Calling all Cathe fans!



  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi Laurie & Tami,

    Hope you don't mind me stopping in & reading about your STS journey. I LOVE Cathe. I have almost all of her workouts (some so old they are on tape, not DVD!). I just finished a round of p90x last month (great results, little boring, but overall liked alot) and am now doing Insanity from Beachbody. I will be done w/that on Thanksgiving. I don't really have much weight to lose (3-4 lbs at most) but could stand to tone up some more & get rid of a little tummy.

    It sounds like ya'll are liking STS. Do you feel it's worth the price? If you have to start w/meso 1 & then move through to meso 3...that's alot of $$$. And it sounds like ya'll do a mix of all types of cardio. Does she just leave it up to you to do whatever you want or is there a "cardio schedule" that spells it out? Any input is greatly appreciated. My hubby & I did P90x & are also doing Insanity together. Would a guy be challenged/enjoy STS? We were thinking of doing a round of p90x+ in the new year, but I'm very interested in Cathe's system.

    Thanks! And best of luck to you both!!! You sound like you're doing very well w/the program!

    Hi there ~ absolutely jump on in! :flowerforyou:

    I absolutely agree on the diversity of the program even if it is the same exercise or what not. You feel like you are doing new exercises because she keeps it at such a variety.

    I just completed Meso 1 and on recovery week. Meso 2 begins next week.
    For my weights I have the Bowflex SelecTechs so they are able to be re-arranged quickly; which helps but I don't use a barbell and so far have only found on a few "isolation" type exercises that a barbell would have worked better. I think it isn't sacrificing anything though. I had asked a few people who have completed STS before and they said they used dumbells only and that worked just fine for them too. ~ Like Laurie I just hit pause to get situated and then move on. For pull-ups I use a band (which one of the ladies in her group does as well).

    I have been implementing a mix of cardio - forsure 2 days a week but definitely wanting to increase it to 3. As Laurie mentioned she does give you a specific DVD recommendation for cardio or you can mix in your own; as long as you are incorporating cardio.
    I too did P90X once before (just did 1 round) I like this even more. I think both are great programs but yes, the Ab work is a nice diversity and you can pick & choose which one. I think your hubby would enjoy it - :wink: I was worried about the $$$$ and what the program would offer, etc.... but at this point, I am really happy I made the investment. I could see myself doing this again and again in the future. :smile:

    How are you liking Insanity???!! I have thought of maybe doing that after STS and then a combo of the two. :huh: Using Insanity as my cardio. Would love to hear about it as well.

    Let me know if you have any questions on STS - glad to help in whatever way I can or in the decision making process! Only 1/3 of the way through my rotation but will help with whatever questions you may have.

    Thanks for dropping in! :flowerforyou:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member

    INSANITY is like nothing I have done before. I am only on day 5, so I'm no expert on it yet. The first month of workouts are very short (none over 35-40 minutes & that's warm up, stretch, cooldown as well) but I burn more calories than I do with 50 min of step. It uses no weights, but my shoulders, butt and legs are sore. There's no dread factor for me yet, but you do need to have tons of energy to make it through. I could almost drag myself out of a nap & still crank out a decent p90x workout...not here.

    I have read numerous threads on another site and it seems many people don't see any weight loss at the end of the program. It's only day 5, but I swear I feel like I'm flabbier around my middle. We'll see. I do enjoy the "program" type workout though. P90x got me hooked on that....someone else figuring out what I should be doing each day! The INSANITY workouts i think will always be a part of whatever rotation I do in the future. It's just like nothing else. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    I want to do Insanity after this STS rotation also, so it would be the beginning of January. I just mentioned it to my hubby this morning, and he didn't even bat an eye that I wanted to get more exercise DVD's. :drinker: :laugh:

    Hey Laurie ~

    LOL! I love it - well we will definitely have to stay in touch! I'm laughing about your husband not batting an eye on more DVD's. My husband is also very supportive of my workouts. Sometimes he wonders why it is so thrilling to have more workouts for my library! But thinks it's great that I enjoy it so much. :smile:
    Glad to hear your daughter did good at her track meet.

