List Of Low Calorie Foods EVERYONE should know about!!



  • vk2011
    vk2011 Posts: 4
    It is great to see that there alternatives, however all of these alternatives do not tackle the actual problem: as to why we crave those foods?

    Easily digested sugars (incl. sucrose in diet drinks and foods) give us a quick boost, rather than long lasting energy.

    After a long research into why some of just gain weight while others dont seem to get any, well here's why:

    1. Replacing easily digestible carbs (breads, flour based products) with rice can make a drastic difference on your weight loss. Has anyone wondered why Japanese women are so slim? Well, they don't eat bread or high sugar based foods because they do not crave it! It happens because they eat a small portion of rice with every meal, and by small i mean a tiny bowl of it, this also applies to breakfast.

    2. Japanese women have salads, soups, fish and meat for breakfast! This gives y
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    .... saving to read later
  • vk2011
    vk2011 Posts: 4
    It is great to see that there alternatives, however all of these alternatives do not tackle the actual problem: as to why we crave those foods?

    Easily digested sugars (incl. sucrose in diet drinks and foods) give us a quick boost, rather than long lasting energy.

    After a long research into why some of just gain weight while others dont seem to get any, well here's why:

    1. Replacing easily digestible carbs (breads, flour based products) with rice can make a drastic difference on your weight loss. Has anyone wondered why Japanese women are so slim? Well, they don't eat bread or high sugar based foods because they do not crave it! It happens because they eat a small portion of rice with every meal, and by small i mean a tiny bowl of it, this also applies to breakfast.

    2. Japanese women have salads, soups, fish and meat for breakfast! This gives you good long lasting carbs and proteins for the day as even cornflakes however good may seem, are never enough before you will start craving snacks.

    3. Eating vegetables and fruits as close to minimal cooking as possible, will give you not only necessary vitamins but also minerals for your body to function properly.

    4. Arranging food in small portions and enjoying the view of them - "eating with your eyes" is very important, as you would want to slow down to enjoy what you are eating, and learn to appreciate the flavour of what you are eating.

    5. Last but not the least, eating until you are 80%full is vital, as we all know that being full to the top is not the most pleasant feeling that will make us immobile after good intake.

    I have been a big fan of green tea for my whole life, and even though some may say it tastes dull, the truth is it doesn't if you don't surprises your taste buds by consuming high in salt, fat and sugar foods.

    Try it and you will see the results next day, on how much easier it is to. E healthier and lighter.
  • jadeemma51
    jadeemma51 Posts: 6
  • sugar_cube
    sugar_cube Posts: 23 Member
    thanks for sharing. I've seen the shirataki noodles in the store before/heard about them but never felt the need to buy them. I think i'll buy some to try the cookies. I eat unconsciously at sometimes/eat to eat which i'm trying to get away from so something that is only a few cals would be better.
  • n8na
    n8na Posts: 76 Member
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,140 Member
    I would end up with a cart full of processed food, not my thing, not to mention taste. Lots of low cal foods that are natural and nutritious.
  • ThickNThunda
    ThickNThunda Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the list
  • Missy8856
    Missy8856 Posts: 29
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
  • sheguay
    sheguay Posts: 14
    Thank you so much! This is great...I am going to copy and paste to a doc to print and have handy. You put a lot of work into this and I appreciate it! Have a great week.
  • jwuchef87
    jwuchef87 Posts: 110 Member
  • sashanicole88
    sashanicole88 Posts: 180 Member
    bump! <3 thanks!
  • pinkri
    pinkri Posts: 11
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    A few to add! Swiss Miss makes a diet hot chocolate thats 25 cal per pack.

    Sara Lee makes 3 types of bread that are 45 per slice so 90 for 2. I have never heard of the brand that you mentioned but I've picked up the Sara Lee "45 & delightful" at several different stores (all regular grocery stores)
  • morbidbones
    morbidbones Posts: 20 Member
    this list just make me sad.

    what about protein intake, calcium, fiber ect ect?

    philadelhia cheese may have little kcals, but it's basically made of jello + some milk, has half of the protein and cacium other fresh cheeses have. will not touch this **** with 2m long stick...

    I'm not suggesting by this list not to have a balanced diet, I'm just suggesting alternative to some temptations that are high in calories. Having these things ALONG WITH a balanced diet is harmless. Well, that's just my opinion anyway.

    And not all of these things are processed or artificial. The cereal I mention is extremely good for you, and the green tea, and others.
  • lesa0915
    lesa0915 Posts: 6
  • Melaniemarie86
    Melaniemarie86 Posts: 57 Member
    For bread, I really like Schwebel's Smart Light Wheat bread. It's only 35 calories per slice and only 8 carbs per slice, 3 grams of fiber. (Making 16g carbs and 6g fiber per two slices.) It's really good and the best I've found when trying to find a bread low in calories and net carbs!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I'm not a big fan of "fake" foods and the whole idea of 0 cal foods like the noodles doesn't really work for me (I don't see why you would ever want to eat a whole dish of something with no calories, what's the point??)

    But, I do think it is worth exploring the world of fabulous herbs and spices and other items to make food more interesting - fresh coriander and basil, dried chilli, lemon zest, lime juice are some of my favorites. Just a little dash of any of them make an average meal into something special for only a few more cals.

  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member