. I am doing about 30-45 minutes of jogging/walking intervals 3-4 times a week and 3 60 minute long Bodypump classes a week.Two weeks ago I changed my MFP goal to maintenance (-60 calories) so my calories have gone from 1500 to 1700. But it terrifies me. I do not want to gain fat, but I DO want to gain muscle. On the advice of my bodybuilder brother I changed my goal percentages to 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20^ fat. I have done pretty good meeting them, not perfect. Unfortunately, I AM STARVING! I don't understand why when I have upped my calories but I am hungrier now than I have been through this whole dieting year except for at the very first. For the last three days I have gotten up between 4-5 am because my stomach is growling. I actually feel weak and dizzy when I get up, until I eat. This is crazy.
    Do I give it more time?
    Up my calories again?, if so how much?
    Is it in my head?
  • TheOfficialEpic
    If you have a flat stomach with abs, is it normal for your belly to get a little bigger after you eat meals? I have abs, my stomach is flat..until I eat a larger meal :) I almost wonder if it has something to do with air moving into your gut while you eat, but I could be totally wrong.

    Everybody's belly sticks out after meals if they're eating too much in one sitting.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    If you have a flat stomach with abs, is it normal for your belly to get a little bigger after you eat meals? I have abs, my stomach is flat..until I eat a larger meal :) I almost wonder if it has something to do with air moving into your gut while you eat, but I could be totally wrong.

    All humans have abs.

    Lol. This is true! :D
  • TheOfficialEpic
    why doesnt my strength training count for any exercise calories credits

    It does, but it varies too much for a calc to document it. Say person A comes in and does 16 sets in an hour all at 85-90%max-effort. Person B comes in and has to rest a lot more between sets, so he only gets 12 sets in, and they are all around 75%effort. Person C comes in and gets a whopping 25 sets in the same hour, but is working at 50-60%max-effort. You see how big a skew that would be. More weight, more reps, more sets, less rest, greater ROM, faster tempo, etc.....TOOOO many factors to take for granted. Not to mention the standards we have to start with like gender, age, weight, etc. You DO burn calories strength training....HELL! You're burning calories while you're reading this. You'll have to do a little trial and error to find out the area of calories you are personally burning during strength training. My advice: Estimate down when cutting, estimate them up when bulking.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi Theofficialepic,

    I have a question.
    I am just into my 6th week recovery from a hernia repair ..(my gut was fully outside of my abdominal wall).doc says I still have to take it easy until next surgery... I go back in for a mesh to be put in, as well as a pannectomy to remove the excess skin so not to pull out the repair. After losing 385 lbs, there is alot of skin. The doc said I could very well lose 30-50lbs from the pannectomy... hence why I am in maintenance now, maintaining between 220-225. This morning I was 222lbs. I am 5'10" My goal I had wanted to be was at 175. realizing that i am carryin an amount of excess skin..I very well could be there in theory now.
    Walking is what I am basically limited to... I do 7K a day minimum...almost to 4mph again, I also have started once again doing 2 sets of 20 of bicept curls, lifts and tricept extensions using 8lbs. I was told no more than 10lbs up to my 5th week...but he said for me not to overdo anything just yet n go slow.... which I understand.
    I was wondering what suggestions you might have for simple exercises that might be good for me. I know I want more strength in my legs... well all over n my core but I realize things are holding me back to really get into it... feels like i'm chompin at the bit here lol... do you have any fodder to keep me going until i can hit the ground running?

    I personally would just wait it out till you are fully recovered. It's just smarter in my opinion. And as I've said before, I've had my fair share of injuries. I have a close dance friend who, as much as dance is her life, when she is preganant she stops completely. She hates it, but she knows she'll get it back....and her health and her baby's comes first. She knows that she could be doing very basic dance steps, but what would that mean to an accomplished dancer?.....That would just make her crave more! Love your it. Don't be afraid to sit out the a game to be 100% for the series winner.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Just want to say: so much great information in this thread. Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions, and with such a great and helpful attitude. You're a credit to the human race. God bless you.

    Thanks so much. And right back at'cha yeh. :)
  • TheOfficialEpic
    ok so i have had people give me differing opinions. i had to up my calorie goal to 1580 to start losing again which on most days is hard to attain. even 1200 is hard most days. some are saying just eat the calorie goal amount and ur good. others are saying that at the end of the day the net amount should equal the daily goal. which is right? trying to figure out how to keep losing without having to bounce calories back and forth.

