30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I'm on day 24 and I feel as though I did better in the first 15 days, I did lose a lot of inches and quickly.. I feel as though it is tapering off now.. I think I need to start some major toning!!
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    For those who have finished the program or further along, did you initially feel that your body wasn't changing?
    I'm on day 20 & in 'my eyes' I still feel like my body looks the same BUT the scales, the tape measure, my clothes & my partner say different. I've lost 7lbs, 2 inches off my waist, my pants fall down & my partner says I look slimmer along with toned legs. I think we ourselves see what we want to see & in our head we don't see a difference unless it's dramatic. I will probably realise my body has changed when I put the before & after photos side by side

    Thanks for this! I guess it can kind of get discouraging when reading stories of people who have lost 8 inches in 10 days lol!

    Haha this made me laugh, I wish I had dropped 8 inches in 10 days. If I had I sure wouldn't be on day 20, I'd of quit at day 10 & been happy minus 8 inches :laugh:

    Right? Geez, I'd take that to the bank, no problem at all. :)
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    For those who have finished the program or further along, did you initially feel that your body wasn't changing?
    I'm on day 20 & in 'my eyes' I still feel like my body looks the same BUT the scales, the tape measure, my clothes & my partner say different. I've lost 7lbs, 2 inches off my waist, my pants fall down & my partner says I look slimmer along with toned legs. I think we ourselves see what we want to see & in our head we don't see a difference unless it's dramatic. I will probably realise my body has changed when I put the before & after photos side by side

    Thanks for this! I guess it can kind of get discouraging when reading stories of people who have lost 8 inches in 10 days lol!

    I know what you mean! I was starting to worry I was doing it all wrong as nothing has changed for me yet (apart from added weight which I'm not concerned about). I'll just keep hoping for the best and carry on. As long as my weight is less at the end and I've dropped inches I'll be happy.
  • ericadgood
    ericadgood Posts: 9
    For those who have finished the program or further along, did you initially feel that your body wasn't changing?

    I sure can't SEE a difference yet (today will be my 10th workout) but I can FEEL it. I'm able to do the push ups better, yesterday I was hardly even breathing hard until the third circuit, my calf muscles are firm, my core seems tighter. I'm still not down in weight or inches (actually I'm still up from my start weight/inches), but I'm encouraged enough by my increased stamina to keep on keeping on.

    Stay strong!

    This is almost me exactly! I feel stronger and I have more stamina. I just don't want to see any more gut lol!

    Right there with you -- I'd hoped that my little belly would be gone by the end of the shred, and that I'd at least see improvement on it by now!

    The weight thing has been really odd. First I went up nearly three pounds, then I dropped 2.3 in one night, then I've been creeping up again until I'm three pounds up from my start weight, and half an inch bigger all over. I'm not pigging out or anything, so the only thing I can think is that it's inflammation/water weight from the stress I'm putting on my muscles, maybe compounded by hormones (since I'm due for my monthly visitor any day now).

    Hopefully we'll both be able to see some changes soon, instead of just feeling them. :)
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Just finished day 6. :) Nearly didn't do it today as I've got toothache (off to the dentist once I've had a shower) but I did it anyway and I'm pleased about that. Really struggled with the shoulder raises/side lunges today though.
    Good for you for sticking to it!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    So I finished Level 1, Day 7. Its definitely getting easier. My left knee was hurting today, but I pushed through the Shred anyways! Its comments like the one's above that have motivated me to stick it out!!
  • azzle07
    azzle07 Posts: 10
    I've just done day 6 and thanks to our little heatwave it almost killed m! So nearly gave up towards the end, but I'm really proud of myself for keeping going! I switched to level 2 yesterday as I was finding level 1 a bit boring having done it before, but I'm surprised cos at the start of level 1, I was dreading going for a wee cos of sitting down, but I wasn't aching this morning! Is that normal now my body's getting used to exercise?!
  • coraann23
    coraann23 Posts: 6
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Just finished day 6. :) Nearly didn't do it today as I've got toothache (off to the dentist once I've had a shower) but I did it anyway and I'm pleased about that. Really struggled with the shoulder raises/side lunges today though.
    Good for you for sticking to it!

    Thanks. :) And well done to you on day 7!!!