    Today was not quite the workout I had planned :grumble: Had to get ready to head out of town to see my hubby. So I will be gone Sat/Sun - hoping to get a workout in when I return Sunday afternoon/evening! Hope your neck loosens up ~ that's not fun I'm sure.

    I'l check in with you on Monday - Have a great weekend!

    Tami :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member

    INSANITY is like nothing I have done before. I am only on day 5, so I'm no expert on it yet.

    I have read numerous threads on another site and it seems many people don't see any weight loss at the end of the program. It's only day 5, but I swear I feel like I'm flabbier around my middle. We'll see. I do enjoy the "program" type workout though. P90x got me hooked on that....someone else figuring out what I should be doing each day! The INSANITY workouts i think will always be a part of whatever rotation I do in the future. It's just like nothing else. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Definitely keep us posted on how you are going and liking it! That is absolutely what I have heard is that it is like "NOTHING ELSE!" :huh:

    Have a great weekend! :drinker:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Disc 10 Chest, Shoulders, Biceps is done, and all I can say is WOW! :bigsmile: 70% was really kicking all those exercises, and I had a hard time brushing my hair afterwards. :blushing: Couldn't finish all the rounds of push-ups on my toes, so did the last set of 21's and staggered on my knees. I really liked that last version of staggered, doing the arms with different degrees. Almost seemed to be easier on my arms. :wink: Will get in a run and Ab Circuit Stability Ball workout done after work.

    Tami, Did you have a fun weekend? I actually didn't get the stretching done, but my neck is feeling much better.

    Tara, Please let us know how you are liking Insanity, because I'm getting more and more interested in investing in those. :wink:

    Have a great day,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    LOL! I know on some of those "push-ups" it is crazy how your arms just can't do anymore. The staggered do feel a little bit better when your fatigued ... I agree. :noway:

    Meso 2 - Disc 1 tonight! Was a little bit tired this a.m. so decided to get my workout in tonight! I'm excited to start into the next phase of STS. :smile: Cardio will be tomorrow a.m.

    My weekend was good - thanks! It was good to see my hubby and spend time with friends.

    Have a great day ~ I'll check in with you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Tami,

    My workout was TaeBo Get Ripped #2, and right now my shoulders are really talking to me! :laugh: A combo of yesterdays workout and then all the punching that Billy put me through. :wink: Half way through the workout my punches where looking pretty pathetic. :huh:

    How was your first workout in Meso 2? I will live through you until I get to those workouts in two weeks. Glad you had a good weekend with your DH and friends.

    Have a great day,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie!

    OK, let me say holding a phone to my ear after my workout last night caused some shakiness! Need I say more!?!?? :laugh: Heavier weights; now at 70% of the 1RM.
    It was a great workout - In this Meso Cycle you work each muscle group to fatigue. So 3 sets of shoulders at one angle, then another, then another. Then Triceps you do the same. Working different angles of each muscle. You definitely have a way longer rest period but she explains that is important for what the workout is trying to accomplish.
    So yes - I will keep you posted definitely. She switches the rotation with Wed. & Fri. So Legs are Wed. now. :wink:
    Today is Ultra Cardio Blast (Pre-mix of Drill Max).

    I'll check in with you tomorrow - have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Tami,

    Now I'm looking forward to Meso 2, because this last week of Meso 1 doing the weights at 70% has been really working those muscles. I really am curious as to how the Leg workout will be on Friday. Oh I can just feel my poor shoulders working already for Meso 2! :wink: Can't believe how I am actually looking forward to doing the next cycle.

