30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    ilike2moveit: Congrats on starting Shred!

    Yesterday, on the Biggest Loser League website, I read something that puts new perspective on weight loss. They suggest that if you're feeling down about your slow progress when it comes to weight loss, that you should fill a backpack with the weight you've lost so far and walk up the stairs. Just feeling how far you've come is amazing! I think about carrying around a 12 lb. backpack (my weight loss since the 1st of the year) and am so glad I've lost that much already. Just wanted to share.

    I didn't do anything last night, except drink beer (naughty, I know!) because it was the big Vikings vs. Packers football game. I didn't go very far over my calories, though, so I know I can make up the difference today.

    Tonight is Biggest Loser night, so I'll be working out tonight for sure; it's the only way I can justify watching others workout!

    I've officially lost one pound since my family started our Biggest Loser competition, my sister is down 3 lbs. and my mom is down 2 lbs. Looks like I have some work to do!

    Have a great day and happy exercising!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    so I've been a little MIA recently :blushing:

    but decided to make up for my laziness by punishing myself and doing level 1 & 2 at the same time.....bribaby24 you're doing this too right? :smile:

    did it Saturday (only made it half way through level 2..so hard combined)

    then did it again yesterday and made it through both...barely...there were a few "5 second" breaks while i tried to not pass out from exhaustion.

    Level 2 makes me laugh because Jillian makes fun of Natalie for not trying so hard...haha...did everyone see in level 1 when Natalie stops because she thinks the camera is off her.....makes me feel better that even the super fit people cheat a little.

    Hope everyone is doing well! I'm super sore today...

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    so I've been a little MIA recently :blushing:

    but decided to make up for my laziness by punishing myself and doing level 1 & 2 at the same time.....bribaby24 you're doing this too right? :smile:

    did it Saturday (only made it half way through level 2..so hard combined)

    Hey, at least you jumped back into it! Just a suggestion, but what about doing the levels backward and doing 2 first and then 1? I've been meaning to try that myself.
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    so I've been a little MIA recently :blushing:

    but decided to make up for my laziness by punishing myself and doing level 1 & 2 at the same time.....bribaby24 you're doing this too right? :smile:

    did it Saturday (only made it half way through level 2..so hard combined)

    Hey, at least you jumped back into it! Just a suggestion, but what about doing the levels backward and doing 2 first and then 1? I've been meaning to try that myself.

    I was thinking about doing that in a few days..just to mix it up....will let you know if I do it....those planks are killer so maybe best to get them out of the way first! but then I'd end on shoulder raises :noway:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Good morning!

    ilike2moveit: Congrats on starting Shred!

    Yesterday, on the Biggest Loser League website, I read something that puts new perspective on weight loss. They suggest that if you're feeling down about your slow progress when it comes to weight loss, that you should fill a backpack with the weight you've lost so far and walk up the stairs. Just feeling how far you've come is amazing! I think about carrying around a 12 lb. backpack (my weight loss since the 1st of the year) and am so glad I've lost that much already. Just wanted to share.

    I didn't do anything last night, except drink beer (naughty, I know!) because it was the big Vikings vs. Packers football game. I didn't go very far over my calories, though, so I know I can make up the difference today.

    Tonight is Biggest Loser night, so I'll be working out tonight for sure; it's the only way I can justify watching others workout!

    I've officially lost one pound since my family started our Biggest Loser competition, my sister is down 3 lbs. and my mom is down 2 lbs. Looks like I have some work to do!

