How to avoid looking older after weight loss??



  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    This may sound crazy but I met a woman that shaved her face every day like a man and she didn't have any...i mean any wrinkles. Have you looked at a mans face where he wrinkles. I personally couldn't do it now...but give me 10 more years I may be thinking about it

    You could probably have similar results from daily exfoliating using other methods besides shaving. :)
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
    What is better, BioOil or coconut oil?
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I heard its better to lose weight slowly....than fast. Skin doesnt sag so much that way and it gives it time to shrink.

    Take regular healthy fats....water....antioxidants??
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Fat actually fills in the lines that causes wrinkles. I really don't see how you can avoid this...

    While weight loss might play a role in excess skin. I have seen side by side face comparisons of twins (one overweight and one of normal weight). As you would expect, the overweight twin looked younger, simply because of the excess fat that smoothes wrinkles.

    Personally, I would think the benefits of being a normal healthy weight outweigh the possible negative side effects of appearing your age or possibly older.
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    I have lost 50 pounds so far (about 2.5 pounds per week), and am a 55 year old female. I look so much older now! Lots more wrinkles and areas of really lose skin. I have an excellent exercise and weight lifting program that I am following. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can prevent this aging look to worsen as I continue to lose weight? I feel so much better, until I look in the mirror, and I still need to lose more weight (per my doctor). Not interested in plastic surgery! I am also getting good nutrition and plenty of protein, water, etc. THANK YOU!

    I am about to turn 52 and have the same thing....I drink lots of water but still have quite dry skin these days and as I've lost weight I have certainly developed a lot more 'age' related wrinkles and dryness. I actually have had someone say " look great oh except for your face...." What is that about? I'm not sure what the answer is...perhaps better hydration when I was younger may have helped. I'm going to read back through the posts here.....I haven't yet. There maybe a few worthwhile tips.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I made a post last week because I'm starting to get bat wings (no wrinkles so far). The response was that it was inevitable. Not willing to believe I was powerless, I did internet research. These items pretty much everyone agrees on.

    5. Hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water. Hydrated, healthy skin can bounce back into shape easier. Water is also important for a body's functions, including skin repair. Try to drink at least 1 liter of water a day. Avoid carbonated drinks that strip your body of calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

    Just a tiny quibble. It's not carbonated drinks, it's sodas and such, particularly those with phosphoric acid. Seltzer water is virtually identical to regular water from a dietary perspective, and can taste much better, encouraging intake.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I know in Italy they swear by good old fashioned olive oil!! I use that and coconut oil on my face (and take a spoonful for my insides as well :smile: ).
  • nessamelda
    nessamelda Posts: 11 Member
    The easiest way is to have good genetics which aid an elastic skintone. I am extraordinarily fortunate-I have a lousy skin care routine, spend a fair amount of time outside in the Australian sun , although I do use a high protection factor sunblock, and I am remarkably unwrinkled for someone who is over fifty. At the moment I look a little jowly as I am fatter faced than I would like, but as the fat is being reduced, I am looking younger - or so my husband says. But then I've never been a great beauty as my face is very assymetric, so keeping my ugly mug unwrinkled is a bit wasted on me!
    Tha same genetics mean that I did not have much in the way of visible stretch marks after having children (they disappeared after a few months) with no effort in the way of potions or lotions or diet on my part.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    The easiest way is to have good genetic

    Well, as soon as they crack reverse genetic engineering, we can all toddle off to the genetics lab to get our family history edited.

    Otherwise, "good for you!"
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Bump for later
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I made a post last week because I'm starting to get bat wings (no wrinkles so far). The response was that it was inevitable. Not willing to believe I was powerless, I did internet research. These items pretty much everyone agrees on.

    1. Diet at a healthy pace. Crash dieting that causes rapid weight loss is a main cause of loose skin. Avoid crash diets and focus on losing no more than 2 pounds per week.

    2. Eat a nutrient rich diet. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids will improve your skin’s elasticity and overall health. Avoid foods processed with chemicals to give them a long shelf life. Stick to a diet rich in whole foods.

    3. Make sure you get enough high quality protein in your diet. This help prevents the loss of lean muscle mass and is needed for the muscle you are building.

    4. Take a multivitamin. Making sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to repair and nourish itself is an important part of skin health.

    5. Hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water. Hydrated, healthy skin can bounce back into shape easier. Water is also important for a body's functions, including skin repair. Try to drink at least 1 liter of water a day. Avoid carbonated drinks that strip your body of calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

    6. Exercise!. Exercise! Exercise builds muscle and muscle acts as a support system for skin.

    Building muscle is an important part of loose skin prevention. You want the muscle to take the place of the fat that is being lost to prevent too much sagging skin.

    7. Exfoliate your skin daily and use an intensive moisturizer twice a day. This will encourage elasticity and circulation to help tighten your skin.

    Thanks for this :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Good nutrition, exercise and weight loss have done it for me. I had a waitress card me about a week ago for a beer, and look at me incredulously as she read my ID. She couldn't believe that I'm almost 41. That made my day. :bigsmile:

    Keep up the weight loss, OP. Watch your nutrient intake, drink lots of water, and use sunscreen. You can't stop aging, none of us can, but stick with the basics.
  • rosielko
    rosielko Posts: 81 Member
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Bump....I think as we lose weight were going to notice some changes in skin elasticity all round (the face included) Believe it or not there was some yoga exercises' you can do to tone up the face on you tube worth a watch, a couple I found may help and I felt I would use... I think over time as with every thing else your skin shouldn't tighten up, I doubt you'll be wrinkle free (as much as we would all like to be) but every bit helps :)
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Big or small, wrinkles are inevitable. Just do what you can to be healthy and realize that we all grow old. Unless we die young, which sucks a whole lot more than getting a few wrinkles.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am 52 and worried about the same thing. I didn't want to look old and shriveled. Ha-ha! To my surprise, everyone has commented that I look so much younger than my old, fat self. I have found that looking fit gives me the appearance of looking younger than my unfit peers. Go for fit and strong, not skinny.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Losing weight does have a habbit of making your skin look 'craggy' for a while. A few people commented that I was looking too thin in the face ( politely) I usually responded by saying that I had to grow back into my face and give it a little time to catch up with the rest of me haha.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I was reading about this - I think that after such a long time of weight loss, maintaining your weight for a year may help 'realign' your body. So to speak. Get your hormones settled.

    Also, ages ago, I read an article about a Hollywood dermatologist who recommended high fat diets to his clients. High fats as in good fats: avocados, olive oil etc... His suggestion was something like 50% fat or something like that. But I can see where he's coming from though - I'd defo make sure you had plenty of happy fats in your diet.

    And I'd also recommend some form of face exercises too. I keep meaning to start doing those, but I forget. But ages ago when I did them for a few months, I saw a little 'lift'. I had an old copy of 'Eva Fraser's Facial Workout', but I'm sure others work just as well.

    This is what I'm gonna go by anyway! I can't tell if I'm looking any older in the face yet... I always look tired, but that's not weight loss related!
  • fitsmith1
    fitsmith1 Posts: 3
    Alovera gel also helps.Try it out.No side effects.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am 35. I use clean and clear face scrub with the micro beads, Nutrigina (sp) face sunscreen and clean and clear face lotion. Vaseline on my body, exfoliate daily using Oil of olay coco butter body wash and a scruffy.