Visualize This



  • maddmaddmama
    maddmaddmama Posts: 19 Member
    GM Team!!

    A good way to get motivated for me to work out is putting on my MP3 player. Go for a scenic walk, breath in the fresh air. Unfortunately Im a smoker, so I cant run for long, I hate it! But I figure I can only stay focused on one thing at a time, so after I lose this weight then I'll concentrate on quitting.

    I'm about to get off work, so I'll check in with you all later to see my results, can't wait ;0)

    Oh and thank you all for your advice. I'm going to try the mouthwash thing:)

    thanks for the advice on finding the motivation after work.
  • maddmaddmama
    maddmaddmama Posts: 19 Member
    okay i just got home and i forgot to check in this's 10:21 pm in hawaii
    weight 161 (loss 2.5 lbs) :happy:
    lost an inch off my waist.
    i also didnt get to exercise as much as i wanted this past week but i've been eating better than before i pack my breakfast and lunch the night before work. I've been eating more salads lessen my white rice intake. I need to work on my sugary foods...looks like everyone is on the right track for success go team visualize this!!!
  • maddmaddmama
    maddmaddmama Posts: 19 Member
    tuna and egg pancake

    can of tuna
    2 eggs beaten
    salt and pepper to taste
    2 tbs. oil

    stir in the tuna and egg together add your salt and pepper to taste. heat oil in pan and cook like pancakes. i like to eat them with ketchup...hahah i hope this taste more satisfying then it's read. i really do love them...
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Sorry I didn't get the chance to check in team, it was Canadian Thanksgiving up here in the Frozen Tundra... so...
    I have a workout with my trainer today, then have a test drive... then when I get home I'll try to check in... but my gut (size) is telling me I probably gained.:grumble:
  • Ssirclesgirl
    Ssirclesgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Arienne aand I were starting a group and she headed this direction. Is it too late for me to jump in and join your group? I am in serious need of support. I am a Mom of 4 work fulltime and husband is always working. Looking for support ideas and to get cheered on! Amber
  • jtolose01
    You'll probably get many suggestions on how to cook squash.
    Here's a mere tip that squash cooked almost any way (baked, steamed) when left over is good cut into circular pancakes or cubes and fried stovetop in a LIGHT amount of olive oil. The cubes can be served in a heap or interspersed with other items such as tofu cubes. Have fun with SQUASH... when you are cutting down on sugars, you'll find the sweet flavor welcome.
  • outdoormom09
    Wow Good Job - I'm so IMPRESSED! Davisa
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Feeling great after an hour with my trainer. My elbow was pretty sore, but he crushed my core and killed me... in a good way!:tongue: it's amazing what a good workout can do for your mood!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Davisa....9 lbs is awesome...that's a 5 lb bag of potatoes and 16 sticks of butter...way to go

    Chunky lover...feel free to join in...if you want to submit your weight, we see what the team loses together

    Here is the list I came up with, just change if it's not accurate. I only included people who submitted their weight.


    Kim 179
    Ian 242
    Tiff 221
    Shannon 155
    Jessica 173.8
    Becca 181
    Linda 160
    Rose 146
    Arienna 296.4
    Davisa 203
    Maian 161

    Good luck all
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Let's talk about some of our FAVORITE exercises...

    *side plank dips (side plank raising your hip up and down off the floor)
    *walking push ups (from a stand, touch toes, walk hands out to a push up, walk hands back to your feet)
    *Balance yourself on your knees on a stability ball raise a 10 pound free weight or medicine ball over your head 10 times.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Fave exercises - I like my elliptical.

    I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred not too long ago. My fave exercises on there were, the ab stuff - most all of them and probly any of the lunges, although I have a difficult time doing them because my knee hurts. I don't know why but I like lunges, I can definately feel the burn and push through it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I can't say that I have a favorite exercise...wish I did...I am so sore from yesterdays Comcasts' less-is-more exercise video with that evil sweaty beast who hosts it

    It's been exactly one week and I do like the effects of the total body workouts. I like the circuit training the best. I feel like my midsection is getting toned. I thought my calves looked really lean just a couple of days ago. My energy level is better and I have increased tolerance.

    I do the elliptical at the gym...again, for the total overall cardio workout...I getting more efficient at it too with increased tolerance

    My least favorite is the makes me feel like a lab rat running

  • amym1
    amym1 Posts: 13
    I used to belong to Curves and really liked it. Then was laid off and had to quit because I couldn't afford the monthly fee. Now that I'm employed again, the Curves near me closed ... I guess a lot of other people had to quit too. I really like the convenience of their 30 minute workout and loved the stretching station they had.

    Have thought of checking out 24 hour fitness, but I hate working out in a gym by myself. The nice thing about Curves was that everyone was working out together. Maybe a group aerobics or yoga class would be good, but then I'm stuck having to fit it in whenever the class is scheduled. I'll have to see if I can convince my husband to exercise with me.

  • outdoormom09
    I belong to Any Time Fitness. The owner there gave me a book with an excersise plan for Legs and Arm toning. I like it because you can go in and out when ever you want. People are nice. I have a workout partner from "work" we go at lunch time. Having a partner really does help I think. My problem area is Butt and Thighs. She has me doing squats, step ups with weights and lunges. Really works the lower body.

  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    i LOVE the arc trainer at my gym and honestly, I LOVE doing sports. My friend who lives upstairs and her husband and I all play raquetball together. and I LOOOOOVE it. OMG is it fun.

    And swimming is good too. But sports--- basketball baseball... SO good. And Raquetball. if you havent played, find a partner, and TRY IT if you can.

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My husband plays squash and from everything I read, it's one of the most intense cardio 'sports' you can do. I used to play tennis, so as much as I would love to play with my husband, we can't because of the two toddlers...
  • jeanniedreambtl

    Kim 179
    Ian 242
    Tiff 221
    Shannon 155
    Jessica 173.8
    Becca 181
    Linda 160
    Rose 146
    Arienna 296.4
    Davisa 203
    Maian 161
    Jeannie 221 (+3 pounds)

    -That's ok, I believe it could be muscle:)

    A major difference Ive noticed is like you said Kim, my calves and legs are getting toned. I'm losing weight in my thighs and butt, lol.

    What I dont like about dieting is eating the same things over and over.

    I didn't really get a chance to read over all the last 3 pages of what you guys have wrote but will when I get back to work :tongue:

    Hope you all are doing fabulous! And Ian, great advice. It's true, our weight will fluctuate from time to time, we musn't let it discourage us tho. TTYL
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I love my eliptical, totally worth it. I also like doing yoga and pilates. The last time I was hardcore in those tw I was toned in a month! That's the last time I was at my best, 115#'s.. I jsut wish I had more time, having an 8 month old and a lazy 3rd shift husband make it very hard.. so when I have time I typically go straight forthe eliptical since it burns move calories than yoga.
  • maddmaddmama
    maddmaddmama Posts: 19 Member
    i feel so much better after my morning walk with king i walked for an hour..well almost an hour i was 7 minutes short lol.

    My favorite exercise is the slim in 6 series from debbie siebers, turbo kickboxing, and walking my dog...

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ok, here's the list compiled

    Kim 179
    Ian 242
    Tiff 221
    Shannon 155
    Jessica 173.8
    Becca 181
    Linda 160
    Rose 146
    Arienna 296.4
    Davisa 203
    Marian 161
    Jeannie 221

    Total 2339.2 lbs total

    Average 194.9 per person

    I made yummy pot roast and mashed potatoes for dinner...I'm going to have to use a saucer as a smells so daughters' friends came over and said the house smells so good....I miss beef, very tired of seafood and chicken