Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK. Explain this:

    My mom's best friend lives in a very, very old house. It was a stop on the Underground Railroad. When they bought it, they converted the attic into their bedroom, so they sleep on the third floor. On the first floor just off the kitchen is a small half bathroom. One night, they woke up freezing because all their sheets and blankets had been stripped off of them and they saw the blankets and sheets were in a line stretching toward the bedroom door and down the stairs. The trail led all the way down to the first floor and into the half bath where they'd left a candle burning and it was thisclose to catching the curtain on fire.

    I'd say that's more than a strange noise or "something out of the corner of the eye." But keep up the condescension. You are smarter and better than the rest of us, for sure.

    This is an awesome story!

    It really, is. When my parents were splitting up, my mom and I stayed in that house for a few months and there was definitely something there. The house I lived in from 10-17 (built in 1874) had spirits, too.

    Like I said, I have a few stories and most of them cannot be explained away as wind or a settling foundation. They're far more tangible.

    Honestly, I don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone who doesn't believe, though. That's their business. They will one day find out the truth. :smile: They just won't have an easy time letting others know they know.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I think its safe to say there is no such thing as ghosts.
    With out getting overly defensive... can you prove it?

    The burden of proof is on the one making the claim that they exist.

    I hope you meet a spirit one day.
    So that you can **** yourself too.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Loving the stories!

    That said, will people stop comparing ghosts to Santa Claus? Saint Nicholas actually existed. He lived in Turkey. And my dad is the tooth fairy, so clearly the tooth fairy exists, too.

    As for the ghost hunting shows, I just want to know why these guys think it's appropriate to call a woman who is 100 years older than them AND was tortured to death by her first name. Some manners, ghost hunter people!
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    As for the ghost hunting shows, I just want to know why these guys think it's appropriate to call a woman who is 100 years older than them AND was tortured to death by her first name. Some manners, ghost hunter people!

    Huh?! What should a woman like this be called?
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    My fiance told his mum that he'd seen his grandad who lived in Australia (we live in the UK) in his bedroom when he was a little boy, it turns out his grandad had died that night.

    We also went on a ghosthunting experience at an old mansion overnight, it was generally pretty spooky and whilst a lot of stuff was people doing things for attention (this one girl blatantly moved the tables and glasses on the ouija boards etc) which spoiled it a little bit there were some bits that I can't explain. My fiance almost tripped over a little boy in the hall and there was nobody there and I heard somebody say "get out of the room" really clearly when we were listening to radio static, also when we were on the other side of the room and had latched a door behind us it somehow opened, very spooky as it was closed from the inside and there was no way to open it from outside. There were loads more bits and pieces that happened but they were the spookiest ones as I couldn't explain them away.

    Loving this thread, you guys have some great stories!
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    Yes and i have had 5 experiences...

    i'm naturally sensitive to it all.. always have been always will be but most times it's family who visit

    my first visit was when i was a baby don't ask me how i remember this but i do.. my great uncle billy passed as i was still a young baby.. i dreamt he was trying to carry me up to heaven..

    second.. my nana passed when i was 9.. she died in hospital alone and on a ward with strangers.. and it scared the hell out of me.. she came to me that night in a dream and told me she was okay.. that she was well and that grandaddy would soon be joining her..
    two nights later they both come to say good bye...

    now they just stop by with lingering tobacco smoke.. no one in this house.. or the house next door smokes.. the doors are shut and there's no real vents in my room for the smell to float in. i've had many experiences .. but i find peace in each and everyone of them.

    i was 9 when i first lost a loved one that i was old enough to remember.. that my nana few weeks later it was my grandpa.. then at 11 my great uncle jack passed, we then had the tragic 9/11 it was the 2nd or 3rd anniversary of 9/11 when we returned to school to find my best guy pal/also my crush had been sadly killed.. i was 13/14 then at 19 my great nana passed from cancer she kept staring at the ceiling and i reckon my great grand-daddy was sitting in the corner waiting for her <3 then sadly my other great uncle lost his life in a accident.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    As for the ghost hunting shows, I just want to know why these guys think it's appropriate to call a woman who is 100 years older than them AND was tortured to death by her first name. Some manners, ghost hunter people!