    Disc 11, Back & Triceps is done, and I'm hoping to get in a run after work. Have to go grocery shopping though! Just one more workout in this Meso for me. :drinker: This is the first time I have done a weight rotation, and I have not dreaded doing the workout. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie ~

    I'm glad you are looking forward to Meso 2! I am enjoying it. This a.m. was Legs. It was a great workout. :tongue: Lots of lunges, squats, deadlifts. Definitely got those muscles fired up.
    I'm going to take the dogs for a walk tonight and then get in my Abs - No Equip. workout in.

    Don't you love that you look forward to each workout? That's how I am too with STS. :smile:

    Have a great day! I'll check in with you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Tami,

    No workout for me yet, but I plan on getting in Jillian's BFBM and Ab Circuit Med Ball after I get home from the cross country meet. My youngest DD's last race, so I need to see her run at least once this year. :wink: I had to come in early, so didn't get the chance to workout.

    I agree with you, it does make this rotation easier on my brain. I have not dreaded a workout yet. Now that might change when I get to Meso 3, and the Plyo! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie ~

    We really do have a similar library of workout DVD's. I have the Jillian BFBM too! :wink: I did that last week during my recovery week. I really like that one for a shorter cardio workout.
    My workout this evening is going to be Cathe's Kick Max - we'll see how my legs feel after that. They were a little tight this a.m. but I'm sure the workout will help ... :noway: right!??! :laugh:

    I'm glad you will get to see your daughters race. Hope she does well!

    I'll check in with you tomorrow. Have a great day and evening.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member

    So glad it is Friday, just wish this rainy weather would push out! They even say we might get some snow this weekend! :noway: :ohwell:

    Today was Disc 12 Legs, and will get in a run (probably on my TM) after work. Can't believe that Meso 1 is all done, it just didn't seem like 4 weeks. :wink:

    Kickmax is tough! How did you do after that leg workout? I really like Jillian. She got me through a plateau I was in, so even though she is one tough lady I :heart: her. :smile:

    Have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie & TGIF!

    Always glad for Friday's forsure. We have blue sky today and sunny but it is very cold and supposed to get down into the teens tonight and through the weekend. :grumble: :frown: Snow in the mountains. I'm not ready for winter. We have had a beautiful fall w/ some great sunny/warm days.

    Today is Disc 15 for me - Back/Biceps workout.
    So we will be on the same schedule next week won't we!??! Because I repeat 13, 14, 15 next week!
    My legs - feeling a bit sore ..... I mostly notice when I get up from my desk after sitting for a while and they scream & take a moment to get moving. I think with the heavier weights plus the Kick Max last night! :noway: I feel like the leg workouts in Meso 2 (so far) aren't quite as hard - but challenging definitely in a different way; the format that you are working them and weight increase causes the fatigue. It's a good sore! :wink:

    Tomorrow will be Cardio but haven't decided which one yet. :tongue:

    I'll check in with you over the weekend ~ Have a great day! :flowerforyou: Tami
    p.s. How did your daughters track meet go?
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member

    Had a busy weekend hauling the DD's around. One had to be at a b'day party, and the other was needing rides for pictures (homecoming) and going to friends house.

    Saturday was 4DS Kickboxing & Abs, plus the Cardio Quick Fix that Cathe had on her rotation. Burn quite a few calories doing that workout for 20 minutes. :wink: Sunday I did nothing. This morning was TaeBo Get Ripped #2, and I still want to get in a 2 mile run and some stretching after work.

    Can't wait for my legs for feel a good sore from a leg workout. I think we will be on the same week in about three weeks or so? :smile:

    DD didn't do very well at the cc meet, and came home full of mud. One girl on their team actually fell in the mud. :frown:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Sounds like you definitely had a busy weekend but got some workouts in ~ that's awesome!
    My weekend was good. Got my cardio in with Kelly Coffey-Meyer - one of her newer workouts. Cardio Burst I think and Plyo. It was good. Burned a bunch of calories! :smile:

    I misunderstood. :embarassed: I was thinking you were beginning Meso 2 this week... ?? When you mentioned last week of Meso 1 being done.

