Visualize This



  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Are you sure your actually getting the amount of calories your bodyneeds? I've been hearing so much about the body going into starvation mode b/c it's nt gettig enough calories. And I cannot believe your surviving on the calories your taking in! At least I couldn't do it. Perhaps its time to talk to your doctor to see what may help? Good luck!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Are you sure your actually getting the amount of calories your bodyneeds? I've been hearing so much about the body going into starvation mode b/c it's nt gettig enough calories. And I cannot believe your surviving on the calories your taking in! At least I couldn't do it. Perhaps its time to talk to your doctor to see what may help? Good luck!

    This is what I was thinking. You could just eat more for a day or two to jar your body and metabolism. Maybe its just used to what you are doing, so its now maintaining and not losing because of it. Maybe - I don't really know, but you could try and see.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Are you sure your actually getting the amount of calories your bodyneeds? I've been hearing so much about the body going into starvation mode b/c it's nt gettig enough calories. And I cannot believe your surviving on the calories your taking in! At least I couldn't do it. Perhaps its time to talk to your doctor to see what may help? Good luck!

    This is what I was thinking. You could just eat more for a day or two to jar your body and metabolism. Maybe its just used to what you are doing, so its now maintaining and not losing because of it. Maybe - I don't really know, but you could try and see.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Did anyone else see this thread?

    My kids eat microwave popcorn nearly everyday...looking on craigslist for an air popper

    Technology and food companies are are the Comcast exercise people...LOL


    I make my own popcorn. I even pop it in like a very small ammout of oil. I do NOT add butter, and sometimes not even salt. But eaten in moderation. SUCH a good snack and it tastes SO much better than those bags of popcorn. Grooossss
  • outdoormom09
    Too funny.... Thanks Ian I started at 146 then weighed in at 148... when I got back down to 146 I felt like I had actually lost something. That is why the ticker didn't up-date... I hadn't lost squat!! :laugh: Thanks for your help :flowerforyou:
  • outdoormom09
    Ok.. checking in :

    Still at 146... did great on my calories last week and over the weekend. Staying on my workout schedule no problem. Don't feel hungry.. just can't wait to lose a little weight. I'd take a POUND. Maybe this week. I've worked too hard to give up now.

    Did weights today on arms. Will do Cardio tomorrow. Sorry no new receipes... Bought some califlower to try the mash potatoes someone suggested last week.

    Good luck everyone... hope you have a great week!
  • outdoormom09
    Kim 179
    Ian 242
    Tiff 221 (no gain/loss)
    Shannon 155
    Jessica 173.8 (2.8# gain)
    Becca 181 (2.5 pound loss)
    Rose 146 (no gain/loss) Goal 21 #

    Thing I have noticed.... I can fit into my jeans a little better ugggg... Trying not to buy a bigger size.:embarassed:

    I'm not tired of washing my lettus... just tired of eating it!:yawn:

    Good Job Becca on your 2.5 # loss..... I can't wait!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • LindaMee
    Thanks all for the replies...I have tried to replace my burned caories, but then I just gain weight. I eat very healthy foods with an occasional sort of healthy dessert. For instance, I might bake a homemade bread pudding. I use whole wheat french bread, half the sugar, and walnuts and brown sugar for the topping. I also add fresh apple slices. The dessert would rank as mostly healthy and I don't eat a lot of it, half of what everyone else in my house eats.

    I eat when I am hungry. I truly don't deprive myself of food. The only time I do that is if the dinner is heavy and I know it is a fattening one. Then I amy eat a portion and wlk away from the table. I'll compensate with something else like a cup of decaf with light cream. I am not a big junk food eater and I homemake practically every meal and dessert. We really never eat packaged foods or processed things.

    I guess I am just going to have to get used to the fact that I am no longer 135 lbs and keep getting healthy for the sake of strength not losing weight.

    If the weight comes off I guess it will be a benefit. If not, I'll be healthy anyway. It is a way of life to eat healthy for us with an occasional indulgenvce. I can't change that. I used to use a lot of salt. I no longer do. I used to drink minimal water. I drink twie as much now or more. I never used to exercise. I do a lot now. We choose foods without preservatives and too many chemicals whenever possible. And we eat virtually only whole grain and whole wheat everything. We always substitute wheat for white flour in recipes.

    I just don't know what else to do. So, I guess I'll just keep doing what I am doing and hope for a change eventually. Anyway, I'll be healthy.