    Huh?! What should a woman like this be called?
    Miss [Surname].
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I totally believe in ghosts.

    In fact, me and a few others believe my house is haunted. My ghost, named Sandro, moves my bed, locks me in my bathroom, turns on lights, locks doors... all that fun stuff.

    I'm actually in the middle of trying to get an exorcist that works for a Church nearby to come on over to my place.
  • kelleybelly35
    kelleybelly35 Posts: 73 Member
    i definitely believe in ghost and son who is now 13 still to this day will not go into our master bath when he was about 5 he saw a young girl with long dark hair in there. at night you can hear little kids laughing then heavy footsteps and then running through the house. the activity has gotten worse since we have started remodeling we are taking pictures as we go and our guest bath pictures are full of orbs in one picture and then none in the next. we also can hear an old radio broadcast then a woman screaming and then all you smell is cigarette smoke in the house and no one smokes in our family....yeah just a few to name but our house is a very active place when it comes to ghost and spirits :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    As for the ghost hunting shows, I just want to know why these guys think it's appropriate to call a woman who is 100 years older than them AND was tortured to death by her first name. Some manners, ghost hunter people!

    Huh?! What should a woman like this be called?
    Miss [Surname].

    My only complaint about those shows is the TERRIBLE acting of the "ghost hunters." I believe in this stuff, but even I think the shows are total BS. They need acting lessons and then maybe they'll convince me.

    I wouldn't watch at all, but the boyfriend loves Ghost Adventures, so I get stuck with it sometimes.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at how it works, but I believe that there is something.

    There have been things happen to me and people I know, some of which I can think of explanations, some where I can think of explanations that are a little out of the ordinary but not impossible, then there are some that I cannot possibly explain.

    Eg, in my house both I and another person who has been there have had a door bounce off of nothing as we were opening it. I can't give 100% story on what happened to her as I was downstairs at the time, but I know when it happened to me I was coming in through the front door, it opened around half way and hit if I had opened it right into a wall or something and it bounced back at me. Obviously behind the door was clear, and it wasn't the door jamming or anything - it actually hit something and bounced back. Only happened that time and as I was swinging it open and closed to see what it was, it swung freely.

    With the friend it happened to, she was in the bathroom and experienced the same thing. Now you have to go up a step to the bathroom so there is no way there was something behind the door. When I went up to investigate I noticed my cat was sat staring past us at the door growling really loudly. I picked him up and he was very edgy and bolted for the door to be let out.

    I have no explanation for those things.

    There are other things that have happened including a couple of times where there has been a smell but only in a very particular place where I could move above, below and all around a small football sized area and not smell it at all which was strange, but I wouldn't put that down strictly as paranormal, that can be explained away.

    I know when my grandma died, and her 7 daughters were at her house tidying, one of my aunties was stood in the hall and said out loud "mum if you're ok just let me know" and immediately the light above her popped. Again, explainable as coincidence.

    At the same time they had a break for some tea and a chat, after around 10 or 15 minutes the vacuum cleaner turned itself on - as if my grandma was telling them they had enough of a break now and it was time to get back to work lol. Again explainable but it just is something to think about...
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member
    bump! So I can reply with a story later!
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I have had many experiences. But, I usually dont share them . So I keep them to my self and perhaps to those I trust. But, it is one of those things that I treasure. To those that tell me they dont beleive, I just smile. :smile: I do tell people tho, that I am not afraid of ghost, its people that truly scare me. :huh:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yeah I hear wind, doors/floors creaking, and things outta the corner of my eye too. It must be GHOSTS... no wait it's not. DERP. Save the paranormal for the movies people. Coincidences and unexplained activity leave the weak minded with thoughts of ghosts and spirits. I could go on and on and on but I guess some people's minds just don't mature.