    This a.m. was Meso 2, Disc 13 (Shoulders & Triceps). It was good "again". I really enjoy that I repeat each workout so I know kind of what's coming and what I did last week. My shoulders are fatigued, just like last week. But it's good! :wink:
    I may try to get in an ab workout tonight. That's my goal.

    Tomorrow is cardio - Thinking about one of Cathe's pre-mixes. Those are always good and great calorie burners!

    Have a great Monday and I will check in with you tomorrow!
  • crumpgirl
    crumpgirl Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Everybody!
    I've been MIA the last two weeks due to a freak accident. I tripped over something and managed to give myself a bad case of sciatica. I thought I had only hurt my left knee when I fell but it was ok. It was only later in the day when I went to get out of the car that I realized my hip and left leg were in pain. I didn't go to the doctor but just let it heal on it's own. I 'm still having a little uncomfortable ache in my hip joint and it does seem to get stove up in the afternoon but I'll make it. I've got to get back to the exercising!
    I'm glad to see you all are still making great progress and keeping each other accountable.
    I'm going to attempt to do something this pm. Don't know if I'll stick with a gym style upper body or attempt a step workout.
    Anyhoo, glad to be back - hopefully the hip and leg with continue to improve. Not looking forward to the doms after two weeks of slacking! :sad:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was MTV Power Yoga with Kristin McGee, and I'm really feeling it in my legs right now. I had forgotten how many vinyassa's where in this one. :huh: I'm sure I will start to feel my upper body later. :wink:

    Tami, I may have to try the 6-1/2 month rotation after this one. I am planning on getting Insanity, so will probably start that the beginning of January. Then I think a STS/Insanity combo would be good. Meso 2 will be next week, I almost forgot about my recovery too. :blushing: I have not gotten all of Kelly's new workouts, but the plyo one is the one I want the most. Does she use the step as a tool, or do you do any step choreo in it?

    Karen, Glad to see you back, just sorry to hear that you where having a injury issue. :frown: What type of workout did you decide upon?

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    I may have to try the 6-1/2 month rotation after this one. I am planning on getting Insanity, so will probably start that the beginning of January. Then I think a STS/Insanity combo would be good.

    I have been thinking of that as well ~ doing the combo of Insanity w/ STS. We should at some point join together in that rotation! It would be great. :bigsmile: My STS rotation ends beginning of February I think. I do think the 2 combined would be incredible!!

    Kelley Coffer - Plyo workout. Yes, she does incorporate the step into the Plyo portion as well. There are 2 workouts on the DVD that are 30 min. each; both use the step. I would recommend the DVD especially since you like her workouts! :wink:

    Hi Karen ~ So glad you are back. Sorry to hear about your injury. I'm sure it has been frustrating for you. Hopefully all is well now. Definitely keep us posted!

    Cathe's Ultra Cardio Blast for me today. Tomorrow a.m. will be Meso 2 - Legs.

    Hope you both have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Tami & Karen,

    This morning was 10 Minute Solutions Knockout Body, and I thought this was going to be a lightweight program. I burned 533 calories in the 50 minutes, so I think that was an ok workout. :smile: If time allows I'm planning on getting in a 2 mile run after work. Of course I have to get to the grocery store during that time frame also. :wink:

    Tami, Well I think that I can wait a bit to start Insanity:wink: , because I think I might try a Jillian rotation inbetween that time. ExerciseTV has a Jillian rotation on their web page, that looks like it would be fun to try. It consists of Shred/BFBM & NMTZ. That should take care of the Jan time frame. I would really like having the support when trying out that Insanity program. :embarassed: Ultra Cardio Blast is one good workout, how are your legs feeling today? I'm going to have to get the KCM DVD! :wink:

    Karen, Hope you are doing well.

    Have a great day!