Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    My brother says that when he was about six years old he woke up and an angel was standing on the foot of his bed. He told the angel to stop it because Mom said we're not supposed to stand or jump on the bed.

    He reported the incident to my mother--a devout Christian and Sunday School teacher--and she was both horrified and thought it was hilarious.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    We have somthing living in my house.

    Here is one of the 'happenings'

    When we first moved in we turned the basement into the kids toy room. When the boys were old enough to play without adult supervision, one of my sons refused to go down stairs.
    This went on for weeks. Drove me freaking crazy! I kept asking him why and he wouldn't tell me.

    Anyway a few weeks went by and I was in the basement with both boys doing laundry (this is the unfinished part with my laundry room) My son stopped what he was doing and said. "There's the monster Mommy."

    Not wanting to squash his imagination I replied "Where's the monster Gabe."
    He pointed to the dead center of the room, well lit, and said "There's the monster Mommy."
    I stared at nothing and a little worried then asked "What's the Monster look like Gabe."
    "He used to be a boy mommy."

    It took me a month to start doing laundry at night by myself again.

    Anyway that's just one of the events. Feel free to friend me if you want to read more.

    Freakin' creepy.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have had various experiences but the worst was my dad house. Most spirits dont bother me but there was something evil in one of the rooms and no-one could sleep there.

    My dad would not believe us but in the end got the vicar in to bless the house but did not work. I have moved away but since then my dad has had to get the church to exorcise the house after his girl friend saw something and refused to go back into the house.
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    A couple years ago I was at a get-together at my friend's place. we spent the day watching movies and playing board games in the basement, just relaxing and having fun. Eventually, one of us suggested that since Earth Hour was happening that night we should do it aswell. While considering what to do when the time came to turn off all the lights I suggested that we should borrow my other friend's ouija board at play with that for fun. We got the board and when Earth Hour arrived we lit some candles and started to use it. But before we did I asked that everyone using the board should do so with their eyes closed and that the person writing down our answers shouldn't tell us what letters we were going on (i'm a skeptic by nature, so I prefer to try to avoid human influence on what the answers are... since the owner of the board does that all the bloody time -_-''). So we went about asking questions and going through the motions without ever opening our eyes (with the exception of the time one person asked 'do you wish to harm us?' and then the note taker screamed and made us all jump. ...apparently the triangle was moving towards 'yes' and she got scared).

    When we were done we went to take a look at our answers. While it was [for the most part] gibberish, the strange thing was that about half of our answers were 'TV'. we laughed and joked about how silly the whole thing is and did some other stuff while waiting for Earth Hour to end. Once the hour was up we decided to go watch another movie. We sat on the couch and turned the TV on, only to be greeted by the movie with a big brown line half the width of the TV running through the middle. My friend claims that that had never happened before, and after that day it remained like that for about 3-4 months.

    So, my question to you is: Was this an incidence of other-worldly possession, or the most hilarious co-incidence of all time? xD You decide.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    Bump . . .

    This is going to freak me out so much I won't sleep at night! :embarassed:
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I believe - and I've had too many experiences to share them all here.

    One of the weirdest was when I was still living with my parents. I was a teenager and needed to use the telephone. We only had two phones in the house, both corded. I picked up the phone in the living room and heard an elderly women on the other end. I assumed my mother was on the phone in her bedroom talking to my great aunt.

    A few minutes later, as I was walking down the hallway to my mother's room, I asked, "Are you still on the phone?" When I entered her room, I saw she wasn't on the phone. She looked at me puzzled and told me she wasn't on the phone and hadn't been on the phone all day. I started to argue with her, because I heard a woman on the phone. She said she'd been in her room alone, and hadn't talked to my great aunt in several days. When she asked me what the woman said...I was taken aback...She didn't say any sounds like muffled talking...strangely, it never occurred to me I had heard no words at all.

    Later that day, my mom and day left. My sister and I were the only ones home. We shared a bedroom, but had divided it into two rooms with back to back identical chest of drawers sticking out into the room from one of the walls. My sister had been on my side of the room, and I was on her side, for some reason. We were talking to each other, so the chest of drawers/room divider was between us. Suddenly, a hairbrush laying on one of the chest of drawers slowly leviated in the air about a foot, did a very slow and deliberate loop de loop, and softly landed in a box resting at the edge of the chest of drawers.