    Thanks again for all of your posts. You do inspire me,

  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    Thought I would check in, it has been a rough couple of days. My closest girlfriend had a bit of a family issue the last couple of days, so my time has been elsewhere. Her husband who is 38 had a heart attack and open heart surgery yesterday. He is at fault, he is a functioning alcoholic who believes in his mind he is still 18 and not a care in the world. The only adult thing he has ever done is hold down a job. Now he can't work for the next 3-4 months, so we will see what happens there. Will check in again tomorrow. I think I lost 5 lbs over the last week, fingers crossed, weight seems to fluctuate day to day! YIKES!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Kim 179
    Ian 242
    Tiff 221 (no gain/loss)
    Shannon 155
    Jessica 173.8 (2.8# gain)
    Becca 181 (2.5 pound loss)
    Rose 146 (no gain/loss) Goal 21 #

    Thing I have noticed.... I can fit into my jeans a little better ugggg... Trying not to buy a bigger size.:embarassed:

    I'm not tired of washing my lettus... just tired of eating it!:yawn:

    Good Job Becca on your 2.5 # loss..... I can't wait!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Thanks so much! I am hoping it keeps going. I mean, I really felt like I wasn't losing this week. I just have to remember to keep at it. Working out makes me feel good. I should eat healthy and work out because I FEEL GOOD, not just for the mark going down (though that would be nice to(. Congrats to anyone else who has stuck with everything this week. Seriously. To those of you losing inches, and who feel better and who are really doing this, YAY congrats. Really. Two weeks to make a habit right? I hope so.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I just don't know what else to do. So, I guess I'll just keep doing what I am doing and hope for a change eventually. Anyway, I'll be healthy.

    Thanks again for all of your posts. You do inspire me,


    Have you had your thyroid checked? Or, possibly meet with a nutritionist...if you bring in your food logs, they can give you some good advice
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hi everyone! Kim (nisijam5) pointed me in this direction, I am so glad to find a group just starting up! I hate joining them after they've been going on for weeks..

    I am a 26 (will be 27 on Oct 25 :(...) yr old stay at home mom to a 6 yr old son and a 5 yr old daughter. I am going to college for my associates degree in accounting right now as well as looking for part time work. I have A LOT of weight to lose and need all the motivation, encouragement and accountability I can get!

    I'm really embarrassed to say, but my starting weight this morning was 296.4 lbs. I am definitely up to the challenges of this group and can't wait for more to come!

    One of my favorite foods I can no longer have are coke I feel like such a kid but I love those things! I am cutting out soda completely. I will be drinking water, skim milk and crystal light once in a while just for some added flavor.

    Can't wait to see how far we all come in the end! :)
  • amym1
    amym1 Posts: 13
    Hi everyone,

    Just checking in. I thought I blew it over the weekend, but came in at a loss of 1.5 lbs. Just shows you that you shouldn't assume the worst when you have a bad day. It might turn out differently another time, but consistency and persistance are the keys.

    Still having trouble fitting in time to exercise....

  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Hi everyone! Kim (nisijam5) pointed me in this direction, I am so glad to find a group just starting up! I hate joining them after they've been going on for weeks..

    I am a 26 (will be 27 on Oct 25 :(...) yr old stay at home mom to a 6 yr old son and a 5 yr old daughter. I am going to college for my associates degree in accounting right now as well as looking for part time work. I have A LOT of weight to lose and need all the motivation, encouragement and accountability I can get!

    I'm really embarrassed to say, but my starting weight this morning was 296.4 lbs. I am definitely up to the challenges of this group and can't wait for more to come!

    One of my favorite foods I can no longer have are coke I feel like such a kid but I love those things! I am cutting out soda completely. I will be drinking water, skim milk and crystal light once in a while just for some added flavor.

    Can't wait to see how far we all come in the end! :)

    Welcome Arienna!!!!! Seriously, this place is pretty fab, and the people in the vizualize this group are pretty awesome too. They have great advice, and it's nice to have people who are encouraging and inspirations. Sometimes, just seeing (like you) that someones lost even 10 pounds, I am like OH. EM. GEE!!!! I wanna be like that, because I just feel like I can't do it. But these people here make me feel like I can.

    Oh and that picture on your profile. SO cute. Okies thats all.