    Need more info. Gimme yer stats yeh. Metabolism is fickle. As you get leaner and leaner, you're gonna end up having to manipulate them more and more...sometimes up and sometimes down. One of my guys, to take him from 8% to 6%, we had to bump his calories. What happened is that by upping them, it his metabolism jumped so high to go with it that it placed him in an even GREATER deficit an he started losing again. Get use to the test/reevaluate thing. Everyone's unique.

    5'3 31 yrs old
    187.6 pounds
    normally i just do walking dvds or jillian micheals dvds 5-6 days a week. since i bruised my leg i have been focusing on abs and arms
    using fat2fit
    bmr 1621
    body fat % 49
    it says at the goal weight i want i would be 33% body fat

    Sounds like you might need to start back at ground zero. Try taking in a full 1800 for two days, and then go 1700 for a week and reevaluate. If you're losing, then keep it up. If not, then down to 1600 for a week and reevaluate. You most likely cut way too low to soon and stalled out. That's the ONLY reason I could see from the stats you've given me that you wouldn't be losing. Bmr SAYS you need 1621, but remember....go to low too long and the body's is gonna find a more efficient way to make do with what you're giving it.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS!!! I have learned more reading this thread then I have in the last few years of MFP, personal trainer, DVD's and basic advice from my hubby/athlete combined! THANK YOU IMMENSLY!

    Yeah me too - I want to thank you! I've really enjoyed reading all your responses to people. I keep coming back and reading more. Thanks!

    Thanks so much yeh. Means a lot to me. :)
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    A reset. Just take a couple days and don't count ANYthing. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Don't exercise. Just relax. Afterwards set yourself around 200-300 calories above bmr. After a week goes by reevaluate. If losing, then great. If not, then cut 100 calories out of each day. Reevaluate again at the end of the next week. So long as you're losing, don't cut more. This is where most people go wrong and screw their metabolisms up. Simple cuts don't haywire the body. Going from 2,000 calories a day to 1,000, and 90 minutes of exercise a week to 5hours and the body is like "What the bloody hell is going on here?!! Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect." This is where immune systems go down, hormones go crazy, and metabolism goes to ****e. The slower the cut, 99x out of 100, from my experience with clients, the stronger their metabolisms in the end, and the more healthier they look in the end....AND the more options we have available to get rid of that last few inches.
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    A reset. Just take a couple days and don't count ANYthing. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Don't exercise. Just relax. Afterwards set yourself around 200-300 calories above bmr. After a week goes by reevaluate. If losing, then great. If not, then cut 100 calories out of each day. Reevaluate again at the end of the next week. So long as you're losing, don't cut more. This is where most people go wrong and screw their metabolisms up. Simple cuts don't haywire the body. Going from 2,000 calories a day to 1,000, and 90 minutes of exercise a week to 5hours and the body is like "What the bloody hell is going on here?!! Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect." This is where immune systems go down, hormones go crazy, and metabolism goes to ****e. The slower the cut, 99x out of 100, from my experience with clients, the stronger their metabolisms in the end, and the more healthier they look in the end....AND the more options we have available to get rid of that last few inches.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    And finally, if I came to you and showed you this body (pictures taken this morning), which exercise would you recommend for me especially to target my abs (I must say it's gone down considerably since the last time I took a pic of it).

    This is me from behind :smile:


    This is my front :sad:


    Are you still losing?.....If so, then this is all you need to get the stomach you want. You can't spot reduce fat with exercise. For a flat stomach, you just need to get your body fat levels low enough. Same for slender arms and thighs. Add a lil' resistance training to that and voilá!
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    A reset. Just take a couple days and don't count ANYthing. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Don't exercise. Just relax. Afterwards set yourself around 200-300 calories above bmr. After a week goes by reevaluate. If losing, then great. If not, then cut 100 calories out of each day. Reevaluate again at the end of the next week. So long as you're losing, don't cut more. This is where most people go wrong and screw their metabolisms up. Simple cuts don't haywire the body. Going from 2,000 calories a day to 1,000, and 90 minutes of exercise a week to 5hours and the body is like "What the bloody hell is going on here?!! Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect." This is where immune systems go down, hormones go crazy, and metabolism goes to ****e. The slower the cut, 99x out of 100, from my experience with clients, the stronger their metabolisms in the end, and the more healthier they look in the end....AND the more options we have available to get rid of that last few inches.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    First of all thanks for all your replies, great information. You're awesome for helping so many of us out.