    "Did you see that? Did you see that? You see I did not do that! I'm way over here! Oh my GOD," I shouted excitedly at my sister. I found the event to be a wonderful thing - proof we aren't alone. Proof that there WAS an elderly woman on the phone earlier, or more truly, a former elderly woman.

    My sister did not share my view on the event. She burst into tears, screamed several times, and ran out of the house. She screamed she wasn't going back into the house without my parents home. I ran outside after her...laughing all the while. As we reached the bottom of the steps outsides, I saw my mom and dadcoming down our driveway. I'm sure it must have looked like I was chasing after my sister to harm her...since she was crying and screaming.

    We both tried to explain what we had witness -- her, through her fearful tears, and I through my hysterical laughter.
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    I love these stories! Just wasted a couple hours at work reading this whole thing.

    The one about the white blob with red eyes... holy freaky!

    The one about the sheets leading to the burning candle... so awesome!

    Those are just a couple that I remember right now, but seriously, these are some great stories.

    I definitely believe in ghosts/spirits, but haven't had any of my own incidents to talk about. When I worked in Maryland, I worked on the grounds of an old state hospital. It used to be the "Hospital for the Negro Insane". Nice. Some nights, I would work until 10 or 11 at night catching up on cases. I never "saw" anything, but sometimes I would just start hearing more noises than usual, and there would just be a "feeling" that I was not alone. I usually booked it out of there when that happened.

    One of the detectives I worked with told me that, one night, when he was working the 3-11pm shift, he was the last one to leave the building. He said he knew he was the last one out. He said that he unplugged the Christmas tree, turned the lights off, and set the alarm before he walked out. As he got into his car, he could see into the office from the parking lot, and the Christmas tree lights were back on. He decided to leave them on for the night. :wink:

    Okay, one other story... my best friend in high school moved into a house that my adult cousin had previously lived in. The man who owned the house had died in the room that became my friend's. My cousin had told me stories about waking up in the middle of the night to their Simon game playing by itself.... with no batteries in it. When my friend moved in, she started noticing things right away. My favorite story she tells is about this one time that she was home alone. She was taking a shower, and left the bathroom door open. All of the sudden, she heard their smoke detector going off. She ran out to the dining room, naked, holding her towel to fan the detector and make it go off. This happened about 3 times total during her shower... and each time she ran out naked to fan the detector. She said that she noticed a battery sitting next to the detector, but just figured someone replaced it and forgot to get rid of the old one. When her family got home, she told them her story... and they informed her that there was no battery in the smoke detector. She made them get it down and open it to prove it to her. :laugh:

    On a more serious note though.... If you are experiencing a ghost right now, it's always nice to tell them to "go toward the light". Whether you believe in "the light" or not, what can it hurt? If anything, you'll probably just get rid of your ghost. I don't know, just something in me hates to think of someone "stuck" here when they could move on to other things.

    Please don't respond with any hate to the above paragraph. I got my beliefs and you have yours. If you don't agree, carry on. Thanks. :smile:
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    IOn a more serious note though.... If you are experiencing a ghost right now, it's always nice to tell them to "go toward the light". Whether you believe in "the light" or not, what can it hurt? If anything, you'll probably just get rid of your ghost. I don't know, just something in me hates to think of someone "stuck" here when they could move on to other things.

    The same thing upsets me, too.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    While I agree with your sentiment that absence of proof does not necessarily lead to proof of absence, I have to take issue with the examples you used to support your position. Nobody ever had to accept "on faith" that the Earth wasn't flat or the center of the Universe. It was possible to scientifically prove both by using repeatable experiments that could be performed by anyone. And that's the problem with ghosts - you have to just "believe" what other people say. There's no way to independently verify them.

    None of that means that ghosts are not real or that all of this eyewitness testimony is faulty. Just that it's really not open to the scientific method, which will always leave skeptics unconvinced.

    So are you saying that when we die, our souls will die also & that there is no such thing as eternal life? Sorry but I think science & religion are like oil & water that can never be mixed.
    no, that's not what he's saying. he's saying that you cannot scientifically prove that there is an afterlife.