  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913

    Welcome Arienna!!!!! Seriously, this place is pretty fab, and the people in the vizualize this group are pretty awesome too. They have great advice, and it's nice to have people who are encouraging and inspirations. Sometimes, just seeing (like you) that someones lost even 10 pounds, I am like OH. EM. GEE!!!! I wanna be like that, because I just feel like I can't do it. But these people here make me feel like I can.

    Oh and that picture on your profile. SO cute. Okies thats all.


    Thank you for the warm welcome! :) A friend sent me that picture one day last year when I was having a rough day, it is very cute! I know what you mean about feeling like you can't do it.. Getting started is the hardest part, after that I think it just becomes a habit, but I need to get there first!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    So I saw this in another topic and it seems pretty awesome! Just another recourse for those foods that have hard to find nutritional facts.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    So I have a question for you all -

    What do you do when you are having trouble eating enough calories for the day? Normally this doesn't happen for me :laugh: , but I woke up late this morning and didn't eat much of a breakfast, and then had a really small lunch. (I didn't mean to...but it just worked out that way.) I've eating a pretty big dinner (to the point where i'm feeling full) but I'm still not at 1200 calories. I was planning on going to the gym later this evening, and normally I eat most of my exercise calories but I don't think I could do that tonight.

    I realize that ideally I should have eaten a real breakfast and a more substantial lunch, but since that didn't happen, do you think it's better to eat as much as I'm supposed to for the day or should I not eat too much late in the day and maybe just have a big breakfast tomorrow?? I know that your body doesn't automatically 'reset' when the clock strikes midnight so I'm thinking I'll just try to eat some of my exercise calories from tonight in the morning with breakfast.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    So I have a question for you all -

    What do you do when you are having trouble eating enough calories for the day? Normally this doesn't happen for me :laugh: , but I woke up late this morning and didn't eat much of a breakfast, and then had a really small lunch. (I didn't mean to...but it just worked out that way.) I've eating a pretty big dinner (to the point where i'm feeling full) but I'm still not at 1200 calories. I was planning on going to the gym later this evening, and normally I eat most of my exercise calories but I don't think I could do that tonight.

    I realize that ideally I should have eaten a real breakfast and a more substantial lunch, but since that didn't happen, do you think it's better to eat as much as I'm supposed to for the day or should I not eat too much late in the day and maybe just have a big breakfast tomorrow?? I know that your body doesn't automatically 'reset' when the clock strikes midnight so I'm thinking I'll just try to eat some of my exercise calories from tonight in the morning with breakfast.

    OMGGGG this happens to me ALL the time. Like ALLLLL the time. Today for instance. I had a HUGE day of cardio because I was in a pissy mood and went to the gym to raquetball it out of me. But I had woken up late (around 10/11) and didnt eat breakfast till 11:30. I had a nice snack before the Gym, but then spent until 3:30 in the gym. I came home and made lunch, and left around 4;30 or 5 to go grocery shopping... so i didnt eat until 7 ish (i made something with brown rice today and it took 50 freaking mins to make) and then didnt even want it all. It was too heavy or something. I was full quickly. Eating slower now. So I was stuck at about 956 calories. And it just wasn't enough so I had some trail mix for my evening snack. It was a bit late. But sometimes that happens. Where I am just like so busy that I forget to eat. Or.... eat enough of something small, portioned, and then eat less of the portion. Or something I don';t know.

    But it sucks.

    Or like when I am surrounded by bad food, and I don't want to eat any of it.

    Its funny--- trying to LOSE weight and are having trouble eating eough. BLECH!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Becca - glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem!

    I'm trying really hard to get out of my old eating habits, which were to skip breakfast, eat too much for lunch (sometimes) and dinner (often) and maybe once or twice a week really binge on high fat/high calorie/high sugar foods. At least today, even though I skipped breakfast, I had a healthy lunch and dinner. :smile:

    The root of my problem is that I'm soooo not a morning person (because I don't get enough sleep) and seriously some days it's like pulling teeth to get me out of bed early enough to shower, get ready, make my lunch AND eat a good breakfast before I have to leave for work. I guess I will have to try harder! (And maybe get more sleep...)

    For today, I'm actually a little hungry again, now that my dinner has settled... I will probably eat something small before I go work out (soon) which should bump me up to 1200 cal for the day, and then I will eat a big (but healthy!) breakfast to absorb some of the workout calories from tonight's workout.
  • whitepuredove
    Ok..Check in....

    203 pounds ...lost 9 pounds.
    lost 6 inches total on measurements
    2 in my belly
    didnt get to exercise alot... so need to get on that.
