Adele.. fat?!



  • Well you can't change her now can you? I think she is great though but still she is doing something about it and that is really nice.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Oh my...I should thank Umeboshi...she and her boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever actually helped me sidestep this mess.


    LOL yeah! me too!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Wait hold on I calculated my BF% and it's 22. According to some people over 20 is unhealthy. AM I GOING TO DIE???
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I love Adele, love her! But there is no way on earth she is a UK size 14-16 (that's a US size 10-12). She's more likely an 18-20. She's amazing though, so who even cares that she's fat? She doesn't!! She has a lovely new man now and she seems very happy. If she's not concerned about her weight why should anyone else be?

    But yes she is FAT, not curvy.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Wait hold on I calculated my BF% and it's 22. According to some people over 20 is unhealthy. AM I GOING TO DIE???

    Instantly. Of morbid obesity. :tongue:
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    uhhh, no, I'm a 16, and there is no way she's a 16. Maybe an 18, but could be higher.

    But. I don't care. She's talented and beautiful, and is the size she is. Period.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    she's a great singer. but she's fat. :)
  • She's lost some and looks even better now


    wow well all you ppl saying shes FAT look at her now hehe :)
  • Srry but this topic i think is just really horrible, so bloody what if Adele is 'big' in size, if shes happy with the way she looks its her problem pfft
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    She is definitely overweight, but that doesn't outweigh her talent.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    She's lost some and looks even better now


    wow well all you ppl saying shes FAT look at her now hehe :)

    Umm, do you see the corsett? And the Photoshopping going on?

    You may be right, or not...but that's the worst possible picture you could use to prove your point.
  • Starrynights1107
    Starrynights1107 Posts: 70 Member
    She's lost some and looks even better now


    wow well all you ppl saying shes FAT look at her now hehe :)

    Umm, do you see the corsett? And the Photoshopping going on?

    You may be right, or not...but that's the worst possible picture you could use to prove your point.

    Yeah, her fat photos are better. This one is just kinda...weird.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am so tired of women throwing around terms like big boned and curvy to justify their own laziness. People aren't supposed to weigh this much. It doesn't matter what this whole big girls are beautiful campaign is telling you. If you are overweight you are doing something wrong. Thats why we are on this site; to correct the poor behavior and choices we have been making. Everyones goal should always be to be as healthy as their body will allow them. Some people may hav 6e larger frames but does this excuse the 20%+ bodyfat on them? NO it doesnt. Its not natural, its not beautiful, and its not ok to teach our children this.

    This is exactly the kind of BS that makes me angry. Actually there is a body of evidence that shows a physically fit overweight person is at lower risk than an unfit person of normal weight. Fitness is an indicator of health, not weight. I am over 20% body-fat, I alsowork a full-time job, train about 12hrs a week and eat healthy foods. I have not, for the past 12 months or so, eaten at a calorie deficit, hence my being here to lose bodyfat. I am happy to admit that I am fat and I am happy to admit that I can lose weight if I eat a calorie deficit. However I am not lazy and I am not unhealthy.... the same goes for a great many people on this site.

    Do you even know what "fit' means? Fit isn't an indicator of health. It's a indicator of performance.
    Fit = being able to perform a task within a unit of time. The faster someone can run a mile "the fitter" they are.
    Health = When someone's body is working in unison to achieve optimal conditions within the body.

    You're talking about 2 different things, and you think they're the same.
    Do you even know what an `indicator` is? Here's a hint, its different to a `definition`:)
    Also think what you're saying, a 500lbs person who can perform some degree of exercise, is healthier than a thinner person who does no exercise?
    Nope, wrong again i said an overweight person, not an obese person.

    Anyway regardless, i think we should definitely be encouraging health in our children however i can tell you first hand telling a kid they're fat doesnt help. Focusing on good health and encouraging a love of sports does.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member

    I get so mad when people say Winnie The Pooh is fat. He is so talented and has been making me laugh since 1987.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    ahhahahah sweetchildofmine! I totally agree about the poor Poo bear.... not only does the society label him 'obese' or shall I say 'horizontally challenged' but they gave him a '****' name too! STOP the CRUELTY!

    As for Adele, she may be overweight like most of us on here but I have always admired her confidence and talent!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    She's lost some and looks even better now


    wow well all you ppl saying shes FAT look at her now hehe :)

    Umm, do you see the corsett? And the Photoshopping going on?

    You may be right, or not...but that's the worst possible picture you could use to prove your point.

    Yeah, her fat photos are better. This one is just kinda...weird.

    Doesn't even look like her anymore
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I don't listen to her music because she is too fat.
  • meka325
    meka325 Posts: 47
    Adele's weight has gone up and down alot, so that's a changeable answer to me. Technically, she's always been at least a little overweight by medical standards. There have been points where she has clearly been heavy. Has she ever been extremely heavy? Not really. However, I would say she's always been at least slightly-moderately overweight.
  • You know that Designer that called Adele fat? Did anyone bother to point out that he has a face like a Mummies *kitten*?

    So what, she's a bit pudgy, but that's not what people are buying in to, they are buyinh her voice. what else should matter?
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    Honest opinion.....
    And please no slating me for this. Im just honestly answering the OP's question.

    I do think adele is fat.

    But my honest opinion, and once again i know this will annoy alot of people, but im just inputting my honest opinions into the post. No trolling intended and i dont expect people to agree with me..

    But i think, UK size 8 / US size 4 is average.
    UK size 12 / US size 8 is fat.
    And UK size 10 / US size 6 is just pushing it.. Depends how well you carry yourself..

    But not trying to troll, just my honest opinion.
