Is there anyone on here not looking to be a size 2?



  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    lol, size what????????? Girl no size 2 is for 9th graders......I am a real woman!

    I'm a size 2... and trust me, I'm a "real" woman (whatever the heck *that* is supposed to mean). I also happen to be only 5'2", so it works for me. I didn't set out to be that size -- in fact, when I started I thought I'd be happy fitting into a size 12 again. I couldn't care less about what my "size" is as opposed to how good I *feel*.

    And I feel AMAZING!
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Check out ! At 44 5'5" & disabled I will be happy if I get below 150. It can be discouraging to see other people starting out at where you want to end but looking at that website just drives home the fact that we are all unique! Hang in there! Not to be obese or even overweight and in plus sizes will be so great. I don't knock anybody for where they feel good - I just cannot imagine personally trying to maintain a size 2. But time will tell - never say never! See what your doctor says. Since I had a stroke and my independence is pretty well shot, I realize how nmuch this is about health & not just asthetics.
  • jendan44
    jendan44 Posts: 20
    I am not looking to be a size 2. I just want to feel good about the way I look. I want to be toned and feel like my clothes fit me properly.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I have never thought a thing about what size I want to be. But at 5'6 my original goal weight was 130,now its 140.What ever size I am then im cool with.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Draenei bumms are too big for a Size 0. Besides, where will you fit your tail?

    Shhhhh... don't give my secret away. Blizzard offers race change now :wink:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I personally don't think the size of clothes you wear should define you. I've seen people post here that say that anyone who wears a double digit size is settling for being fat and I've seen people sneer at the size 0s and 2s.

    I am at my first goal weight with my ultimate goal weight 13 lbs away. I am a comfortable size 12 and will likely be in a 10 when I reach my ultimate goal. Either way, I think I look good and I definitely feel good, and that's what matters to me.
  • Mominajourney
    Mominajourney Posts: 26 Member
    I am 5'2 and want to be around 140...Hopefully about a size 7...Right now I am 175ish and a size 12
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5'5", and a size 8/10. That's where I wanted to be at, and that's where I am at now. I dropped 72 lbs and I am extremely happy about that. If I would loose more the bones would start sticking out and my hubby would not be too
  • Im taking my weight loss one dress size at a time, see how I feel about it....

    But I have no intention of wanting to be a size 2! I love my curves, but dislike my jiggly walk! :laugh:

    So as soon as I reach a shape with the right balance of curve vs toned then Ill start with the maintenance.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Most definitely NOT! Enjoying not being in the outsize dept any more but as to where I am going it is towards health & not bones!!
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    No, I'm 5'9" goal 175 maybe size 10/12
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    I am NOT....I want to be able to fit into my old clothes from 2 yrs ago..40 lbs will get me there....HEALTHY AND FIT...:)
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Sometimes the clothing size just kind of picks you, you know? I'm a size 2 and at a healthy BMI for my height and perfectly fine. Did I start off wanting to be this size? No, just wanted to get into better physical condition, honestly. I have no trouble maintaining this and don't eat bird-like meals either. I'm not a stick but feel I look fit now. Just my two cents. :wink:
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    What is a size 2 in the UK? I am 5'6" and aiming for 150 which is within the range for my height (114 -154). I am currently 170 down from 205. I know from experience that 146 is about as light as I can be without looking scrawny. I will retain curves but be slim at 150. That puts me at a size 14 top and size 10/12 bottoms - UK sizes. Given I was at 22 top and 18 bottoms when I started I am already pleased. Currently 16 and 12! This probably makes no sense but if anyone can convert to US I would be interested!

    Looks like a Size 2 US is a Size 4 UK and so on. You can check it out at They have a pretty cool Size converter.
    Thanks Steffie!
    According to that, you started at 20 top and 16 bottoms, US. And you are now 14 and 10, US.
  • simatif
    simatif Posts: 32
    ...meaning i'm 5'5 and my goal weight is along the lines on 175, maybe 170, I see a lot of people on here who are my height and they are starting from 170 and trying to go down to 140-130. I'm not looking to be slim, just a more toned flatter stomach version of me? I always feel like the outsider on here, I feel like I have totally different goals. But I know its great to be different :happy: .

    I guess I'm just curious as to who else on MFP has a remain curvy goal? my worst fear is losing too much weight in an area I would not want to lose weight from -_-

    I too am 5'5" and my goal is 160, down from 189. I would be quite happy anywhere really between 175 & 160 if it meant i am actually in A shape other than round ;)
  • jen7eleven
    jen7eleven Posts: 83 Member
    I want to get to a weight/build that will mean I no longer have to take diabetes medications, and I am healthy enough to be pregnant.

    To me, I envision that being around 160 (on a 5'2" frame), however I'm going to see how things are around 175-180. I'm not sure what size that correlates to in terms of clothing, but I know it's not a size 2. :)
  • angie_sample
    angie_sample Posts: 190
    ME!! Im looking to be about 160 and a size 10/12.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    yeah, my goal for now is a 10.....probably wouldn't go lower than a 8 though... :flowerforyou:


  • I want to be healthy. Just because you are a size 2 doesn't mean you are healthy. I am with you on this...I still want my curves (in all the right places), to be healthy and eating right and excercising. Of course yesterday was a co-workers birthday and danishes were provided. All I can say is...I ate well beyond my suggested caloric intake :laugh: . Oh well, it will happen once in a while, just as long as I don't continue to eat like that every day. Best of luck to you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am 5'5" also and bouncing around between 150-155 now and have met my goals. I would like to lose about 5-6 more lbs but not really worried if I don't, as long as I stay healthy. But even if I dropped to 130 I would not be a size 2. Not even close.