Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    What?! Somebody stole my story?! :angry:

    Those thieving Hollywood *kitten*!
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    Bump! I luv scary stories too :smile:
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    This is a true story that happened very recently. A widow in our church was at home and alone when her cell phone rang. The caller I.D. said the call was coming from her land line (the house she was in). She answered the phone, but there was no one on the line. She just said. " I miss you and I love you" and hung up the phone. It was the 1 year anniversary of her husbands death. This is not the type of woman to make up a story, so I believe her 100 percent.

    That gave me chills.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I think some people are sensitive to ghosts/spirits and some aren't. If you are, you see them. If not, you don't.

    I agree with others. I've had a ton of experiences and my kids have the "gift" too, but don't want to share it here and listen to the ridicule from the non-believers.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    My grandma lived in a house we believed to be haunted, usually things went missing and turned up in odd places. I loved the show "Psychic Challenge" I think it was on TLC a few years ago, and it was amazing what some of them can do. They had different challenges but one was where they took them to the scene of a crime and they had to describe it and it was uncanny how some of them could get details.

    I remember that show. That was uncanny. Loved to watch it!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Two days after my mom died I was laying in bed on my tummy and felt my boyfriend sit down on the side of my bed and start rubbing my back lightly with one hand it felt really comforting and I turned over to see him and no one was sitting there at all
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    Okay, I'll say mine and hopefully won't get any mean comments from people who don't believe. My Mom and Stepdad live in a house that was previously owned by a lady named Margwen. Margwen was elderly and died in the houses - natural causes, nothing weird about it. Mom and Stepdad have lived in the house for 7 years or so and Mom has always said she "felt something" in the house. I never have. Mom and Stepdad have both "sensed" something even though Stepdad is a total non-believer and thinks it is ridiculous....until the night he was sitting on one end of the couch watching TV and saw an "indentation" on the other end of the couch like someone was sitting on it even though he couldn't see anyone. Most common things they hear are knocking and a low muttering voice. Recently they were doing some remodeling - gutted the master bath and did a total remodel in there. While the remodeling was going on, Margwen became very active and freaked out a couple of the guys who were doing some of the work. These guys left the house and refused to come back.

    Shortly after the remodel was finished, I went home for a weekend. I got there on Friday night and Mom and Stepdad were out so I was alone in the house. I was tired when I got there so I watched a little TV then went to bed. Just as I was beginning to drift off I heard a voice and thought Mom and Stepdad had come in the house. I sat up in bed and realized that it wasn't them. Then I thought maybe it was someone outside and then remembered that the next door neighbor is an elderly man who was in GA with his family and wasn't even home, plus it was about 1 in the morning. I laid back down and heard the voice again, just a low muttering - I wasn't able to hear any distinct words. I pulled the covers over my head (I'm 45 - like that is going to protect me!) and fell asleep. The next morning I was telling Mom and Stepdad about it and they said Margwen had been very active around the house, probably a result of all of the remodeling and changes going on.

    About a month ago I was up there, again arriving on a Friday night and Mom and Stepdad were out. I was in my bedroom putting my bags away and getting ready for bed and just got the creeps. Nothing specific, just a "feeling". I went out in the hallway and told Margwen to leave me alone and don't F*** with my SH**. The rest of the night it was quiet with no problems.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I think some people are sensitive to ghosts/spirits and some aren't. If you are, you see them. If not, you don't.

    The place where I used to work was haunted (to put it nicely). I wasn't the only one to see them there. Some of the weird things that happened....

    Only two people had keys to the building, myself and my assistant manager. One night we (assistant manager & I) were having movie night at my house. My phone rang at about 11:30 pm. The caller ID showed that it was from work. There was no one on the line.

    Another night when we working late, we had ordered take out. My assistant went out to pick it up. When he got back we were sitting in my office eating, when very clearly we heard someone yell "Jeff, I'm here." Jeff was my assistant manager. The building was locked and there was no one on the property.

    I was working in the office before the start of business one day. My stair started shaking - if felt like someone was standing behind me and shaking the chair side to side. I got up looked around. Nothing. This happened several times until I finally left the building.

    The list goes on and on. Weird I know, but it happens all the time. Some believe and some don't. Until you experience it, you probably would never believe it.