    Turns out my toothache is an infection. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly (and painkillers too!) and I'll get some sleep tonight to make up for last night and feel better in the morning to shred again. I've got a choice of a root canal or tooth out to make and is it sad one of the deciding factors is a root canal means not having to take time off exercise? I'm obsessed... lol
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    So I finished Level 1, Day 7. Its definitely getting easier. My left knee was hurting today, but I pushed through the Shred anyways! Its comments like the one's above that have motivated me to stick it out!!

    you doing great :) my right knee hurt bad today and I once again didn't get the last 5-8 minutes in..level2
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Tomorrow is Day 9 and I literally can't wait for Level 2. I want to kill Level 1 with a mallet.
  • Arwhite1865
    Arwhite1865 Posts: 65 Member
    I just started this yesterday and I'm doing it again tonight! How many of you follow Jillian's "no more than 5 seconds" break rule when doing this? I try, but sometimes it gets to be too much and it ends up being more like 10 seconds! I'm sure it'll get better as I progress, but for now, it's not happening!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I just started this yesterday and I'm doing it again tonight! How many of you follow Jillian's "no more than 5 seconds" break rule when doing this? I try, but sometimes it gets to be too much and it ends up being more like 10 seconds! I'm sure it'll get better as I progress, but for now, it's not happening!

    I don't generally count the seconds as I'm usually panting to catch my breath or yelling at her that she is crazy, but it's usally one or two side lunges or push ups, etc. Lol. I figure that can't be more than 10 seconds, right? Hahaha.
  • azzle07
    azzle07 Posts: 10
    I was taking well more than 10 seconds during the jumping jacks, cos I had to keep running off for a wee, damn pelvic floor! When I properly stop tho, it's just enough time to have a sip of my drink!
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Level 1 day 7 done. :) Nearly didn't shred as the tooth hasn't improved and I've been in agony. Then I hit a blissful spot where the painkillers kicked in so I went for it. Couldn't do the cardio with a much vigor as usual (the jumping made my tooth hurt) so I made sure I got right down into the squats and lunges and did them Natalie style - proud of that. I also managed 10 (girly) press ups in a row which was amazing considering I struggled with 2 on day 1 - and they weren't even right down to the floor. If nothing else, my arms/shoulders are much stronger even though those damn side lunge/arm raises still kill me.
  • maplematt
    maplematt Posts: 17 Member
    Do any lads do this?

    Or is it quite a girly workout?
  • Eileen_Fiona
    Eileen_Fiona Posts: 89 Member
    I'm going to start this again today, the most I've managed before was 10 days and I'm determined to try and complete the full 30 days! Measurements have been taken, looking forward to seeing an improvement in those.
  • aeris2126
    aeris2126 Posts: 7
    I'm so glad I found this forum! This morning I finished day 3 in Level 1 of the shred. I am probably one of the laziest people I know, but I decided to give these 30 days a shot. I've been waking up at 5:30am because that's really the only time I can squeeze in a workout without my husband or my kid watching (I can't do anything while I'm being watched.)

    Yesterday was so hard, my arms and legs were so sore I could barely sit down at work, and those side lunges with the arm lifts were torture. It was also my first day using actual weights since I did my first day barehanded to see if it would kill me. Today I'm still sore, but everything was just a bit easier to do. I still can't do regular push-ups but I'm excited for the day when I can get off my knees!
  • I_Golf
    I_Golf Posts: 15 Member
    Level 1, Day 2 complete. When I got up this morning, I was surprised that my legs weren't too sore, but my oh my, the shoulders were killing me. Guess I've discovered where I need the most work! Today's workout went decent. I hardly took any breaks and did more of the moves than yesterday, but am noticing it's hurting the bottoms of my feet. I'll see how it feels tomorrow and maybe go low impact on jumping jacks. Got a little nauseated so I think I'll need to have a piece of fruit or something light before working out. All in all, I'm impressed with the workout and look forward to getting leaner and stronger.
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Day 1, Level 3 for me & it's very deceiveing. I watched it yesterday to see what was coming my way & thought huh that is going to be alot more bearable than Level 2.....Boy was I wrong!! The planks aren't too bad but it's all the jumping with incorporated squating, it's killing my knees. I am so sore now that it hurts my knee's when walking up & down the stairs :sad: I'm hoping that this wears off like in Level 2 when I got sore feet & ankles but that wore off after a couple days.
    Im proud of myself for the fact that on this level I can mix it up with hard & easy moves as opposed to Level 1 I could only do the easy moves.......still can only do lady push-ups though, I don't think my body is built for them man push-ups :laugh:
    9 days left until the end of my 30 Day Shred journey & I can't wait to see the end result, changes have happened as today I am wearing a pair of shorts that I haven't been able to get past my *kitten* since summer 2010 :happy:
    Kapp up the good work everyone, you are all doing so well