    Well since there are dozens of people on this thread who have been observing ghosts, it should be very easily to use the scientific method to prove that they do exist. Except as soon as an objective scientist gets involved, the ghosts will get scared away.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    While I agree with your sentiment that absence of proof does not necessarily lead to proof of absence, I have to take issue with the examples you used to support your position. Nobody ever had to accept "on faith" that the Earth wasn't flat or the center of the Universe. It was possible to scientifically prove both by using repeatable experiments that could be performed by anyone. And that's the problem with ghosts - you have to just "believe" what other people say. There's no way to independently verify them.

    None of that means that ghosts are not real or that all of this eyewitness testimony is faulty. Just that it's really not open to the scientific method, which will always leave skeptics unconvinced.

    So are you saying that when we die, our souls will die also & that there is no such thing as eternal life? Sorry but I think science & religion are like oil & water that can never be mixed.
    no, that's not what he's saying. he's saying that you cannot scientifically prove that there is an afterlife.

    Well since there are dozens of people on this thread who have been observing ghosts, it should be very easily to use the scientific method to prove that they do exist. Except as soon as an objective scientist gets involved, the ghosts will get scared away.

    Your screen name is very appropriate.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    On a more serious note though.... If you are experiencing a ghost right now, it's always nice to tell them to "go toward the light". Whether you believe in "the light" or not, what can it hurt? If anything, you'll probably just get rid of your ghost. I don't know, just something in me hates to think of someone "stuck" here when they could move on to other things.

    Please don't respond with any hate to the above paragraph. I got my beliefs and you have yours. If you don't agree, carry on. Thanks. :smile:

    I'm thinking 'the light' is all a bit media-esque and any ghosts will already know it. After all, we all do.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    Bumping for later ♥ Love to read these stories!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    the phone at my parents house would ring off the hook.......oh and there was no phone at my parents house, no phone lines for about 5 miles to.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I had a cat named Big Red who died suddenly a few years ago.
    He's a Maine Coon and was about 23lbs.
    Found out that most of these cats have congenital heart defects.
    A year later my other cat Lil Baby, a smaller white tabby, on nights when i'm home alone he would stand at the top of the stairs and meow like Red used too.
    He's never did this when Red was alive.
    I think it's Red channeling himself through Lil Baby.
    Lil Baby now does almost all the things Red used to do.

    No Lil Baby is my shadow much like Red used to be.
    As soon as i come home he's there and he's with me till I leave for work the next day.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    bump I'll throw one in later
  • kmillar1224
    kmillar1224 Posts: 91 Member
    Yep, I'm living with one right now. My boyfriend asked me to move into his place a couple months ago and ever since Mr. Boogedy has shown himself. We even have him on video. We've all seen him - this black shawdow that likes to creep around the townhouse. Our dog Dakota goes crazy for no reason - starts crying and looking off into nowhere. That's when we decided to pull out our phone and record him. At first we didn't notice anything until we watched the video back - shiver. Dakota was looking off into the closet for some reason and crying then all of a sudden you see this big white ball of mist exit the closet, go over his back and straight down the stairs. As soon as the mist passed Dakota by, he stopped crying, turned around and laid back down at our feet. Kinda fun having my very own mr. boogedy around. As long as he doesn't pull me outta bed or start playing fetch with Dakota...I'll be
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    On a more serious note though.... If you are experiencing a ghost right now, it's always nice to tell them to "go toward the light". Whether you believe in "the light" or not, what can it hurt? If anything, you'll probably just get rid of your ghost. I don't know, just something in me hates to think of someone "stuck" here when they could move on to other things.

    Please don't respond with any hate to the above paragraph. I got my beliefs and you have yours. If you don't agree, carry on. Thanks. :smile:

    I'm thinking 'the light' is all a bit media-esque and any ghosts will already know it. After all, we all do.

    Maybe. But people have a hard time letting go. Or maybe they feel guilt about leaving. Maybe they need someone to tell 'em. Who knows.

    And with that, I'm done. No point arguing when no one knows for sure. :smile:
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I started working with a Paranormal Investigation Group locally in December of last year. I've had a few strange experiences so I was interested in finding proof.

    We have caught some amazing EVP (disembodied voice recordings) a few odd photos and a video of a flashlight that blinked a couple of times during a recorded question session.

    We have fun going to some really cool places and really enjoy the evidence collected. The West Virginia State Prison in Moundsville brought some great EVPs including one that told a female investigator to Get the F^&l Out You Fu&*ing BiT*h