    I have read most of this thread and have a question about fruit.

    I know that as long as there is a deficit, one will lose weight regardless of what one eats. And you have repeated this many times on this thread.

    But then I read this on this same thread:
    I'm very surprised by the little amount of fruit it takes to go over the recommended daily limit for sugars on MFP. A large banana, 10 strawberries, and a large apple maxes out the sugars on a normal day before exercising. Obviously that number adjusts for calories burned, but does the daily goal seem to be too low? With the summer coming up, I eat a lot of fruit, and make fruit salads nearly every week - it would seem that one large bowl would max me out for the day.

    I'm not really worried about it because I have been active and working out, but I would welcome some input. Thanks.

    I love fruit personally. But I can easily become a fruitaholic sometimes. If I'm bulking, I don't watch it. I just eat however much I want. If I'm maintaining, then I watch it a little. If I'm cutting, I watch it like a hawk for just the same reasons as you said....they can add up really fast yeh.

    Why would it be necessary to watch fruit intake when trying to lose fat? Yes I know fruit has sugars in it but aren't these healthy sugars? Plus fruit is packed with vitamins and fiber, so why the need to watch fruit? Do all sugars have the same effect? I always thought that fructose was broken down differently than sucrose. Do I really need to worry if I have a deficit but have been going majorly over my sugar limits if it all came from fruit?

    I just started tracking calories last week and I know I have a deficit but don't know if I lost any weight yet. Just curious to know if and why fruit could hinder my fat loss efforts..

    Why would it be necessary to watch fruit intake?.....For the same reason you watch everything else: Calories all add up! You can get fat eating fruit just like you can any other food. Despite the fact that it is packed with natural sugars, vitamins, and fiber, it STILL has calories!! Calories are what matter, and if you're not burning them, then you're not going anywhere. There is a big difference between eating healthy, and eating for a result. I know some people that eat like rabbits all day and are crying their hearts out because they don't understand why they can't lose weight. It's because they think it's as simple as "Eat healthy, lose weight.".....well sure , so long as you're still in a deficit. Truth be told though, some of my friends, some of the most ripped chappies I know, go to McDonalds on the regular! At the end of the day though, they're burning more than they're taking in. Don't believe the hype, hon.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I'm finding the process of calorie counting to be very stressful. I've kinda been abusing my body for quite a few years now and have now decided to make it a priority to get back to basics. I've been slowly upping my cals from a very low 700-800 up to-now i'm at 1500. But like I said, i've been doing it since February of this year and the stress is killing me of trying to buy the proper foods to have in my kitchen for all kinds of days, circumstances (like going away for the wknd, heavy exercise). The actual EATING of the amount of food. Sometimes i'll make my food diary up in the morning for the whole day and it just is so overwhelming when I look at it and see all food I have to fit into my day. It's like i'm just always eating and thinking about food all the time. I seem to barely have time to exercise and have to take food with me everywhere I go just so I can get my cals in. Not to mention meeting the proper macros...that's another story. I know this journey is supposed to be fun, but I have to say it's kinda not right now. Anyways, sorry, I just wanna know if I can take a day off and exercise like hell, which is what I really wanna do haha and not pay attention to food unless I want to? And don't get me wrong..i'm totally 200% devoted to my journey.
  • morninglilli
    morninglilli Posts: 194
  • TheOfficialEpic
    In the last year I have lost 64 pounds in the last year. I am currently at 126lbs at 5 ft 6. I have passed my "dream" weight, I never thought I could lose this much. When I look at the number on the scale, I'm happy, but when I look in the mirror there is still SO VERY MUCH improvements that need to be made. I am doing about 30-45 minutes of jogging/walking intervals 3-4 times a week and 3 60 minute long Bodypump classes a week.Two weeks ago I changed my MFP goal to maintenance (-60 calories) so my calories have gone from 1500 to 1700. But it terrifies me. I do not want to gain fat, but I DO want to gain muscle. On the advice of my bodybuilder brother I changed my goal percentages to 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20^ fat. I have done pretty good meeting them, not perfect. Unfortunately, I AM STARVING! I don't understand why when I have upped my calories but I am hungrier now than I have been through this whole dieting year except for at the very first. For the last three days I have gotten up between 4-5 am because my stomach is growling. I actually feel weak and dizzy when I get up, until I eat. This is crazy.
    Do I give it more time?
    Up my calories again?, if so how much?
    Is it in my head?

