Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    after my dad passed away I had the stuffed cat that he brought me come flying down the steps... my sister found her shoes in the freezer.. we kinda put 2 and 2 together "don't get cold feet about flying" since we were getting on a plane for the first time in a few weeks.. 32 years old and STILL sleep with that sutffed animal...

    Totally thought you meant a REAL stuffed cat. Then got a bit freaked out when you said you sleep with it...
  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    Every now and again my bathroom tap goes on full force on it's own *gulp*
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    Also, I am not so arrogant as to believe that we know everything there is to know about the universe, life, death or anything else.
  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    When I was a kid, my grandpa was still living on his own in a small town about 20 miles from the city in which we live. He was "not quite right" there at the end and would eat boxes of Ex-Lax and then when my mom and my aunt went to see him they would, um, have a large mess to clean up. So, my mom and my aunt started having us kids hide the Ex-Lax so he could not have them. After my Grandpa died, there were many instances where we could not find something and we would always blame it on Grandpa. I know everyone misplaces things, but these were weird situations... like my mom was going to make us PB&J sandwiches before we were going to a wedding and we could not find the peanut butter anywhere. When we got home, the peanut but was sitting in the middle of our otherwise empty kitchen table. Another time we were out camping over Memorial Day and had gotten mud in the camper. My mom told us to grab the broom and sweep up the mud, but we couldn't find it. We went to the cemetery without cleaning up the mud. When we got back to the camper and opened the door, the broom fell out of the camper so it had to be leaning against the door, which would be impossible to do and still shut the door. Fast forward... my mom died last June. Two weeks ago, I was looking for my broom to sweep my kitchen and could not find it anywhere. I asked my husband and my kids, but no one had seen the broom. My kids went home and my husband and I went out to dinner. When we got home, there was not one, but two brooms leaned up against my kitchen table. The two brooms were exactly alike but we only own one broom. My husband is a complete non-believer and has harrassed me many times over the years when I make my "It was Grandpa" comments when I can't find something, but he had nothing to say when those two brooms were sitting in my kitchen. Now I will be saying "It was Mom" when I can't find what I'm looking for!
  • Jenerferzzz
    Jenerferzzz Posts: 148 Member
    Bump Must come back later when I have more time to read.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I completely believe in the spirit world and ghosts. After several times that my relatives have died I could hear and feel them come to me and whisper things in my ear to tell me goodbye and to take care of my children. Also when my son was little we lived in my wife's grandparents house after both grandparents had past. Brandon(my son) always had trouble sleeping at that time. One night I got up to go to the bathroom and saw him sitting upright in bed looking at the ceiling and giggling. I went into the room and all he could do was point past me to the ceiling and smile. He was about a year and a half at the time. I do believe in spirits.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I think God is the most ridiculous concept imaginable...

    This doesn't say very much for your imagination :flowerforyou:
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I've actually had an experience with a spirit, I won't go into details about it right now, but I will say I wasn't the only one who saw it. Pretty much everyone who drove by our car saw it sitting on our car roof.

    Now this makes me endlessly curious.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Love this thread! So many interesting stories.

    I think me and a friend may have seen something in the local park walking home one night. It was like a white figure that walked across our path a few yards in front of us and my friend said "did you see that", we looked round the corner as we passed but we saw nothing even though the path went on for a long while so unless a person dived in a bush, they just disappeared.

    That's the closest experience I have had.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Oh, I have plenty. Actually have a Paranormal Investigation team. :)
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    I inherited my Aunt and Uncles old home. I have had friends over and its not unusual to see the shadow of an old man and a tiny little woman holding hands as they head for the bedroom they once shared together years ago. I have witnesses. Am I afraid? Nah...the dead can't hurt you....its the live ones you gotta watch.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Sam Wheat and his fiancée Molly Jensen live in Manhattan. Sam has a high powered job at a local bank, and Molly works on ceramic art. Sam's friend Carl Bruner also works at the bank. Sam holds the passwords to some of the bank's major accounts. While returning home from a movie theater, Sam and Molly are attacked by a mugger named Willie Lopez. As Sam and Willie struggle over Willie's gun, a shot rings out, and Willie runs off. Sam chases Willie, but Willie escapes. Sam then runs back to Molly to see if she's alright -- but Sam finds himself dead in a devastated Molly's arms, and Sam realizes that he is now a ghost. Later, Willie finds Sam and Molly's home, and breaks in while Molly is busy in the bedroom. Sam scares Willie off before Willie can do anything. Molly didn't even know Willie and Sam were in the place. Sam follows Willie to his home, and wants to have Molly turn Willie in, but Sam can't communicate with Molly because Molly can't see him or hear him. Sam visits spiritualist Ona May Brown, who can hear him, but not see him. When Sam convinces Ona May to talk to Molly, Molly refuses to believe what Ona May says, and Carl tells Molly to have nothing to do with Ona May. Sam follows Carl to Willie's apartment, thinking that Carl is about to confront Willie, but instead, Sam watches in shock as Carl chews Willie out for killing Sam. Willie was not supposed to kill Sam -- Willie was supposed to steal the account passwords from Sam's wallet for Carl, so Carl could carry out a drug money laundering operation. Now Sam and Ona May must protect Molly from both Willie and Carl, who thinks the account passwords are in Molly's home.

    omg :heart:
  • sassydebbie67
    I have had Ghost experiences since i was 18 years old... I have came face to face with one about 4 months ago ... It scared me badly... I just saw his face , he had blonde hair, black eyes ..

    I have had the ghost to smack me on my not really funny. I have had them to move things around.. Called my name out..
    And so much more... So yes i believe in Ghost..
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I love watching Gun Show -- er, I mean, Zak -- on Ghost Hunters. Er. I mean. I love Ghost Hunters.

  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.

    So are you 100% convinced that you had a supernatural experience with this blanket and sheets incident? Should I take your word as evidence given that I haven't observed any activity that could even remotely be paranormal in my entire life?
  • vness286
    vness286 Posts: 7 Member
    We recently used the Ouiji board and talked to my dead grandpas! One of them told me I would have a baby boy in 8 years!