Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    I have not had experiences, thank God! But I do believe in them.
  • frodolives19
    I love Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for many reasons; one of them being that it is one of the most haunted places in the world. This is a story I heard on a show called "The Ghosts of Gettysburg."

    During the time of the American Civil War, two sisters were renting an apartment together. They were taking care of a little boy, but had to keep it a secret, as the landlord was against having any children in his boarding house. One day, as the little boy was playing, they got a knock at their door, and discovered it was their landlord. I forget what it is he wanted to talk to them about, but the two women were frantic, and one of the sisters had the little boy hide on the window sill outside. She closed the curtains, they went about their business, and he left half an hour later. The sister then went back to grab the little boy, and discovered him nowhere.

    Mind you, this took place in the middle of winter. They frantically ran downstairs and outside, but found no traces of him falling, running away or being taken. He was never found.

    But that is not the end of the story. That boarding house is now used as dorm rooms for college students at Gettysburg College. There have been reports from students who say that at night time, they will here a tapping at their window, and when they pull back their curtains, a boy's blue face appears, and next to him is the word "help" written in the frost.

    He is referred to as "The Blue Boy"
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I love ghost stories! My brother and I used to go "ghosting hunting" for years and I have seen and heard so much stuff! Currently we have a ghost in our house. His name is Brian and he's pretty harmless. I see & hear him a few times a week. He's also touched each one of us at one time or another. He really freaked my boyfriend once when he was laying in bed watching tv and Brian grabbed his foot. I found this completely amusing watching my boyfriends reaction. My daughter and I aslo do EVP sessions sometimes and Brian always has something to say!
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    You should watch I Survived: Beyond and Back. I'm obsessed with that show.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I have not had experiences, thank God! But I do believe in them.
    Am I the only one that wants to see, feel, hear... one?
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    In Japanese belief there is a 'sitting ghost' it sits on my and you can't move... there are such things as demons. there are no such things as ghosts of people who wander. the demons are the fallen angels who followed lucifer/satan and were cast out of Heaven. they are real, but cannot harm you if you are a true believer and follower of Jesus. His blood shed for us as Christians, protect us and give us authority over them.

    The "sitting ghost" did sit on me... I just kept saying 'Jesus loves me' over and over and and it left, but not before saying I'll get you. it gave me a cold. :P
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    When I was a kid I was sitting on the couch reading a book and an elderly man walked out of the fireplace, went and put a newspapper on the table, then walked back into the fireplace. My mother kept asking me what was wrong but I didn't want to talk in fear that he would look at me. When it was over I threw up.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    You should watch I Survived: Beyond and Back. I'm obsessed with that show.

    This show scares the **** out of me.
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    You should watch I Survived: Beyond and Back. I'm obsessed with that show.

    This show scares the **** out of me.

    Lol I know but it's so amazing. There's also a website I like called where people share after death stories and almost all of them tell the same experience. It's amazing.
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    When I was a kid I was sitting on the couch reading a book and an elderly man walked out of the fireplace, went and put a newspapper on the table, then walked back into the fireplace. My mother kept asking me what was wrong but I didn't want to talk in fear that he would look at me. When it was over I threw up.

    Omgosh!!!!! I would have puked too lol
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Ok, I've read this whole thread now and I'm a bit scared, and home alone.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    I am unsure of the existence, but we have a light/ceiling fan in our living room. And like clockwork, it comes on by itself around 6/7 pm, usually just the light. Sometimes we get home and the fan is going a hundred miles an hour, sometimes in the middle of the night. So, we have named it Sally. It’s either that or the cheap *ss contractor as we live in new construction!
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    YES I do believe in ghost/ spirits.

    I have seen 1. My fathers ex-wife who died 3 yrs before.

    How I saw her spirit: At the age of 5 or 6 my father and I were sleeping. I was laying beside him resting my head on his arm. We both heard a voice and someone's presence standing beside our bed. It woke us up when it said to my father "You are sleeping with your daughter aren't you" (a statement/question).

    My father and I looked at her: she was wearing a yellow long dress and a yellow light surrounded her. She then walked towards the room door. My father got up and followed her, she disappeared into the wall. My father unlocked the door and went searching for her. She was gone.

    15 yrs later my father was telling the story of how he had seen her to other people & I said I remember that. He had no idea that I had seen her too. He knew it was her spirit he had seen but was surprised that I had seen it too.

    Mesg me if you have anything to say. I wont see your comment on this threat.
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    There's a lot more going on out there than people realize.

  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    When I was about 2 or 3, I used to talk on this old phone we had hanging on the wall. It was one of those two-part phones, with an ear piece and the part you talk into on the base. I used to talk to my grandpa all the time. Turns out, that was only a decorative phone and my grandpa was dead. :noway:
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    Hmm okay, when i was about 7 a large wolf wondered into my room, completely freaked me out. But no one else could see it..
    I always assumed i had been imagining it, but i have seen it around occassionally, like its stalking me.. Proberlly my first experience of a spirit.

    About 5 years ago i was in the attic filming randomly, and then someone sat up at the back of the attic and turned to face me, i caught it on camera, screemed, jumped out of the loft and ran out of the house. But ofcourse no one was in the loft.

    In my old house everyday at about 3am someone would walk from my mums room, to the bathroom, close the door, turn on the light, flush the loo, turn off the light, open the door, and walk down stairs...
    Now i always assumed it was my mum. Until one day it happened and she yelled from her room, lauren you do this every single ****ing night go back to bed... And i was just there like its not me, and its not you.. And we're the only 2 people that live in this house..
    Anyway it freaked me out so much i asked a mate to stay the next night, we decided to sleep downstairs as my room was so tiny. When the noises started she began to cry, saying she didnt know it would be this bad. She assumed i had just been hearing floor panels squeak or something..