    Have a great day and happy exercising!
    Thanks! We watched the game last night too. My hubby is a huge Vikings fan.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hi all
    I'm not part of the group but I have a question for you "shredders"...How do you log the exercise? I've been saying it's circuit training?? I know a heart monitor is best but I don't have one and we are broke so... How do you log it on MFP?
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Mamakatspokane~ That was my question too at the beginning and it seems like everyone logs it as circuit training also :flowerforyou:

    Level 2 and 3 shredded! It was super tough haven't done level 3 since Friday, but I made it!

    blueyed_blond~ yep I do two levels a day, the reasoning starting off at the shred was because it seems like I could never do seven whole days of excercising even for 20minutes. So I doubled up on the levels hoping it would work to cram it into less days. But then I did commit to seven days and doing two levels a day, so now it is just for fun (not really fun) but you know what I mean for that extra push. I did switch up the levels when I started level 3 I did level 3 first then 2 but 2 makes me wayyy out of breath so I do that first so I'm warmed up for the tough toning in level 3. Level 1 was good for me to do before 2 because then it warmed me up for level 2. It is very nice to switch it up to make it more interesting! Alright everyone this is my 100th attempt to get up early tomorrow and run and now it is very cold out and even harder to get out there but hopefully I will do it finally!!! Happy shredding!


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  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 16, L2 and L3 - wooh! That is so tough, sweat my @!! off! Uggh. Feels good, have to watch BL and the commercial is all done so thought I would quickly check in to see how everyone was doing...
    Don't know how long I am going to be able to keep up with doing both L2 and L3 at the same time. I mean, I have 14 days left to go... I will try... as long as I at least get in one a work out I will be okay. I just feel so much better when I get that full hour of sweat time. Happy Shredding! Going back to watch BL - congrats bribaby! Four days to go for you, that's great - good luck in getting up early. I always say that too, but, am not a morning person- obviously. Most of the time I am checking in at night. Kudos to you that can start your day off with your workout! Maybe some day I will...
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Day 17 done!!! :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I can't believe it myself... I just did day 18 before work today!!!! Woohoo!!! I haven't even had my coffee yet. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I didn't Shred, but did the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt (which has Jillian teaching Level 1) for 30 minutes, which burned 342 calories, then did 10 minutes of hula hooping, which burned 152 calories. Not too bad. I meant to run on the treadmill, but didn't quite have the energy after working with the weights. I did 5 lb. weights, but on all exercises focusing on one arm at a time, I doubled up and did 10lbs.!

    I guess I just get too bored doing the same workouts every day! So, I switch it around, but try to make sure it includes Jillian!

    Congrats on everyone's progress; keep it up!

  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Ughhh..didn't wake up early enough to run!! :noway: I was so ready to run too in the afternoon, that's when I like to workout, hate morning workouts. But my husband works afternoons to late nite and I don't have a running stroller so can't leave the house to run with my son, would be awesome if I had a treadmill! So I must wake up early before my son wakes up and RUN but it is so cold and the bed is sooo warm. I work tomorrow morning but Friday I will try again! I did shred Level 2 and 3 today, muscles ache but felt awesome after!

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Shredded this morning before work and then did a 26 mile bike ride after work. I need to do some serious calorie burning this week. I feel I've been lacking cardio, even though Jillian kills me. Over the summer I was riding 100-150 miles a week, but no weight training. When I started the Shred, I dropped down to 65 miles a week. I'm going back up too 100 a week, at least for a little while to see what that does for the scale. I've gotten in 56.75 miles so far and 3 shreds. I'm not shredding tomorrow, but plan on it Friday and Saturday. After 2 weeks of being sick on and off, it's time to get serious!!! :angry: Who's with me? :laugh:

    Just felt like getting that out. Happy Shredding, everyone! :laugh: :drinker: :laugh:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    day 29 done! (not stopping at 30 though, lol)... level 2 is still ridiculous, but at least i am not dyying all the way through now.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Didn't shred last night but, will tonight. I needed a break last night. I did have intentions but, didn't get there. I am going to try and keep up with 2 and 3 to the end. I do feel like I need more cardio as well. I weighed in last night and lost just a little so, I guess it's a loss but, the more you lose the more hard it is to continue to lose. I guess I shouldn't complain. Since the baby I have lost 62 lbs. and this is in 16 mos. time so that's not too bad. I would love to drop another 30.

