What do you do for a living?



  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    I'm in the Air Force. I work in a flying squadron with the aircrew of the CV22 Osprey. Unfortunately, I sit at a desk. Blah. I try and stand up and walk around as much as I can but sometimes I just get glued to my computer! They do take me flying sometimes though, so I'm not really TOO mad :)
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    Im team leader for clean filling room for a pharmaceutical company... constantly on the go! Some days i burn more workout than i do working out! There are down days only once in a while but even those days are sometimes hectic!
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Design Lead + Web Application / Web Site designer and developer + Project Manager (Well, not certified - I'm being mentored to add PM to my skill set)


    Design Guru and Code Jockey transitioning into Overlord. Heh.

    So I spend a lot of time at a desk. We go for 20-30min mid day walks when the weather is nice. I also try to get up and move around every hour or so. I also get tired of sitting. So sometimes I work standing up (check emails, make calls, throw paper airplanes, etc). I generally keep active on weekends (lots of walking, hiking, running around) and do Kung Fu twice a week (burning anywhere from 460-600+ HRM-measured calories depending on intensity of class that day). Currently, I have been only able to fit in one day of cardio and/or cardio + weights on and off per week. My plan is to get back to strength training 3xs a week in addition to Kung Fu.

    Luckily a lot of our team is health conscious, so we're constantly chatting and exchanging ideas on nutrition, health and fitness. Which is great also because our boss is a chocoholic and is constantly bringing in evil things like triple chocolate cake and double chocolate chip cookies and entemans donuts. >_<
  • I do not work any longer.... by choice. For 20 years I worked with high school students that have emotional and behavioral disorders. The world began to look pretty dismal to me.... it seemed that there were no good people in the upcoming generation!! I also worked as a server at night for an upscale steakhouse. Between the two of those jobs, I weighed 107. Now, I am at 143... and 3 months ago was at 153. Trying to get back into all my old clothes!! Now, I am at home, which, in my opinion is pretty boring. What I would not give for a workout buddy/friend!!! But, alas.... I have not been able to find one. So, now I have come to know that it will be up to me to do this!!
  • Robin052
    Robin052 Posts: 18 Member
    I too am on disability for lower lumbar issues. And about 8 months ago I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I had gained like 40 lbs in a year and a half which baffled me because I am a vegetarian and diabetic. So I went to an endocrinologist and he told me about my hypothyroidism. He has me on medication which has finally kicked in. Just last week I felt good enough to get on my treadmill and did 30 minutes. I wasn't in that much pain before I started but afterwards, the pain kicked in but I didn't care. I need to start moving and doing cardio to burn calories. Yesterday I did 35 minutes and working slowly up to an hour, then will try to go to wind sprints like I used to.

    Before getting on disability, I stocked shelves for a grocery store because they were the only ones who would hire me. All that lifting and bending really killed my back and now the bulging discs have arthritis, but I was a lot thinner from all the work I was doing. Crazy, huh?

    Thank you for bringing up this topic. It really resonated with me.
  • frostypenn
    frostypenn Posts: 7
    I've been disabled 12 years and am exercising as I can to try to get some strength back. My recent successes include up to an hour cataloging DVDs at the library volunteer (several times), and 1 and 1/2 hours being groom assistant at a couple polo games. The guys think it's odd I want to work when I can do so little, but I work for free, so they let me. I can do all the motions I need to - I just get exhausted and need 3 to 8 days to recover. I also do yoga once a week in a class, and some of the more beneficial and successful positions at home with a DVD.
    I have a veggie garden and fruit trees - work I can do or let ride, according to what would be best for my body at that time. I can't commit to anything regularly, but I can get out and move when it's available.
  • Taylocy
    Taylocy Posts: 1
    I am a massage therapist so I am on my feet all the time. But I work next to a Gi Gi's Cupcake place and there are 5 restaurant that share the same parking lot of the spa I work at. On my day off I am normally running around like crazy to get everything done, I don't know exactly how many calories I burn during a one hour massage but I have heard everything from 150 to 400 calories.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm a Marketing Coordinator and Graphic Designer for a company in a very small town in Ohio. I still ALL day long, but I try to fit little bits of activity throughout my day. For example, I walk to the farthest bathroom instead of the one that is close to my cubical, I stand up whenever I get a chance, and sometimes I'll take my lunch break to go for a 20 minute walk.

    I work 8am - 5pm and don't get home until around 6pm so I cook dinner and try to fit a workout in. Usually it's no more than 20-30 minutes of circuit training in my living room, but I feel that it has helped my endurance. I have asthma, so I can't do strenuous exercises like running or jogging, so circuit training has definitely helped me out. On the weekends I do 40 - 60 minute workouts, but I don't do well on calorie intake on weekends, so I do extra exercise to make up for it.

    If you can't do much due to a disability, you can do boxing, which gets some cardio in!
  • Work for a charity as a fundraiser. Love it.
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a nurse, but I also have knee arthritis so I don't walk very quickly anymore. Annoying for friends and family who might want to walk with me...so I walk with my older dog. The pace is just right for both of us I also garden during the spring, summer and fall. I used to do Bikram yoga, but it seemed to take a toll on my knees and I am resting from any extreme exercising at this time.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    you know its weird for a while i worked in a factory where i was on my feet all day and i gained weight then i was a mental health tech and on my feet all day and gained weight now i work as an accountant and sit at my desk all day now i'm losing weight i think the problem was now when i work out my body can rest instead of going 12 hours on my feet
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I work in insurance. I am on my rear most of the day staring at a compooter screen (and on the phone dealing with idiots) so I go to the gym almost every day at lunch plus do a few work outs at home during the week. The gym helps me work out the stress. I have a heart condition so the doctors have limited what I can do but I push the boundries since I feel I know my body and their advice is for the masses and not so much tailored to me.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Nuclear Equipment Seismic Qualification.

    Trying to prevent another Fukushima Disaster!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    As of now, im super mom, but i have a nursing degree and mostly worked for at home company's that worked with terminal patients, usually. After we are done with kids, and they are school age, i plan to go back to school for my RN or switch to physical therapy and work with vets.
  • considermac
    considermac Posts: 59
    I am an analyst, so I have a desk job. I workout at 6:15 am 3-4 times per week and run 1-2 times per week at night. Some weeks it doesn't work so well and then some weeks I am a rockstar! Its about priorities.
  • acourtwdw
    acourtwdw Posts: 1 Member
    I sell appliances at the nation's leading electronics store. I am on my feet about 8 hours a day. I tend to pace around the department when I'm not with customers. I try to go to the gym 3-5 times a week after work.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I'm a data warehouse analyst so I'm on my butt most of the day, unless I'm walking to another snoozefest of a meeting.
    I workout in the mornings (get up at the fun hour of 4:00) to get my dog walked and my workout in and then walk the dog again at night.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I run my parents farm-lots of calories to be burn there, and I am also studying for my bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I'm a Licensed Insurance Representative for State Farm---maybe Agent one day! :) So of course I'm on my butt all day!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Rn in public health. I work M-F 8-5 and sometimed teach CMA classes from 530-930, when I get off. I usually get up at 6 and workout and workout in the eveings when I get home. I TRY to total 90 min daily.