When Was Your First Time?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    It didn't take much for me to decide to lose weight. I have always been skinny up until I was about 19-20... I only got to 160 when I started losing weight. There wasn't really an event.
  • psucsi
    psucsi Posts: 21 Member
    When I set off the doctor's office counseling alarms after weighing in at 302 back in December. That "3" was a zinger and I surrendered to the truth that restaurant booths were not getting smaller. Looking forward to Friday's visit with the doctor. Not too often you get to say that.
  • Like you I was running into things a lot..door ways and stuff...and the usuals...I hate looking at pictures of myself and hate going out anymore...and I'm a very social person! And people thinking I'm pregnant when I'm not!
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I've always been somewhere between the high end of normal, and up to 10-15kg overweight (at my worst I stayed away from the scales), so I've always felt fat with the exception of the last couple of years.

    About three years ago I was sharing a house with a family and stepped on their new scales, and I was just shy of 90kg. I was horrified because I realised how close I had been to being in the 90's, and therefore "almost 100kg". So I lost 10kg (with the motivation of a trip to Thailand to keep me going) and ended up being the lightest I had ever been (but still not slim).

    Since then, I have had some health and personal problems, and the weight has crept back on. I realised that I could only fit - and by "fit" I mean "could juuuuust do the button up but could barely move in the pants" - into one pair of my "skinny" pants (which were my back-up ones that I never wore because they were too big, not to mention ugly) and that I was actively choosing to wear skirts and stretchy things and avoiding my tighter clothes so I didn't have to deal with it. And then I saw a photo of myself in bathers at the beach that my future sister in law (heh. Or maybe not, the way things are going...) took at Easter, and I knew it was time to do something about it.

    So I'm on my way to getting fit for my 30th birthday. Wish me luck!
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    Pictures of myself after having my daughter.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    i have been pretty oblivious to my weight until an ex-colleague of mine posted this picture (see my profile picture on the left side) on facebook and she tagged me. and i was like. "WTF?"
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I actually never had a moment like that.. I've always been kind of chunky but I maintained a pretty steady weight for a few years. I started losing weight without really trying at first, and then I was like "hey, I've got a lot of extra fat, and I've done all this without even trying so losing weight might not be that bad."
  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    People at work and people at my convenience shop started asking if I was pregnant. Unfortunately, all my weight hits my middle first then disperses to other area. It was embarrassing. However, I got over it and continued to gain and go off and on diets until this past September when no matter what I keep going.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    After I had recovered from a car accident that laid me up for 14 months and I returned to work. I thought it was kind of odd that the space between my belly and the truck steering wheel seemed to have shrunk. A lot.

    My problem was I just didn't give a crap for several years, until I was told I might lose my medical certification due to high blood pressure. That was my slap in the face wake up call.
  • jelias1
    jelias1 Posts: 97
    After my college graduation my graduation photos left me both proud and disgusted.

    I was at my heaviest ever at 505lb's.

    Was in heavy denial and even admitted to myself the world may be better off if I wasn't around thought about death a couple of times too.

    Thank God though I found a love for myself, the love of my family, friends and a desire to live last december 2011 and now I am on my way to great health!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I think it was october 2 years ago. I went to a SPN convention and had my pic professionally taken with my tv hubby (lol) and when i got it back i realized just how big i freakin looked. then halloween came and had some casual family pics and my legs were like freakin tree trunks. i was just disgusted with how bad i let myself get and pissed off for everyone telling me i looked fine.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    i often think about this too.. i wish i had started sooner.. but i always got whatever dude i wanted.. no one ever said anything. so i thought it was all in my head. now that i look back at pictures i was heavy but curvy..

    so all in all, it was really down to wanting to wear a bikini.. and wondered if i could, the way i looked.. the answer was no. so i thought i would do something about it.. then 55lbs later i wonder where all the weight is falling from.. now i'm on a roll i figure i'll keep going since i haven't got the body i imagined i would have 50lbs later.
  • i knew i was gaining weight but thought i would not be able to lose weight due to medication. however i was at the dentist last week and as i am about to have some dental surgery, he calculated my bmi, it was a whopping 47...... it was then i decided to lose wight some how. my daughter told my about this site and set it up for me and i have lost 4 kilos in 4 days. i am eating more than i thought i would be able to and hope to have my bmi down to 25 this time next year.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    It was from a doctor's visit. I was weighed on the scale and was surprised by how much I weighed (we didn't own a scale at the time). I went into the doctor's office and as I watched the nurse input my weight and blood pressure, I saw how my weight had steadily grown over the years from my appointments. It was really the point where I said "If I keep carrying on as I am now, that number is just going to keep growing and growing." It's sort of a comfort too. I could have never had that epiphany and would later have a bigger weight problem than I do now. But I'm fixing things before I could be classified as obese and getting myself back in the healthy range for my height and age.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Honestly I don't know.... I had just ended an 18 year marriage, lost my house, lost my business and needed to change things. I figured what better way than to start with myself. I relocated out of the area for 6 months, got myself a new frame of mind and started working on getting what I lost of myself back.
    Somewhere along the lines, I stopped seeing what was in the mirror and stopped caring to an extent I guess. I will NEVER go back to where I was and while I'm still struggling with a lot of self esteem issues, I'm quietly trudging along in losing the last of 145 pounds.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    After christmas I was sick for a week. Could not eat anything. I dont know if it was from all the bad food i had eaten or a stomach bug or what. I got to feeling better and tried to eat some of the foods i was eating before and it made me sick again. Thats when I realized I was making myself sick by eating crap. Had to do something to change it. I was having gall bladder attacks so bad and I would not go to the doctor due to no insurance. I have not had a single attack since I started eating better and exercising!
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    When i got on the scale and seen 198.5 and that was that! I lost 30 with the help of mfp and now i am 31 weeks prego and big again. Hope it doesnt take me to long to lose the weight after she is born.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    Seeing my school ID picture (taken 3 years ago at the beginning of my freshman year) compared to my newest driver's license photo (taken last year). Both show just my face but it's a HUGE difference
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The upside of that story, is that I was going to the gym yesterday (5.5 months later) and all my shorts were in the wash so I stopped by Walmart to buy another pair ... I was wearing a pair of size 44 jeans that were loose and had been wearing mostly 42s... I got a pair of 42s off the shelf and on a whim another pair like it that were size 40 to see if I was getting close to that size... I happily left Walmart with 3 pair of SIZE 38 shorts... wooo hooo.

  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I noticed my weight along time ago, but was just too lazy to do anything about it. I had people asking if I was pregnant and rumors saying I was pregnant at a factory I used to work at in the summer. Obviously the people were immature, but it still hurt. My weight fluctuated from the highest 155 (may have been even been 160) to 147lbs. But I would always go off the diet after a few weeks. Last summer I saw a picture of myself with my cousin and sister, and my sister had been pregnant the year before, without any sign, and I looked pregnant even though I never have been.

    Ughh....anyways...I made my new years resolution to lose weight and I've stuck with it. I slowed down at times, but I've been able to maintain my weight. I'm hoping to reach some of my goals this summer!
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