10 in 9



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    just for reference purpose ladies I found a chart of where we want to be like yesterday !!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Size 10

    Bust 36.5"-37"
    Waist 28.5"-29"
    Hips 39" - 40"

    Damn that not right !!!!!! wow I have a long way to go ....
    Can we push back x-mas a few months :laugh:...
    There is no way im gonna get my boobs from 40-37

    thnx for that info, now I know how to set my goals when i take my measurements tomorrow. as far as bust 40' really does not refer to the size of ur boobs, rather the length around ur back. so if u are doing a lotta cardio and burning fat, u will lose fat in ur back and that will decrease. as for ur boobs they are measured in cup sizes. A,B,C, etc. So don't be discouraged, keep up the cardio and blast fat all over, ur back will also reduce in size. trust me.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    where are my soon to be size 10 ladies? haven't heard from some of you in a few days. hope ya'll are doing great! have a good wkend :flowerforyou:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I did it again and today really kicked my butt ...think ill take the day off tommorrow .... 30 elliptical ,30 bike and 50 treadmill just could finish the last 10 mins my calves were gonna lock up . No budge in the scale but a few 1/2 inches here and there. lol . Do you ladies have a date that you weigh in and measure ? :flowerforyou:
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Yesterday I did 50 minutes of cardio during my lunch break! YAY. Resting today....aerobic kick boxing class tomorrow morning.
    I at Mexican food at lunch, pretty much blew it today. Yesterday I was soooo good! But I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I hope to have at least maintained my weight this week.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Well I did it again and today really kicked my butt ...think ill take the day off tommorrow .... 30 elliptical ,30 bike and 50 treadmill just could finish the last 10 mins my calves were gonna lock up . No budge in the scale but a few 1/2 inches here and there. lol . Do you ladies have a date that you weigh in and measure ? :flowerforyou:

    wow that was one tough work out! great job! I wud have been beat after the bike. I always get bored on ellipticals too. but keep it up! those 1/2 inches really add up :)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great job linz! kick boxing sounds fun!

    i missed boot camp today cuz it was raining....in my defense i did get up, dressed and out of bed and when i got there it was raining. sigh. but tomorrow! back on it.

    mexican sounds yum I have been craving it but I know I will be bad if I do it. lol
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Well I did it again and today really kicked my butt ...think ill take the day off tommorrow .... 30 elliptical ,30 bike and 50 treadmill just could finish the last 10 mins my calves were gonna lock up . No budge in the scale but a few 1/2 inches here and there. lol . Do you ladies have a date that you weigh in and measure ? :flowerforyou:

    hey ladies we can do a weigh in if u want but I kinda wanna make this fun and stress free....since we are all working twds a goal how bout we talk about maybe something u were able to fit into that u haven't worn in a while, or maybe how good u felt when u looked in the mirror today. I dunno I just don't wanna stress about the scale and let anyone get discouraged. thoughts anyone?
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    Hi Ladies - just wanted to pop in here and say you can TOTALLY do this. I started September 1st in a snug size 12 and just a month and a half later my size 12's are literally falling off me. I've lost 9 lbs and a lot of inches. I went from 153 (I think, I didn't have a scale when I started) to 145 and am 5'4". I was thinking I would just wait to buy new pants until I could fit an 8 (!!!) but now that they are falling off I might have to get a pair of 10's or two.

    I eat more like 1400 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories. I am a big believer that you should eat at least your BMR and NOT just 1200, but that's just what's worked for me. I only exercise about 3-4 times per week because that's all my schedule really allows.

    Anyway, I think going from a 12 to a 10 is awesome and wish you the best of luck!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi Ladies - just wanted to pop in here and say you can TOTALLY do this. I started September 1st in a snug size 12 and just a month and a half later my size 12's are literally falling off me. I've lost 9 lbs and a lot of inches. I went from 153 (I think, I didn't have a scale when I started) to 145 and am 5'4". I was thinking I would just wait to buy new pants until I could fit an 8 (!!!) but now that they are falling off I might have to get a pair of 10's or two.

    I eat more like 1400 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories. I am a big believer that you should eat at least your BMR and NOT just 1200, but that's just what's worked for me. I only exercise about 3-4 times per week because that's all my schedule really allows.

    Anyway, I think going from a 12 to a 10 is awesome and wish you the best of luck!

    Awwww thanxs natalie ....u inspire me ..... :flowerforyou: When I think back just a few months ago I was in the 150's and ugh as far as I can figure out doc perscribed me meds for my migraines and boom ..... 20 lbs Guess he forgot to tell me a side effect was extreme weight gain ....nice.... maybe I should take up kick boxing and he can be my target :laugh:

    Thanxs again for encouragement and info :heart:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    I'd love to join u guys, it sounds so care free (but still motivated)! I'm in a 16 and would love to get to a size 14 by Christmas. So I guess I'd be 14 in 9 :wink:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I did it again and today really kicked my butt ...think ill take the day off tommorrow .... 30 elliptical ,30 bike and 50 treadmill just could finish the last 10 mins my calves were gonna lock up . No budge in the scale but a few 1/2 inches here and there. lol . Do you ladies have a date that you weigh in and measure ? :flowerforyou:

    wow that was one tough work out! great job! I wud have been beat after the bike. I always get bored on ellipticals too. but keep it up! those 1/2 inches really add up :)

    Well I have to be honest I do kinda cheat :tongue: Cause I also get bored ...so ill do like 30 tread ... 5 bike ....5 elliptical ....10 bike ...10 elliptical ..... then repeat .... So Im really not that tough Lmao
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I'd love to join u guys, it sounds so care free (but still motivated)! I'm in a 16 and would love to get to a size 14 by Christmas. So I guess I'd be 14 in 9 :wink:

    Wow 21 lbs that is awesome congrats!!!!! We would love to have you on board ....We can do this girls :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Ugh I can wait till I see something in the double digits......

    P.s. Just a little white out and you can change that 14 to a 10 :wink:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the congrats and join in. The goal is to get to a size 6 os I'll def get to a 12 at some point. I try to do 30 min elliptical after my trainer 3x a week, but I know that I need to add in more cardio (running) to loose and major ab work. I know what to do, but I just don't have the motivation to do it. :ohwell: So hopefully u guys can help in that area!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    21 lbs? WOW. congrats and welcome....

    just wanted to share with u guys...today was a long and slow friday. i really was not in the mood to work out when I got home. In fact I sat around for about 2 hrs until I started craving junk food...and I said to myself HELL NO! THOSE FRIES AND HOT WINGS WON'T HELP U GET INTO A SIZE 10! lol
    so i popped in the P90X CARDIO DVD and I did it! yey me! 46 mins of burn baby!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hi Ladies - just wanted to pop in here and say you can TOTALLY do this. I started September 1st in a snug size 12 and just a month and a half later my size 12's are literally falling off me. I've lost 9 lbs and a lot of inches. I went from 153 (I think, I didn't have a scale when I started) to 145 and am 5'4". I was thinking I would just wait to buy new pants until I could fit an 8 (!!!) but now that they are falling off I might have to get a pair of 10's or two.

    I eat more like 1400 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories. I am a big believer that you should eat at least your BMR and NOT just 1200, but that's just what's worked for me. I only exercise about 3-4 times per week because that's all my schedule really allows.

    Anyway, I think going from a 12 to a 10 is awesome and wish you the best of luck!

    thnx natalie u are so sweet and ur nick is so funny .lol :smile:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I really like the idea of NO weigh ins! I am totally with you about not wanting to feel that pressure every week and get discouraged. I really like the idea of fitting into a pair of jeans or something!! And giving tips on how to lose weight, tone up, stop our cravings, encourage each other and be SUPER HOT LADIES for Christmas break! HaHa! :bigsmile:

    I mean, I totally think its completely great to let us know of accomplishments with your weight and how great it felt to see the scale today. That is a great idea! But, I'm a fan of no regular weigh ins! :noway: (Especially after I vowed not to step on the scale for at least 2 weeks..haha)

    Nolachick- way to not give in to the cravings!!! I almost did the same thing tonight. Luckily I put my workout clothes on RIGHT when I got home. That way I feel obligated..haha!

    Patty- great to have you! After losing 21 pounds, I definitely have a lot to learn from you!!! Congrats!

    jocelyne- You are a lot tougher than me!! After I get off the treadmill...all I can think about is how sweaty I am and how i want to take a nice hot shower!

    Have a great weekend Girls!!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    okay so someone seriously needs to sew my mouth shut. What is wrong with me? I did great today did my walk ate great, then came dinner time. At the very last minute we got invited to a BBQ and we went, no big deal. I told myself that I wasn't going to eat anything I had just enough calories to eat what I had at home. *end of story* :mad:
    NOPE what do I do. I don't eat anything for atleast an hour, then my husband asks "are you really sure you dont' want anything?" So I of course cave because i'd been there and smelled everything and it all smelled so good but nothing was healthy....not a thing.
    So I end up eating a burger & pasta and now i'm in the hole around 350 calories but i don't know exactly because who can say what was actually in everything i ate. *EEK*:explode:

    i'm trying really hard to tell myself that i'm only human, but I am just literally kicking myself about this.. why could I be so stupid? I want to be healthy more then anything and here I go and blow the whole day just before we left...

    GRRRrr..sorry ladies, just had to vent.
    Tomorrow is another day, I'm fighting with myself about getting on the tredmil right now. I did get my workout clothes on but now i'm just down in the dumps..
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey shera! Don't be so hard on urself. So u went over 300 cals 1x just make sure this doesn't happen again. I learned this the hardway when i blew 1000 CALORIES @ one football game eating nachos burgers n drinking beer. Never agsin! Also u can get up early tomorrow morning and try to burn some I those off.

    NEXT TIME ... Try to at some veggies BEFORE u leave the house. No time to eat? How bout a shake? U will have something in ur stomach to help u avoid crushing all the bad food and let u be happy with just taking a bite or two to hold u over till u can get back home to ur planned meal. That way u don't deprive urself cuz u get to try the food (BBQ in this case) by taking a bite from it n u only go over a couple calories.

    Good luck n hang in there!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    okay so someone seriously needs to sew my mouth shut. What is wrong with me? I did great today did my walk ate great, then came dinner time. At the very last minute we got invited to a BBQ and we went, no big deal. I told myself that I wasn't going to eat anything I had just enough calories to eat what I had at home. *end of story* :mad:
    NOPE what do I do. I don't eat anything for atleast an hour, then my husband asks "are you really sure you dont' want anything?" So I of course cave because i'd been there and smelled everything and it all smelled so good but nothing was healthy....not a thing.
    So I end up eating a burger & pasta and now i'm in the hole around 350 calories but i don't know exactly because who can say what was actually in everything i ate. *EEK*:explode:

    i'm trying really hard to tell myself that i'm only human, but I am just literally kicking myself about this.. why could I be so stupid? I want to be healthy more then anything and here I go and blow the whole day just before we left...

    GRRRrr..sorry ladies, just had to vent.
    Tomorrow is another day, I'm fighting with myself about getting on the tredmil right now. I did get my workout clothes on but now i'm just down in the dumps..

    Cheer up buttercup ....:smile: We all have days like that in my case pretty often ....My biggest down fall is I do great during the day but right before bed I crash and burn ...Have a few really bad habits to break . I love to have a few glasses of wine or 3 or 4 at night .....I have just been under so much stress and my 5 year old has ADHD he bounces of the walls all day and then at bed time he just talks and yells and throws a fit . He seems to never fall asleep before 11 pm and literally drives me to my breaking point that at nite I just give in to relax . Also, I just can't seem to break my other habit of eating before bed ,I can go the entire day right on target but nighttime :explode: Just sucks to work my butt off trying to exercise burning cals to blow it at nite . Gonna have to get back on track .... maybe ill invest in some valium or something :laugh:

    Keep up the good work ladies !!!!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Jocelyn, I know you must be stressed out, but try to stop eating 2hrs before u go to bed. Make urself a stopping point after which u cannot eat anything. Mine is at 8 cuz I usually go to sleep by 10. Try having some fiber for dinner around 6 so u feel full.

    Update: last night I wanted to wear shorts and tried on a pair that I cud not even get up my thigh! lol so it went up and zipped closed but still not good enough to wear out in public if u know what I mean. Still working on my muffin top. But hey atleast I'm getting close!
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