    He's kinda funkdafied your natural appetite. Some people get fuller faster and feel satiated longer on certain macros, by him adjusting yours, even though you're eating more, you're not feeling as full. At your height and weight, you're very close to the point where your body is going to start fighting you pretty hard until you get it to get the clue. I'd go back to what you're doing. If you're not losing, then slowly adjust down, and give yourself a weekly refeed of a couple hundred over maintenance. You're doing great, but this is where we you have to separate yourself from the pack. Time to fight hard to the finish line. Keep me up with this yeh, you're right there and once we get that last lil' bit of jiggle gone, we can refocus on adding a lil' muscle back to the frame.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Theofficialepic,

    I have a question.
    I am just into my 6th week recovery from a hernia repair ..(my gut was fully outside of my abdominal wall).doc says I still have to take it easy until next surgery... I go back in for a mesh to be put in, as well as a pannectomy to remove the excess skin so not to pull out the repair. After losing 385 lbs, there is alot of skin. The doc said I could very well lose 30-50lbs from the pannectomy... hence why I am in maintenance now, maintaining between 220-225. This morning I was 222lbs. I am 5'10" My goal I had wanted to be was at 175. realizing that i am carryin an amount of excess skin..I very well could be there in theory now.
    Walking is what I am basically limited to... I do 7K a day minimum...almost to 4mph again, I also have started once again doing 2 sets of 20 of bicept curls, lifts and tricept extensions using 8lbs. I was told no more than 10lbs up to my 5th week...but he said for me not to overdo anything just yet n go slow.... which I understand.
    I was wondering what suggestions you might have for simple exercises that might be good for me. I know I want more strength in my legs... well all over n my core but I realize things are holding me back to really get into it... feels like i'm chompin at the bit here lol... do you have any fodder to keep me going until i can hit the ground running?

    I personally would just wait it out till you are fully recovered. It's just smarter in my opinion. And as I've said before, I've had my fair share of injuries. I have a close dance friend who, as much as dance is her life, when she is preganant she stops completely. She hates it, but she knows she'll get it back....and her health and her baby's comes first. She knows that she could be doing very basic dance steps, but what would that mean to an accomplished dancer?.....That would just make her crave more! Love your it. Don't be afraid to sit out the a game to be 100% for the series winner.

    Thanks so much for the voice of reason... I have come too far to skrew things day will come when I can dive in....ty
  • TheOfficialEpic
    I'm finding the process of calorie counting to be very stressful. I've kinda been abusing my body for quite a few years now and have now decided to make it a priority to get back to basics. I've been slowly upping my cals from a very low 700-800 up to-now i'm at 1500. But like I said, i've been doing it since February of this year and the stress is killing me of trying to buy the proper foods to have in my kitchen for all kinds of days, circumstances (like going away for the wknd, heavy exercise). The actual EATING of the amount of food. Sometimes i'll make my food diary up in the morning for the whole day and it just is so overwhelming when I look at it and see all food I have to fit into my day. It's like i'm just always eating and thinking about food all the time. I seem to barely have time to exercise and have to take food with me everywhere I go just so I can get my cals in. Not to mention meeting the proper macros...that's another story. I know this journey is supposed to be fun, but I have to say it's kinda not right now. Anyways, sorry, I just wanna know if I can take a day off and exercise like hell, which is what I really wanna do haha and not pay attention to food unless I want to? And don't get me wrong..i'm totally 200% devoted to my journey.

    Don't wanna track the food?....Then don't. Track your measurements and your weight then. Eat whatever you want and exercise however you want, but reevaluate at the end of every week still. If you're not losing, then eat a lil' less the next week and exercise a lil' more. At the end of the next week still, reevaluate again. It's that simple. SOMETHING has to be tracked though, or you're basically throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping something will stick. This ain't for everyone, hon. You say you're stressed, I bet you are! So are a lot of people who do this. And anybody that has made it through to the other side, they have DEFINITELY been stressed. I say take some time and truly ask yourself do you want this and is now the time. Maybe now is not the time for you. Sometimes we just have to get fed up with ourselves in order to step up to the challenge and do what is necessary to get the job done. Love yourself regardless though. Life is short.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Off to train clients, everyone....back later today or tomorrow morning yeh. Have a great day, love and laugh at your haters, live YOUR life, and create an awesome inspiring story yeh. Cheers