List Of Low Calorie Foods EVERYONE should know about!!



  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    If for nothing more than the pasta stuff, I want to marry you.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    How has nobody commented on OP's clearly pro-ana tumblr ( or noted the fact that she's 5'4.5 and trying to get down to 100 lbs? Girl, I'm concerned about you :/

    *scrolls through OP's tumblr*

    HOLY ****.


  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member

    1. Miracle Noodles (0 calories!):
    this is probably the number 1 most miracle of all foods. They taste pretty much like any noodle (flavorless) except slightly chewier, which is definitively worth it for the 0 calories! you can order them on amazon, and there are a list of shops you can get them in on their official website. and they can NOT ONLY be used as noodles.. i have found a recipe online where you can use them to make 10 CALORIE COOKIES (this is the link > ) so all in all, these things are pretty much da bomb.

    May have to try these. Even when I go the broccoli, grilled chicken with whole wheat pasta route its a lot of calories for the pasta. Thx.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    thanks for sharing! now, I wanna try that miracle noodles!

    These noodles are made from glucomanan. This is a soluble fiber that makes you feel full. If taken in large amounts can cause cramping and diarrhea and can interfere with the absorption of some medications so you should take your meds an hour before you plan to ingest the glucomanan. If you google Miracle noodle it will give you a link that you can search for a store in your area that carries them. Many posters have indicated that they have a very obnoxious smell but if you rinse them in hot water the smell will go away.

    Yeah, and there are brands other than Miracle Noodle. Nooodle, Skinny Noodle, Konjac. They're sold in my local supermarkets (Nooodle brand), but I gotta say, I don't find that the smell, which is truly horrific, goes away when rinsed. I don't like the things myself. But if you could make yourself eat them, they'd be a useful tool, I suppose. Not all are made from glucomanan, a few zero cal noodles are tofu based, so be careful to read the label if you are soy-restricted for any reason. Usually the tofu-based ones are refrigerated even before opening, and the glucomanan only variety are not.
  • shadowvampira
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    How has nobody commented on OP's clearly pro-ana tumblr ( or noted the fact that she's 5'4.5 and trying to get down to 100 lbs? Girl, I'm concerned about you :/

    Because her list is less helpful if she's got another problem? It looks like a lot of people found her list helpful and she hasn't broken the rules with this post--it's NOT pro-ana in any way. If her tumblr is, that's another thing, but this post does nothing to promote extreme dieting. I fail to see why it's appropriate to comment on her personal life because she made a list of low calorie foods to share with other people. Looks like the people who appreciated her list weren't in any way suffering from anorexia.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    It was a good list until number 9.

    My thoughts exactly :)

    Maybe instead of thinking about soda think about those carbonated water with fruit flavors a lot of places sell now a days? :)

    How are these different from diet soda? Both the "flavored waters" and the diet soda contain carbonated water, artificial sweetener and natural and artificial flavor. Read the label. Just because they give it a different name doesn't make it something different. Those flavored waters ARE diet sodas!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    It is great to see that there alternatives, however all of these alternatives do not tackle the actual problem: as to why we crave those foods?

    Easily digested sugars (incl. sucrose in diet drinks and foods) give us a quick boost, rather than long lasting energy.

    After a long research into why some of just gain weight while others dont seem to get any, well here's why:

    1. Replacing easily digestible carbs (breads, flour based products) with rice can make a drastic difference on your weight loss. Has anyone wondered why Japanese women are so slim? Well, they don't eat bread or high sugar based foods because they do not crave it! It happens because they eat a small portion of rice with every meal, and by small i mean a tiny bowl of it, this also applies to breakfast.

    2. Japanese women have salads, soups, fish and meat for breakfast! This gives y

    Diet drinks with SUCROSE? You're joking, right? Sucralose, perhaps, but not sucrose. Sucrose is the "other sugar" in HFCS; the majority sugar in HFCS usually. It's usually 55% sucrose / 45% fructose. Sucrose is the sugar in table sugar like cane sugar. Diet foods contain either artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine, AND/OR sugar alcohols (which the body can't digest easily so they have fewer calories--but also can cause diarrhea for this reason) like mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol, AND/OR other low cal sweeteners like stevia. A few use low glycemic index sugars like agave. In the 1970s and 1980s low cal foods were often made with pure fructose (not HFCS) because fructose tastes sweeter per calorie than sucrose so you could use less and get lower calories that way.
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    Morbidbones - you need some therapy.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I can't read through all of this! But also there are the Tofu Shiritaki Noodles which are about 20 cals for a whole package. They make a good pasta substitute.
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    This list is not for everyone to know about. I do need to eat fewer calories to lose weight, but I thought the whole point in this was to east more natural and less processed. Having things taste sweet but without sugar to me is counter-intuitive and screams that it can't be good for you. These are not low calorie real foods, these are engineered tools for people who think they are eating healthy because they lose some weight.

    It depends on your goals. Personally, I have not made any attempt to eat more natural or less processed, because it's not something I believe in and personally, I think you can be healthy while eating some processed foods. Also, eating healthy and trying to lose weight are not necessarily the same thing, and not everyone wants to do both.

    I love the OP's post! I knew about some of these, but there's definitely some stuff I want to try!
  • trinity1164
    trinity1164 Posts: 10 Member
  • RebeccaRivastx
    Awesome!!! I just ordered the noodles from amazon, I had never heard of them! I'm italian and have pasta (which is my weakness) atleast twice a week. So Thanks!!!!
  • ali_louise
    ali_louise Posts: 14
  • Bondgirlforever
    Bondgirlforever Posts: 64 Member
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
  • BrittaneyHG
    BrittaneyHG Posts: 98 Member