    Then i moved into the house im in now, with my fiance and his family.
    I was in the lounge once in the middle of the night, on my laptop facing the patio doors. I saw the reflection of someone walk into the room, i looked up, (and i needed to speak to lisa, my fiance mum.. But she looks so similar to her daughter. There the same height, weight, with the same hair, skin colour, etc, etc..) So i turned round to see if it was lisa or her daughter..
    And no one was there. I turned back to the patio window and there the random woman was stood right behind my chair stairing down at the back of my head.
    I dropped my laptop and ran pretty much crying to my fiance.

    I also see glimpses of this man at the top of the stairs. He stands behind the banister and creeps over. I see him sometimes starring at me, and he pulls his head straight back. Im the only one who see's him, but he terrifies me. I feel like he is waiting for me to be in the house alone. (Theres 6 of us here, so the house is never empty). It terrifies me to the point that i cant be in the hallway with the light off incase he sneaks up on me.

    I also saw 2 pet rats in the kitchen here once, it was obviouse they where pets because of their white markings. I was like omg lisa there are rats in the kitchen!! My fiance said he use to have pete rats that lived in the kitchen. He showed me a picture of them, and it was the rats i saw.
    That was the second experience that i know of seeing an animal ghost..

    I have many more but i think there the biggest.

    EDIT ->>..

    Another big one, in my old house when i lived with my mum, she went out for the night leaving me home alone.
    I was watching most haunted, it was a celebrity special.
    I was sat on the sofa and behind me was a massive mirror. But then just the wall dividing the lounge and the kitchen.
    At one point a celebrity got really angry and yelled "if there is a ****ing ghost here, just bang on the ****ing wall!!!".
    And the wall behind me banged loudly 3 times. And i spun round looking at the mirror and it was swinging like it had been knocked.
    Scared the **** out of me!!
    I was worried the ghost thought it had been me yelling at it..
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I do believe in them and grew up with a ghost in our house as a child that our family even named, because we were never fearful of him/her, it was just as if we had another family member that was there that we couldn't see. He/She would move chairs, change the TV when the remote was in the middle of the room and on one was near it or the base, he/she liked to to laundry (turn on the washer/dryer, open their doors and close them), but like i said, no one was fearful. The same month my husband asked me to marry him, his father passed away. Years before that (his father was sick for a long time) he told my husband that he didn't believe in ghost but that if there was an afterlife or "ghost" that he would make sure he showed my husband. Well the day we came home from the hospital with our daughter Estelle (we hadn't been married a year yet) this started happening in her room, and this was a new apartment. Her mobile that only started by being whined up, would start in the middle of the night, randomly. In our large apartment, and with all the toys she had, her toys would only start themselves when next to her grandfathers picture (we only have one pic of him in the house) Also she she would wake up in the middle of the night we would hear humming or clapping in the sound of a song, to sooth her. It was creepy as ****. Also the final one was, one time we were changing her and from the other room, as clear as day we heard a grown mans, deep voice call his name. We froze and looked at each other and he ran in the other room to see what it was and of course no one was there. I finally told him that his father was never going to leave us be, if my husband didn't take notice that he was there so he could move on. One night, my hubby woke up with the baby and one of her toys started playing, again, by his father's picture, So my husband said out loud "we are all ok, and who ever is here, can move on now." From that day on, NOTHING ever happen again
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Hmm okay, when i was about 7 a large wolf wondered into my room, completely freaked me out. But no one else could see it..
    I always assumed i had been imagining it, but i have seen it around occassionally, like its stalking me.. Proberlly my first experience of a spirit.

    2 friends of mine, one is native american[don't know the nation] and the other is into wicca... or something like that

    told me that if you see animal spirits, they are more or less your guardians. They protect you, so don't be scared.... That is if you go with their logics

    Still don't understand what they are supposed to protect you from
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    Hmm okay, when i was about 7 a large wolf wondered into my room, completely freaked me out. But no one else could see it..
    I always assumed i had been imagining it, but i have seen it around occassionally, like its stalking me.. Proberlly my first experience of a spirit.

    2 friends of mine, one is native american[don't know the nation] and the other is into wicca... or something like that

    told me that if you see animal spirits, they are more or less your guardians. They protect you, so don't be scared.... That is if you go with their logics

    I am a wiccan.
    To be honest it was seeing the wolf, and then me researching it online when i bumped into it again several years later. That led me to discover wicca.
    As a child i was terrified and hated wolves.
    But now i believe maybe it is like my spirit guide, and wolves have become my favourite animals. I feel such a connection with them.
    I cant help but feel like it is more than just a coincidence.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Hmm okay, when i was about 7 a large wolf wondered into my room, completely freaked me out. But no one else could see it..
    I always assumed i had been imagining it, but i have seen it around occassionally, like its stalking me.. Proberlly my first experience of a spirit.

    2 friends of mine, one is native american[don't know the nation] and the other is into wicca... or something like that

    told me that if you see animal spirits, they are more or less your guardians. They protect you, so don't be scared.... That is if you go with their logics

    I am a wiccan.
    To be honest it was seeing the wolf, and then me researching it online when i bumped into it again several years later. That led me to discover wicca.
    As a child i was terrified and hated wolves.
    But now i believe maybe it is like my spirit guide, and wolves have become my favourite animals. I feel such a connection with them.
    I cant help but feel like it is more than just a coincidence.

    Maybe it's not, I believe in a single God of the universe. I am not going to bash people for their way... [personally, I think that is how Christianity got into it's mess to begin with. >.>] I just wish, I knew more than what I do.