What annoys you about your Zumba class?



  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    I agree that there should be a limit but how would you enforce that? I have to drive 30 miles to get to my class and if I showed up and got turned away, I would never go back!
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I agree that there should be a limit but how would you enforce that? I have to drive 30 miles to get to my class and if I showed up and got turned away, I would never go back!

    My gym does a limit of 25 people per class. First come, first served. I haven't tried zumba yet but I'm interested and would like to add it to my workout routine.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    My regular Zumba intructor (Tues., Thurs., Sat.) is awesome! I hate when we have a full class and have to hold the session in a smaller dance room. It only happens on Saturday when the little kiddies dance classes are being held and the gymnasium is being used (my Zumba class is at a community center). Our class is by registration with a max of 35 or so. Sometimes she changes up her playlist during the session (it's as if she gets a different idea than what she originally planned to do) but I just use that time to take a quick sip of water. She more than makes up for any short break in music with a knockout routine. She loves introducing new moves and incorporates boxing, jump rope moves, kick-boxing, props, whatever she can think of to keep our bodies guessing and working all while doing the fancy footwork and hip shaking she likes to do. LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!

    I also drop in to another class with a different instructor on Wednesdays and that one is just ok. Too many super-fast short range movements (I prefer full range of motion). Music NEVER flows well and too many starts and stops. Instructor started playing cool-down songs half an hour into the class for like 15 minutes and then kicked it up again. We were all like wha?? By then we were ready to go home.

    Today, my husband gave me the genius idea to stop going to instructor #2 and just drop in to my regular instructor's Wednesday class at another community center nearby. I swear I hadn't even thought of that! It's literally the 5 minutes in the opposite direction.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Zumba instructors that don't use Latin music for most of the session. Isn't that what Zumba is supposed to be?


    I don't get the NON-Latin music either...so annoying. Overcrowding is not a problem now or it hasn't been in the past month or so. TG
  • dispatchsunshine
    We do have a limit at our gym. There is a sign up sheet, and if you don't sign up, you don't get in. If the sign up sheet is full, you don't get in. But the gym is good about watching the class sizes and opening up the big gym for a class if needed.

    And I'm LMBO at worrying about how others look. I think the class I go to may be different. My instructor changes the class up pretty often. So, you're so busy watching what the instructor is doing, you don't have time to watch anyone else. :wink:

    I went to one class where there was a cueing problem. I never went back to that one. She basically stopped the music and taught you each move of the dance, before she started the music. When the song was over, she taught you the next dance sans music. That would be my biggest pet peeve. My heart rate didn't have much chance to stay up. :huh:

    As for the too easy, maybe my class is different. I can run 3 miles, and I don't get the workout I get from Zumba. I actually threw up after my first Zumba class, because I was having so much fun, I wasn't watching my heart rate.

    And yes, I hate when the gym forgets to bump up the a/c before our class. Just before our class is a Yoga class. They don't like the a/c on, so it's pretty warm to begin with. But as long as the gym employees bump it up before class, it's all good. :wink:

    As for the music, I rather like a good blend of both Latin based and hip-hop music. But I guess everyone has preferences.

    I'm with the poster who said that Zumba is her favorite workout. Same here. I have all of my instructor's songs (and a few others I've come across) on my iPhone. My daughter & I love to play one and just break it down wherever we're at. And I have Wii Zumba for those holidays when there is no Zumba to be found.:wink:
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Agree with the overcrowding! I also dislike the fact that two of my university lecturers attend the same class! Not sure who's more embarrassed!
  • Nigerianebony
    Nigerianebony Posts: 182 Member
    I teach Zumba. Your posts are actually helpful, and I will take them into consideration. I am always trying to find ways to make it better.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Hate Zumba. Everything about it.

    ^^^ THIS^^^
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who hates overcrowding!!! I also dislike participants who have physical issues and can't move with the class. Last week, a lady with knee issues stood next to me and stopped every time she couldn't do a move - that's an injury waiting to happen! Go to the back and to the side if you can't keep up - don't stop dead in your tracks! :noway:
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    I've only tried Zumba once, but I was weirded out a bit because everyone except me seemed to be wearing a strange skirt with jangly things hanging off it, and at the end of the class the teacher came up to me and was like, I still have a skirt available for 5 pounds if you would like one. I just kind of shook my head and got the hell out of there! LOL

    Having said that, it was a good workout, so I will try it again. There's no way I'm buying one of their jangly skirts for a fiver though!
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    I LOVE my Zumba class ( I go three times a week) but the two classes I go to during the week (tues and thurs) are EXTREMELY crowded and I always feel like I can't fully extend because I am going to smack someone or kick someone in the face lol. When I go on Sunday nights it's AWESOME because the class is about half the size of the other days, I really like that my instructor doesn't do all latin. She has a really good mix of latin, hiphop and even some balli and she changes it every couples of weeks so you don't get burnt out on the music.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    There are these teenagers who come to my class. I wouldn't have a problem with them except that they will randomly "sit out" songs and usually when they do it they sit against the wall with their legs stretched out and text. I almost tripped over one of them once.
    The worst was that one time like four of their guy friends who had been working out in another part of the gym came in and were "doing Zumba", like joking around and just jumping up and down and flailing their arms as a joke. The girls stopped working out and started filming them on their phones (and you know they caught some of the poor women on that side of the room).
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    The fact that they call it Zumba. Urks me, no clue why.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Mm. I went with a partner for my first two classes, and I swear she was attached to my hip. Kept on sending me into the girl on the other side of me. People trying to get in specific rows that don't have space . Whatevz.

    I don't like it when you hear the next song and it's your jam and then they switch it to something else. If you see a bunch of people suddenly start dancing to your next track, why not leave it there?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    that people like to apparently complain about it...

    They are doing the best as they can with the room they've got, the instructors are doing their best to instruct the class, stfu.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    What annoys me the most about zumba is that the majority of the participants have no rhythm and look ridiculous doing it. This is why I don't do zumba.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    After reading just the first page of this thread I realized how much I love my instructors and the people in my class. The only thing I can think of is that there is this one lady that ends standing behind me in like her own row but she is right behind me like if I step back I will step on her. There is plenty of room and I am in the front row. I just don't get it.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    that people like to apparently complain about it...

    They are doing the best as they can with the room they've got, the instructors are doing their best to instruct the class, stfu.

    lol you are just such a bundle of joy
  • reashamoriba
    reashamoriba Posts: 121 Member
    That it's not like the Zumba I see on Youtube. Sometimes the music is not motivating
  • kristina0206
    haha some of these are so true, it's too funny! I love my Zumba class, but I am currently on hiatus from it because I started to become a little bit bored. I wouldn't necessarily say that these things "annoy" me, but some silly things in class:

    There is a girl who makes up her own choreography! She loosely participates in the moves that the class is doing, but for the most part, is doing her own thing! She looks good doing it, but I'm not really sure why she comes to the class!

    Also, even though my instructor is great, I've realized that every instructor has their own way of conducting class. My instructor has never taught the class one step...we just jump right into it and you do the best you can following along...since there are a good amount of women 60+ years old in the class, sometimes the class will be facing all different directions, half assing their own moves. I can only laugh when this happens, because I know everyone is trying their best to keep up!