    Skywalker - good for you getting up early - I am so not a morning person! I would love to get it out of the way, though.
    Sudzie - you are awesome for sticking with it even after the challenge! She is tough so, you do get the most out of her workouts. I am going to need to vary up with her at the end or shut her sound off when I am doing it (lol).
    Bribaby - I have been thinking of varying up with my treadmill also. Something about just putting on your ipod and running out stress is an awesome feeling. If you can get a treadmill for the winter do it! I agree - I would love to get up before my LO also and get in a walk/run before she gets up.

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    Last night was a volunteer night, so I got lots of walking in, but no Shredding. I didn't get home until 9:30 last night and just didn't have it in me to do it. I really need to start getting some running time in on the treadmill as well. I need more cardio!

    At least I stayed under my calories yesterday, so that helps. I'm actually doing fairly well on the eating this week, but need to do just a bit better.

    Happy exercising,
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member

    Sudzie - you are awesome for sticking with it even after the challenge! She is tough so, you do get the most out of her workouts. I am going to need to vary up with her at the end or shut her sound off when I am doing it (lol).

    april_mesk - Thanks! I just really like the workout and the fact that it is only 20 mins lol. i actually feel like i get a really good well rounded workout from it (although i do go to the gym afterwards 3-4 times a week and either bike or use the elliptical for more cardio), and i feel like it is a great alternative when i can't get to the gym.

    Sky - i am a morning person so i know how great that feels! I always workout first thing in the morning around 7am, even before I've eaten breakfast! some studies suggest that this is advantageous, but i am still not completely convinced ... haha. keep it up! i promise it gets easier to wake up and then the whole day you are just so happy with yourself and feel great!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    Didn't shred last night but, will tonight. I needed a break last night. I did have intentions but, didn't get there. I am going to try and keep up with 2 and 3 to the end. I do feel like I need more cardio as well. I weighed in last night and lost just a little so, I guess it's a loss but, the more you lose the more hard it is to continue to lose. I guess I shouldn't complain. Since the baby I have lost 62 lbs. and this is in 16 mos. time so that's not too bad. I would love to drop another 30.

    that is amazing!!! 62 lbs is incredible especially in only 16 months! don't ever feel like you haven't accomplished anything, wow! also, dont feel like just because you have, that means you can't complain and be frustrated about the last 30 lbs! that's what were here for :)
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Shredded Level 2 today might do level 3 later but who knows I have a whole house to clean first :sad:

    Skywalker~ I am with you! It is time to get majorly serious!!!
    I will get my booty outta bed tomorrow morning while it is still dark and freezing and I will run...I hope...because I will feel AMAZING after it's done! We shall see.....


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  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Didn't shred last night but, will tonight. I needed a break last night. I did have intentions but, didn't get there. I am going to try and keep up with 2 and 3 to the end. I do feel like I need more cardio as well. I weighed in last night and lost just a little so, I guess it's a loss but, the more you lose the more hard it is to continue to lose. I guess I shouldn't complain. Since the baby I have lost 62 lbs. and this is in 16 mos. time so that's not too bad. I would love to drop another 30.

    that is amazing!!! 62 lbs is incredible especially in only 16 months! don't ever feel like you haven't accomplished anything, wow! also, dont feel like just because you have, that means you can't complain and be frustrated about the last 30 lbs! that's what were here for :)

    Day 17 - L2 and L3 - Thank you, Sudzie. I have to keep telling myself, yes, this is very good. I am going to try like hell to start waking up early and doing a run as well on the treadmill. I will see if I can do this tomorrow also. Whew, it will be tough, but, if I can just manage to get up with my husband at 5:30/6:00... I don't know how he does it everyday (get up, not work out! hah!)... Good luck to you...going to swallow down a gallon of water now and do some laundry (maybe) :laugh: