Trim for Turkey Day October page!



  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Checking in...
    1 lb for me this week.
    Last week 171
    Today 170
    Turkey Day goal 160
    10 lbs to go!!!

    I can't seem to lose more than one pound a week anymore. Talk about slow and steady! :tongue: I need a new kickstart... :laugh:

    I'm in the same boat!! 1 lb a week! I'm thinking about doing a juice fast for a few days. Not only to jumpstart some weigh lost but also detox which might be contributing to the slow weight lost! Anyone tried a juice fast?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm still having success with Isagenix doing a cleanse day once a week and two shakes as meal replacements with other food for one meal and snacks totaling 1200 calories + exercise calories.

    I lost another pound this week which keeps me on track with getting to my goal of 118 by Thanksgiving. The closer I get to my goal the more likely it is to slow down to half a pound a week but my focus is still to stay faithful to my eating and exercising plan and not be too obsessed by the scale:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: I gained 3lbs from last weigh in hoping its from TOM....
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    DOWN 2.8LBS THIS WEEK! :happy: Last week I was annoyed with my 1lbs gain but I got that off and an extra 1.8 this week and I am very happy. Only 6 weeks till Thanksgiving and 4.8 lbs to go. Keep up all the hard work everyone were doing great. :flowerforyou:
    SW 163.8
    09/03/09 - 161.2
    09/10/09 - 157.2
    09/17/09 - 157.0
    09/24/09 - 155.8
    10/01/09 - 154.6
    10/08/09 - 155.6
    10/15/09 - 152.8
    TD GOAL -148
  • Lisadaniel
    Lisadaniel Posts: 17 Member
    Checking in: down about a pound from last week, to 195.0. I actually glimpsed 194.6 on Tuesday -- first time I'd seen "194" in a long time. Sudzie was a good influence. Thanks! :-)
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    was bad tonight - think because i was angry at the scale... i know it is not everything but it is so frustrating when you've been working soooo hard!!!!! so someboday kick my butt into gear again... i know i've lost 15 lbs and thats great, but sometimes the gain for a week just really gets me down...
  • Lisadaniel
    Lisadaniel Posts: 17 Member
    Don't let it get you down Sudzie! You're doing GREAT!! Remember every day you get to start over.
  • SaritaChiquita
    SaritaChiquita Posts: 25 Member
    I just found this thread, I hope it's not too late to join!

    My goal is to be down 6 pounds by Thanksgiving.

    10/15/09 - 144.5
    11/26/09 - 138.5
    Final Goal - 130

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I just found this thread, I hope it's not too late to join!

    My goal is to be down 6 pounds by Thanksgiving.

    10/15/09 - 144.5
    11/26/09 - 138.5
    Final Goal - 130

    Created by - Calorie Counter

    Welcome to the Thanksgiving Challenge!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I am so worried because I am going out of town for a week starting tomorrow :ohwell: and I am really going to need some motivation to stay focused. I hate that it 's so difficult to keep doing well when your away from home. Wish me luck! :wink:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I am so worried because I am going out of town for a week starting tomorrow :ohwell: and I am really going to need some motivation to stay focused. I hate that it 's so difficult to keep doing well when your away from home. Wish me luck! :wink:

    I know what you mean. I just had a vacation and was really worried about undoing all of my work. It helped me to have a plan ahead of time. I made myself the designated driver - so I had an excuse and motivation not to drink. I also made a deal with myself to go use the hotel gym at least 3 times. I tried to get my husband to split restaurant meals with me to save calories - but that didn't work very well - he wasn't willing to share :grumble:

    So, maybe making your own plan will help you feel better about being away from home - it is definitely hard to stay focused, but you can do it.
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    Hey Guys I would luv to participate in this....I know its late, but that going to motivate me to work harder!

    Okay so my current weight is 167, my goal turkey weight is 158. I need to break into the 150s. This means I have approx. 6 weeks. So this means I should be updating my weight every Thursday, right? Hey would someone like to be my buddy for this challenge?! Someone that will check in with me, if I dont update?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    So, maybe making your own plan will help you feel better about being away from home - it is definitely hard to stay focused, but you can do it.

    When I eat in a restaurant, I have a plan before I go in. In many places I can order grilled or broiled salmon or chicken with nothing on it, salad w/o cheese or croutons with dressing on the side, steamed veggies with no butter or sauce. I ask a lot of questions before I order and ask for exactly what I want. Think about the healthy stuff you eat at home and try to find those things on the menu even if you have to order everything alacarte or with substitutions. If you want to succeed, you can do it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Tomorrow im going up to Julian which is my favorite place in the world but the only problem is they are famous for their apple pies, yummy goodies and food that makes you drool and im wondering how am i going to say no to all those yummy things ... I was thinking of working out (biggest loser cardio max dvd) in the morning before we head out there! but im not sure if that's enough to make it okay to enjoy myself up there! O WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!

    This is also where my father's ash's are and i get very emotional when i go up there and i tend to feed my emotions while we are there so i don't have a break down in front of strangers :cry: :brokenheart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Just say no.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Welcome passionhi! We're in the last stretch here for our challenge, and I'm finding it very helpful to participate in this thread.

    We have several posts going about temptation and cravings and eating away from home. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. All of our weekends here seem to revolve around restaurants, food and alcohol. It has almost made me a shut-in:laugh: ! People are not very supportive, either, they don't like it when I don't have wine with dinner, dessert, etc.

    I've been in this sort of vicious cycle - where I have a good week eating at home then go to a friend's for dinner and feel like I "deserve a treat" and eat too much - thus sabotaging myself and feeling like utter crud on Monday. I've come to the conclusion that I can no longer afford to treat food as a treat or reward. I'm trying to focus now on eating to fuel my body. I love food, love to cook, but now I'm trying to focus on healthy choices. I've discovered that I absolutely love split pea soup - and it is so healthy and filling and perfect for a fall day. I've discovered healthy baking tips and now make my own "power muffins."

    It seems silly, but this is really hard for me and I struggle with it daily. Still, somehow, deciding to stop thinking of food as a treat - even though I have to remind myself daily - has made a difference. I've started looking for other things as rewards - and thinking about things like having more energy as a reward. I really hope I can keep this up!

    OH, BTW - do we have a challenge this week?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I have had the same experiences with food and "friends". when I started this weight loss journey in January I realized that using food as reward or entertainment was one of my biggest roadblocks. It has been an ongoing challenge to meet friends to do something other than eat. I have found hobbies that aren't cooking and baking. And the hardest of all is to ignore the comments made by people when I decline dessert, alcohol, and recreational eating. Each time I do it, it gets easier.

    The first time I brought my own food to an event, I had to field a few comments, then I noticed another woman who had brought her own food. She was a woman who had been morbidly obese, had lap band surgery and had maintained her new healthy weight for several years by planning her meals and eating only what she planned.

    The first time I ate at home, then went to a potluck and ate nothing, I answered a few questions, met a woman who never ate at potlucks because she didn't trust anybody else's cooking and then concentrated on having meaningful conversations with other people at the event.

    Last weekend a woman friend who's had weight loss surgery and gained most of her weight back, told me that I shouldn't lose any more weight because it made other people feel guilty. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am thinner today than I have been in decades and I love it. I refuse to let any one mess with my serenity.
    hugs and best wishes to all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    When I travel, I carry the calorieking book full of calories. It has a great listing of restaurants. So while we are in the car deciding where to go, I'm looking up calories so I know what I can eat and then DON'T look at the menu!:laugh: Otherwise, I will undo all my good efforts!

    Hope this helps for all of you guys that are going out of town. Ultimately, have some fun with your family and friends and try not to worry about food too much!! You can always catch up next week!:wink:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!! More the Merrier!

    So my battery died on my scale and I'm too lazy to go get another! :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Just got home from apple picking and i am so proud of my self i had no sweets besides a peppermint patty I didn't have any apple pie, candy apples non of that ... I did have a hamburger and fries but my son ate almost all my fries so i think i had about 10 lol... i got apples and i decided instead of having their apple pie which is loaded with fat and calories i was going to take the apples i picked and make a healthier apple pie ..... I had to share cause this is the first time i stood my grounds and didn't cave when i went into the candy shop and said no to all the yummy goodies ...