    I do not think I have ever seen one but I have felt them..maybe that sounds weird. But I know something is there.... twice I saw sparks of light in weird places that looked like a ball of electricity and then it disappeared .. one time even my boyfriend saw it to so I am not sure what that was but he claims his place was haunted
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member

    This is a picture my husband and his friend took when they were out testing their "ghost hunting" equipment.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Okay, I'll say mine and hopefully won't get any mean comments from people who don't believe.

    EXACTLY!!!! so sick of those people ...
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Yes I do.. Here at my place we hear noises out of nowhere, or even see shadows. But... I know who it is, my grandma that died in this house, so I dont freak out. Normally the noises we hear are the noises she used to make when alive, u know, sound of dishes (she loved her morning/night coffee), cabinet´s door closing, or even the sound of her cane while she was walking around.

    I could talk hours about this!, im really into paranormal stuff :smile:
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i do believe in spooks i doidoidoidoido
  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    I do! I've had many experiences... there's actually spirits in my home so occasionally me and my sister (she'll see it too) will see a man walking down the hall.. it's kinda creepy, but we know it's harmless lol I've also seem little kids in the corner of my house... an old woman standing by this big tree outside.. an older woman screaming at night...all that stuff lol I don't really think it's that scary though (aside from the screaming one) because it's been happening for most of my life
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I once spent a few weeks reading this thread:

    Scary stories from the outdoors, all supposedly true.

    I'd stay up til like 3am reading a few pages every night.

    Had a hell of a time gettin to sleep afterwards.
  • davitalynette
    davitalynette Posts: 117 Member
  • Get_It_Done
    Bump! I LOVE ghost stories:)
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    What?! Somebody stole my story?! :angry:

    It appears so,

    I remembered, it because it was one of three movies My mom liked to watch.
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    We used to own an older home where the upstairs was converted into an apartment we rented out, and we lived downstairs. There were many times I would clearly hear footsteps upstairs when no one lived there and there wasn't any way someone could have been up there. In the same house my hairdryer would just turn on by itself.

    My sister in law told me about a time she could hear my 4yr nephew in his room talking to someone when he was supposed to be napping, when she asked him what he was doing, he said "talking to the man" she asked "what man" (they live in the country, with no close neighbors, and he was on the second floor, so there is no way someone was up there) He went on to describe her recently deceased father. She was not close to her dad at all, so my nephew had never met him or seen any pictures. I guess her dad always wore overalls, and my nephew described him to a tee, down to the overalls.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I love Ghost Hunters and some of the last episodes before Grant left were great! If you have On Demand - download them.

    GRANT LEFT??!!!!! What?!!! Why??? :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    Sam Wheat and his fiancée Molly Jensen live in Manhattan. Sam has a high powered job at a local bank, and Molly works on ceramic art. Sam's friend Carl Bruner also works at the bank. Sam holds the passwords to some of the bank's major accounts. While returning home from a movie theater, Sam and Molly are attacked by a mugger named Willie Lopez. As Sam and Willie struggle over Willie's gun, a shot rings out, and Willie runs off. Sam chases Willie, but Willie escapes. Sam then runs back to Molly to see if she's alright -- but Sam finds himself dead in a devastated Molly's arms, and Sam realizes that he is now a ghost. Later, Willie finds Sam and Molly's home, and breaks in while Molly is busy in the bedroom. Sam scares Willie off before Willie can do anything. Molly didn't even know Willie and Sam were in the place. Sam follows Willie to his home, and wants to have Molly turn Willie in, but Sam can't communicate with Molly because Molly can't see him or hear him. Sam visits spiritualist Ona May Brown, who can hear him, but not see him. When Sam convinces Ona May to talk to Molly, Molly refuses to believe what Ona May says, and Carl tells Molly to have nothing to do with Ona May. Sam follows Carl to Willie's apartment, thinking that Carl is about to confront Willie, but instead, Sam watches in shock as Carl chews Willie out for killing Sam. Willie was not supposed to kill Sam -- Willie was supposed to steal the account passwords from Sam's wallet for Carl, so Carl could carry out a drug money laundering operation. Now Sam and Ona May must protect Molly from both Willie and Carl, who thinks the account passwords are in Molly's home.
    OMG..........can't stop laughing!! :laugh: