30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • I'm on the 30 Day Shred too, except I'm doing it pretty differently than most. It's not really a 30 Day Shred, its more like a 30 Days of when I'm not working at an amusement park Shred.
    I walk about 7-8 miles every day I work (which is a huge deal considering that I spend the school year sitting at a desk) so those days kick my butt enough that I can't work out on those days. So I end up doing about 4 days of the shred a week.
    I know its not the way Jillian designed it, but I'm still seeing results! They're just a little slower than everyone else.
    Glad to see so many people doing it though. <3
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I am going to have to get this 30 day shred. I've only heard good things about it and think that I need to try it out!!

    Just to let you know....On amazon.com they have a package deal for 3 of Jillians Dvd's for $25 or $30 - Depending on which 3 you want...Just wanted to pass this on!!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm also starting day 1 today. I've done level 1 in the past but then started cycling and walking a lot and didn't proceed with L2 & 3. I'm ready and motivated to do the whole programme this time round! :) Anyone feel free to add me so we can motivate each other and keep each other going :)
  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello All,

    Started this crazy journey with Jilly yesterday. Seriously thought I was gonna DIE!! Every single time I start to think I am getting into shape I do something stupid like start a 30 day shred and reality hits me smack in the face!! I am doing M-F taking weekends off. Not sure how that is going to work/hinder progress but we will see. Best of luck to all of us!!! Took measurements and photos on Sunday for comparison at the end.
  • angellmoore
    angellmoore Posts: 72 Member
    Today was day 9 of level 1. It still kills, but not as bad. Mainly the jumping jacks then jumpropes. I love it!! I also do other exercise during the day to help with the stiffness and such. I walk my dog and was even able to jog with him yesterday. I have not taken a break from 30d shred. I've read that some people do and some don't, so I think I will just listen to my body. :)
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I started 30 DS last night...LOVED it, but damn Jillian is a beast! My thighs and arms are the most sore today...but yet, I can't wait till after work when I can do it again. My problem is I"m afraid I don't do crunches correctly...that I pull up with my neck to much, vs my abs. Any suggestions on how to do them properly? Otherwise, I'm loving it....no pain no gain!
  • mwitherite
    mwitherite Posts: 26 Member
    On day 16 of the 30 day shred!! trying to keep my motivation alive. Are you all only doing it once a day or multiple times??
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    I will be starting as soon as it comes in the mail.. Probably in just a few days! Thanks for the thread!
  • mwitherite
    mwitherite Posts: 26 Member
    My problem is I"m afraid I don't do crunches correctly...that I pull up with my neck to much, vs my abs. Any suggestions on how to do them properly? Otherwise, I'm loving it....no pain no gain!

    When I was a gymnast we had to hold our ears (literally) and make sure our chin was NEVER EVER EVER touching our chest. point your chin to the ceiling and crunch away! :) Hope that helps you some!
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    My problem is I"m afraid I don't do crunches correctly...that I pull up with my neck to much, vs my abs. Any suggestions on how to do them properly? Otherwise, I'm loving it....no pain no gain!

    When I was a gymnast we had to hold our ears (literally) and make sure our chin was NEVER EVER EVER touching our chest. point your chin to the ceiling and crunch away! :) Hope that helps you some!

    That helps me a ton.....thank you! I might look crazy holding the ears, but I'll try anything. LOL!
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I'm waiting on my DVD to arrive...then it's BURN time!
  • amhouge
    amhouge Posts: 2
    HI everyone! My twin sister started 30 day shred last week and its motivated me to start as well! I am in the process of moving so I can start until Sunday, but then I will be right on track with you all! Feel free to add me! Id love all the support! Good luck!
  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    I'm on day 9 level 1. I watched level 2 last night and it looks crazy. So far I've lost 3 inches from my waist so I'm pretty excited to complete the full 30 days.
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    On day 16 of the 30 day shred!! trying to keep my motivation alive. Are you all only doing it once a day or multiple times??
    I do it once a day. My lil' princess has a nap in the morning so that's when I do it, then I try to go for a walk in the afternoon with the lil' princess on her pram. Weather pending of course :wink:
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday May 14th! Cant wait to see my results!
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I'm on day 6 of level one. I was better at the lunges but that first set of jump rope always kills me. Everything else I'm doing fine with. I feel like my core has gotten stronger!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Day 13 for me! (Day 3 of level 2)

    Going strong! I've been pairing my workout with another workout - either another Jillian DVD, swimming, kickboxing, or 5k practice runs. :)

    While my weight isn't really budging, I've already lost some inches and my body fat percentage went down! Very psyched!
  • Mary_Kate
    Mary_Kate Posts: 25 Member
    Hi to all you shredders!

    Just completed day 2 of level 1 and I'm broken :) Before I started tonight my legs were really sore and now I can barely sit down! Agghhh.

    Please tell me I'm not alone in this agony. How long before it passes? I mean, by what day do you feel comfortable and not feel like your legs are on fire??

    It depends on how active you were before you started. But don't worry, your legs won't always be really sore. Usually by day 4 you'll notice your legs getting stronger and they shouldn't be as sore and stiff. Make sure you are stretching more than what Jillian has you do and drink PLENTY of water both before and after your workout.

    After starting level 2 and working my muscles in a different way than I did in level 1 I was sore again, but only for a couple of days. I just finished day 5 of level 2 and notice I'm not as sore now as I was before.

    Here's a few stretches you can try: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_1/126.shtml Make sure your body is already warmed up before doing any major stretching. If you aren't stretching right after your workout, then jog in place a little, do some jumping jacks then stretch out.

    Again..HYDRATION is the key, make sure to drink some water and replace some of your lost salts/minerals with a recovery drink. I can't remember the name of the powder I use now, but when I get home tonight I can post it for you. When I used to take spinning classes, my instructor said to drink an 8oz glass of chocolate milk after exercise to feed your body.

    Hang in there, you can do it!

    Thanks for the advice! I went for a gentle walk this evening before hitting the shred and have done lots of stretching too. Gonna do some more stretches before bed and in the morning too. Just had some ordinary skimmed milk after my workout today but chocolate milk sounds way better :)

    So yeah day 3 level 1 done and dusted. Good luck shreddies!
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I was using 5 lbs but my shoulders began to hurt. I'm going to walmart to get the 2lbs and see if that feels better.

    Hi! I am also on day 1 today. Can I ask everyone what size hand weights did you use?
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I was using 5 lbs but my shoulders began to hurt. I'm going to walmart to get the 2lbs and see if that feels better.

    Hi! I am also on day 1 today. Can I ask everyone what size hand weights did you use?

    I am using 2lb weights right now as well.....I have never had much upper body strength, so I thought 2 lbs was a good start.