    OK. Explain this:

    My mom's best friend lives in a very, very old house. It was a stop on the Underground Railroad. When they bought it, they converted the attic into their bedroom, so they sleep on the third floor. On the first floor just off the kitchen is a small half bathroom. One night, they woke up freezing because all their sheets and blankets had been stripped off of them and they saw the blankets and sheets were in a line stretching toward the bedroom door and down the stairs. The trail led all the way down to the first floor and into the half bath where they'd left a candle burning and it was thisclose to catching the curtain on fire.

    I'd say that's more than a strange noise or "something out of the corner of the eye." But keep up the condescension. You are smarter and better than the rest of us, for sure.

    No wait, they haven't started with the big fifty cent words yet....then it really gets funny.

    Anyway, let me start off by saying I'm one of those horrendously sinful lapsed Catholics. I call myself agnostic and I've always been skeptical of ghost stories.
    Anyway, it was a typical weekday with a typical routine. I forget what day exactly it was but I'm thinking Wednesday. I put my son to bed and I go to bed and it's just a normal nighttime routine, right? So the weird thing of this is, that I had a dream about a blue man (no not the Blue Man Group kinda man) telling me to go check on my son, that he needed me and I felt someone shake me awake. So I went to check on him and my mother was already outside my door telling me that my son had a fever of 102. She was staying with me that night and got up to check on him and noticed he was tossing and turning. I asked my mother if she had touched me or been in my room and she said no, that she was just on the way down to wake me wasn't creepy or frightening at all...just weird.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Sam Wheat and his fiancée Molly Jensen live in Manhattan. Sam has a high powered job at a local bank, and Molly works on ceramic art. Sam's friend Carl Bruner also works at the bank. Sam holds the passwords to some of the bank's major accounts. While returning home from a movie theater, Sam and Molly are attacked by a mugger named Willie Lopez. As Sam and Willie struggle over Willie's gun, a shot rings out, and Willie runs off. Sam chases Willie, but Willie escapes. Sam then runs back to Molly to see if she's alright -- but Sam finds himself dead in a devastated Molly's arms, and Sam realizes that he is now a ghost. Later, Willie finds Sam and Molly's home, and breaks in while Molly is busy in the bedroom. Sam scares Willie off before Willie can do anything. Molly didn't even know Willie and Sam were in the place. Sam follows Willie to his home, and wants to have Molly turn Willie in, but Sam can't communicate with Molly because Molly can't see him or hear him. Sam visits spiritualist Ona May Brown, who can hear him, but not see him. When Sam convinces Ona May to talk to Molly, Molly refuses to believe what Ona May says, and Carl tells Molly to have nothing to do with Ona May. Sam follows Carl to Willie's apartment, thinking that Carl is about to confront Willie, but instead, Sam watches in shock as Carl chews Willie out for killing Sam. Willie was not supposed to kill Sam -- Willie was supposed to steal the account passwords from Sam's wallet for Carl, so Carl could carry out a drug money laundering operation. Now Sam and Ona May must protect Molly from both Willie and Carl, who thinks the account passwords are in Molly's home.

    Whats sad is that you actually took the time to do this..... :huh:

    What's REALLY sad is that you took the time to read it. And so did I. :laugh:

    It reminds me of the movie ghost... with whopie goldburg and some other people I can't remember

    patrick swayze, demi moore...
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    I never used to before I moved into the house where I am now.
    I've experienced everything from things being thrown around, things moving, my husband and I both being pushed down the stairs, seeing people, hearing full on conversations, feeling cold spots in random areas, my daughters toys turning on and off and more I'm probably forgetting.

    I used to get freaked when this stuff would happen but for the most part I'm used to it by now. If things get moved or the lights start going on and off I'll just say 'I'm not in the mood right now" and it'll stop. At one point we were looking into have some investigators come in and see if they get anything on camera but we decided not to.

    It used to be really bad but it's calmed down alot to the point where no one is getting hurt anymore so I just look at it as if they leave me alone I'll leave them alone.
  • Basia_and4345
    Basia_and4345 Posts: 61 Member
    If this had a Like button I would push it :-)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    The only spirit I want contact with is The Holy Spirit.

    I do believe in a spirit world, and I trust in God to protect me from it.