Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • angelashay42
    angelashay42 Posts: 286
    What do ghosts, vampires, zombies, santa claus, and god all have in common?

    Many people believe they exist, many people don't believe they exist, no one can prove they exist, and no one can disprove they exist.

    Believe whatever makes you happy.
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    this morning, around 5 am, i was woken up by a loud banging. i couldn't determine where it was coming from and it stopped before i could get up to try to figure it out.
    i asked my mother a few hours later if she had heard it and she had not.
    then i thought about it for a second and figured it out- it was my father, getting the water off of his toothbrush by banging it off the sink, which just so happens to be attached to the wall that separates my bedroom from the bathroom.
    Creepy! Wait, is your father... still alive?
    yes, he is. he was just getting ready for work and i guess i wasn't sleeping as deeply as i normally do.
    Ya I figured. I was just being funny ;)
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Just because you haven't seen it, isn't reason to deny it. If that was the case, the world would be still flat and the center of the solar system

    While I agree with your sentiment that absence of proof does not necessarily lead to proof of absence, I have to take issue with the examples you used to support your position. Nobody ever had to accept "on faith" that the Earth wasn't flat or the center of the Universe. It was possible to scientifically prove both by using repeatable experiments that could be performed by anyone. And that's the problem with ghosts - you have to just "believe" what other people say. There's no way to independently verify them.

    None of that means that ghosts are not real or that all of this eyewitness testimony is faulty. Just that it's really not open to the scientific method, which will always leave skeptics unconvinced.

    I know, in this life, there are things that we will never understand. I just wanted him to see my point. I admit, not the best examples to use... but, I can barely keep eyes open, and it was the first two examples that came to mind.
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    My sister was staying with a co-worker at someone's house while in New Zealand. One night she woke up to a little girl giggling. The next morning, her co-worker asked her why she was laughing. They both heard the same thing! She asked the owners of the house if it was haunted and they said visitors have reported seeing and hearing a little ghost girl. Spooky!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Another story of mine was way back 2006, a few days after my long time nanny passed away from endometrial cancer. She was obese.

    I was sleeping when suddenly I was awakened by something heavy & cold trying to shake my body as if somebody was trying to wake me up. When I opened my eyes, there was no one in the room & when I checked the time, it was 2:00 am & I still had few hours to go before my mom wakes me up at 5:30 am to get to work (alarm clocks have no effect on me so I need somebody to wake me up, hehehe). Moreover it happened on a Sunday which means no work so my mom wouldn't have to wake me up. Then I remember that my nanny also used to wake me up at morning whenver my mom isn't available.

    Another time while I was watching something on television, suddenly the TV went off. At first I thought that there was something wrong so I went near the TV to check & then I was surprised to find out that someone had unplug the cord. But the thing is no one was there except me, :noway: I remembered my nanny teasing us that in case she would die, she would visit us & jokingly switch off our television sets.
  • Jonahyona
    Jonahyona Posts: 108 Member
    I believe in spirits. I haven't had encounters though. I like to pretend they travel on the wind and rustle the leaves.
  • guildwars1987
    guildwars1987 Posts: 73 Member
    Yeah I hear wind, doors/floors creaking, and things outta the corner of my eye too. It must be GHOSTS... no wait it's not. DERP. Save the paranormal for the movies people. Coincidences and unexplained activity leave the weak minded with thoughts of ghosts and spirits. I could go on and on and on but I guess some people's minds just don't mature.

    And this is what we don't need. We all have our own beliefs, but you don't see the people here being *kitten*'s but those who don't believe in it. If you don't just move along with out insulting. Kthx.

    Don't get all butthurt about it. I thought we were all expressing our beliefs.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Yeah I hear wind, doors/floors creaking, and things outta the corner of my eye too. It must be GHOSTS... no wait it's not. DERP. Save the paranormal for the movies people. Coincidences and unexplained activity leave the weak minded with thoughts of ghosts and spirits. I could go on and on and on but I guess some people's minds just don't mature.

    And this is what we don't need. We all have our own beliefs, but you don't see the people here being *kitten*'s but those who don't believe in it. If you don't just move along with out insulting. Kthx.

    Don't get all butthurt about it. I thought we were all expressing our beliefs.

    Yea but you just said that some people's minds don't mature simply because we believe in something that you don't. That's clearly an insult. Don't try to incorporate your belief as if its the right one.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    bump! Can't read this now, have to sleep! lol
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I don't know what I believe, but I do know both my son and I would hear doors opening and closing, lights switched turned on and off. One day a friend was here and we both heard my front door opening and closing, we just thought my hubby had a rrived home, but upon investigating when he didn't come into the family room I found there was NO ONE there. I have since had my house prayed over as it scared my son somewhat at the time.
    Have had other experiences too.
  • oaks67
    oaks67 Posts: 62 Member
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I once spent a few weeks reading this thread:

    Scary stories from the outdoors, all supposedly true.

    I'd stay up til like 3am reading a few pages every night.

    Had a hell of a time gettin to sleep afterwards.
    Ok, I went here and I'm on page 9 and I may not sleep tonight. I'm scared and alone and I need someone to come and sit with me please. Thank you.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My beloved greyhound visited me a few days after he died. I had turned out the light to go to sleep and I felt him at the side of the bed where he would come for a goodnight cuddle every night. I felt him lay his head on my shoulder like always and then he sort of sighed and was gone. I felt so comforted. I know he is ok..he came to tell me so. I miss him every day, and that has never happened again.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I once spent a few weeks reading this thread:

    Scary stories from the outdoors, all supposedly true.

    I'd stay up til like 3am reading a few pages every night.

    Had a hell of a time gettin to sleep afterwards.
    Ok, I went here and I'm on page 9 and I may not sleep tonight. I'm scared and alone and I need someone to come and sit with me please. Thank you.

    Hi come with me, were friends to the end! hihihihi :devil: :laugh:

  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Chuckie?! Oh, that's not cool!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Chuckie?! Oh, that's not cool!

  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Wheeeee! Thank you! xxx
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Chuckie?! Oh, that's not cool!


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    100% I believe in the spirit world! Have had some pretty awsome things happen!
    You have to believe to see!!!!!

    Not true. :noway:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I believe! :)
    I am also empathic, which sucks. Like a sucky, sucky thing.
    I can feel/hear/smell them, but normally I can't see them.
    My husband can - it's one of the reasons we became friends :)

    Most recently, my family and I were going to see The Avengers opening night. We were just going to see when the latest show started (as we live rather far from the theater, and didn't want to miss it) and then go get dinner. On the way there, maybe a couple hundred feet from turning into the parking lot there was a multi-car accident. I felt it first. My face felt as if it'd been scraped off, and I had a major headache. As we got closer to the accident site, we saw that one car had damage to the front right hand side, one car was upside down... and in between the two was what remained of a motorcycle.

    Josh says there was a man standing over to the side, looking like I felt, but a thousand times worse. (Thankfully I don't get the full effect.)

    We still went to dinner, though we indulged in massive quantities of alcohol. (Which equals to 1 drink for me, lol)

    In much nicer news, we have a ghost in the house. I've named her Lucky. She's a white cat that stays downstairs in our basement. :)

    I have a feeling I am also an empath, although I've never seen a spirit (that I know of). The ghost radar goes off a lot for me...