40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Today was my husbands birthday. Made him a nice breakfast before he had to go to work and got him a gift card for Lowes. Its so generic of a gift but I swear he's so hard to shop for. Every tool he owns!

    I got my mothers day gift from my daughter today.... Turbo jam! So I did the 20 minute workout. This seems like a program that ia can squeeze in when I work and hopefully get insiprerd again to do more! I don't know how you ladies do it.... Work, kids, house, and exercise!

    Hope all you beautiful ladies have a fantastic mothers day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I think it was a *great* Mother's Day! Weather was perfect. Hubby made brunch. Afternoon at a local theatre production and a supper out at a nice steakhouse. Yum!

    Today, I am meeting with a personal trainer. I'll get back to NROL4W on Wednesday. I'd like to ask the personal trainer some questions about my "form" on the big lifts....but, I'm not sure what he has planned, so we shall see.

    I can *tell* I had a LOT of food, yesterday - and a LOT of sodium. (It was a "planned" maintenance day....I'm pretty sure I went OVER maintenance, though.)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    I'm 43, and it *is* tougher to keep the scale in check. On the other hand, it's only been 6 months since I've LEARNED that all my constant-cardio hasn't really GOTTEN me the "body shape" that I want. Sheesh. There I am, running around like a rat in a cage for DECADES and, while I have a strong ticker, it hasn't really resulted in anything else that I want.

    No kidding!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Trainer just ran me through some paces - mostly working my quads (even though I already told him I'm "quad-dominant" and would MUCH prefer to work my lazy glutes!). Fine - it was a good work-out....but, I'm not gonna drop some dough on a guy that isn't listening in the first 30 minutes I've met him!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Beeps... How awesome is it to have a personal trainer. But I agree, he should be listening to you.

    My dog is allergic to the weeds that pop up in spring and sense we had to cut down a couple trees there's even more! The poor thing had a rash all over his body last night. And the pad on his paw swelled up. That never happened before. Needless to say, not a lot of sleep for me last night. Thank god for that medicated shampoo I think we will be sleeping oh so much better tonight.

    I can't believe learn and burn is considered a program in turbo jam to follow for beginners. Guess they wanted something for extreme beginners
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Beautiful week here! Hoping to walk to work everyday, continuing with my jogging, can't wait to get out in the garden some more! Happy belated mother's day to everyone!
    Tron: Turbo Jam looks like a good video, I may have to check it out. How are you liking it?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member

    I'm 43, and it *is* tougher to keep the scale in check. On the other hand, it's only been 6 months since I've LEARNED that all my constant-cardio hasn't really GOTTEN me the "body shape" that I want. Sheesh. There I am, running around like a rat in a cage for DECADES and, while I have a strong ticker, it hasn't really resulted in anything else that I want.

    No kidding!!

    Don't give up. You have at least gotten your heart healthier. With a stronger heart you can be more active. Good luck.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    oh my gosh, nooooooo, I do *not* have a personal trainer (on any regular basis). A friend of mine gave me 2 free sessions with HER personal trainer. I used one, yesterday, and the next one I'm using on May 23.

    I'm not worried about my heart-health. I work-out (nearly) every day - it's healthy. I just am not interested in endless bouts of cardio (anymore). That's all.

    I actually WON'T get a work-out in today...I have a lunch engagement and a supper engagement. So, I'll perfect my diet today and make sure it's a salad and a lean protein for each of those meals, and that's it.

    What are YOU doing, today, to MAKE IT GREAT????
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    ferff3.... I just got the program and have only done the 20 minute workout so far but I like it. Its not too terribly hard like P90X and so far it seems like something I can reasonably do after work to get back into the habit of exercising. I'll let ya know how the other parts of the program are after I do them....
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hey everyone I am 47 will be 48 on June 7 and I consider myself pretty cool!!! LOL! I have reached My "goal weight " around October 2011 doing Jillian 30 day shred,Ripped in 30and running and riding the stationary bike. But the scale lies!! I have been strength training for about 5 months now, I am down one pants size to a size 2 but gained 3lbs!! Very happy with my lifting progress! My one year anniversary coming up in 13 days! I want to live a life that is quality filled!!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Rock on fellow cool kid!

    My clock ticks 47 this coming July.

    I am a few lbs off my original "wish list" weight and I am in the process of starting some more "serious" weight/strength training.

    As far as I am concerned, 47 is the new 20!!

    Right now I can run circles around my two 20+ year old children. And, I am in the best shape of my life.
  • DrGeriK
    DrGeriK Posts: 61 Member
    That's great jaeone! Congrats on reaching your goal weight. The scale can be deceptive, if you have a salty meal, the water weight packs on. I know when I have pizza, I'm 3-5 lbs heavier the next day. I'm 53 yo and am finally getting serious about my weight. I've lost about 17 lbs (some before MFP) and have about 79 more to go. At first the scale didn't move much for me, but I did drop a pants size. Then the scale went down. I'm at a standstill now with the weight but I'm not discouraged. This weight will come off. Keep up the great work jaeone!!
  • grandmeem
    grandmeem Posts: 28
    :flowerforyou: I'm 50 and my kids assure me that I am still cool...for a mom. I love my family and have lost 70 lbs since August of 2010. 3 more pounds to go. Friend me if you like, I'm always looking for new friends :flowerforyou:
    DCUMM Posts: 9
    Hi! Thanks for the info! I'm also 40...turning 41 in June. Almost half way to my goal weight and JUST ordered Jililan so I'm excited to try it. I had really hit a low point and haven't moved anywhere this last month. Hoping that his will kick start things to get moving again. Congratulations on hitting your goal and being a size 2! Wow, that will never happen to me, but I can dream of the single digits at least :)
  • Gamaesca
    Gamaesca Posts: 13
    Hello all! I too I'm a cool Mom and Grandma! Need to lose my last 40, hope I can get your support
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    just book-marking....carry on...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Hello FAB 40's+!!

    Today I did my first B work-out in Stage 5 of NROL4W. With only 4 reps per set, it just feels like DREAM-LAND. I like it very much!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Just checking in! Been out walking and playing with the kids everyday. Walked to and from work everyday. Still jogging every other day. If only I could get my eating under control. Oh and I'm sure that all my wine isn't helping my waist line at all. It's our long weekend coming up. (Victoria DAy) Looking forward to some bbqs, wine and fireworks. Might have to step up the jogging this weekend! Happy Wednesday!!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Yes, I'm the cool "old" mom here....didn't want to be the fat, old, cool mom...so here I am!!! :drinker: 41 next month and getting better every year!:bigsmile: