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What annoys you about your Zumba class?



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    You guys just made me not want to go to a class. :(
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    I used to bag on zumba until I tried it. Class is awesome! It actually gets me sweating and I can burn quit a bit of cals in an hour.
    My class is only 4 dollars for an hour so I can't complain about price. If anything its the small room. The instructor is great and everyone in there is on different fitness levels and it's really fun just doing the moves. It's never been crazy crowded but maybe some more space would be needed so we can walk all the moves out instead of having to stop at a point and do them in place.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I'm the Pollyanna of zumba; can't find anything to complain about in my class. Room size and temperature are a facilities problem, not a class problem.
  • the woman who always seems to stand directly in front of me and is new so she has no idea of what shes doing and simply stands there blocking my view of the instructor (who is always trying new moves to keep things intresting). I kind of want to pick the woman up and stand her in the corner and tell her to watch from there. Yes, its fantastic when new people try (we have more than enough room), and I am glad to see people working out, unless its ruining my workout! I also dont like that the front of the room has a giant window that looks out on the rest of the gym and there are a number of guys ogling us while they wait for the room to be free to play basketball in...just uncomfortable
  • ashfrasch
    ashfrasch Posts: 3
    I go to a class at the rec center. They stick us basically in a nasty old kitchen. It's a really ghetto set up. But after seeing all the other comments, I don't think I have any of those problems. Occasionally we have an overcrowding issue or someone bringing their kids (but the kids have always been well behaved). Sometimes it's ungodly hot because we're in a 70 year old rec center. But we have a lot of fun and a really good work out.
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Hate Zumba. Everything about it.

    I agree!! Just looks cheesy....
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    that people like to apparently complain about it...

    They are doing the best as they can with the room they've got, the instructors are doing their best to instruct the class, stfu.

    lol you are just such a bundle of joy

    instructing classes isn't exactly the easiest job of the world, just saying...
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love my Zumba!


    I get annoyed when the room is too small for the group and people are 3 feet from the wall and the instructor has us doing moves that requires us to move 6-10 feet in one direction. And then makes the comment that "it's ok if you bump into each other, you're still burning calories!"

    WTF? I came here to get in a workout and have fun, not get trampled!!

    Also, when the instructor does not have a playlist set up ahead of time and has to cue up every. single. song.

    Last, when people come in late and try to insert themself into a row that does not have room! Back row, people, come on!

    What annoys you about your Zumba class (or any similar class)?

    Oh my gods! Are you in my Zumba class?? These are some of the same reasons, along with lack of focus and intensity by the instructor, that I’m starting to hate class and love my DVD’s more! And, in one of the classes I go to, there is a gods-awful column right in the middle of the floor! This thing is floor to ceiling and 3-1/2 feet square. Get stuck behind that and you have to watch your fellow Zumba-ites for your cues. Grrrr….
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    The overcrowding! You can't move like you want, especially when the someone near you doesn't know what to do and doesn't move in the right direction. My instructor makes us rotate lines every few songs, and most of the b****y ones will just go front to middle, refusing to go in the back row. So I usually just stay in the back where I get the most room, but you can barely see the instructor!

    Another place that I've taken classes isn't so crowded, but she stops after every song to play with her iPod, and then starts the song, then pauses it to teach us moves, then restarts the song. Every time. We usually only get 4-5 dances in for the hour, and she charges $13/class!
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    The only thing that annoys me about my zumba class is that my amazing instructor decided to grown up and get a job when she finished nursing school ;) Now she cant teach as many classes. She is an awesome instructor, and so far, I think that has ruined me on all other instructors.

    As far as overcrowding, when she taught at the Y, they had to institute a class limit. The day before class, you could call in and sign up for her class, and you got a wristband when you arrived for class. That way you didn't show up and there were no spots available. It worked really well. If people cancelled, the Y would call the next person on the wait list.

    I personally love a mix of music.

    As for not getting a good workout...you have to find a good instructor. I run minimum of 3-5 miles 3-6 times a week, lift, and I still consider zumba my hard workout for the week. I can't say it enough - zumba good or bad is ALL about the instructor.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    my gym puts a list up, day before the class and will only take a certain amount of people (first in, best served) because or else it can become a WHS problem, maybe try that?
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Overcrowded rooms and people who cant dance in one spot. If you started at the back right of the beginning of the class you shouldn't be in the middle front by the end..
    This cracked me up because I try to be conscious of where I am at the start of class and where I end up!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    The number of cars they bring to the gym parking lot. Every Saturday, the only day we can actually work out together because the day care is open, the parking lot is full of cars that all the Zumba class participants came in. I'd be much less irritated if they turned the volume down a bit and carpooled to the class.
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    When Zumba instructors don't use Latin music.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    I used to go to Zumba every Friday evening - it was a great way to kick off the weekend, and an amazing workout. But the class got SO popular it was just wall-to-wall people, and I was constantly getting kicked by people who had NO RHYTHM whatsoever. I'm sorry but if you can't follow a simple left-left, right-right and stay on cue, perhaps Zumba is not the class for you! Maybe you should try Spinning where you can't hurt the people around you. Get out of my way!!!

    Plus there was ALWAYS someone farting in my vicinity and it was FOUL. When I'm gasping for air, smelling someone's nasty farts is the WORST. Also a lot of people who didn't wear deodorant.

    Between the farts, the B.O., and the people who were too slow/lazy/uncoordinated/or just too stupid to keep their limbs under control, I quit going.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Man! You guys are making me love my Zumba class more and more! I'm spoiled. My employer has a free, certified employee led Zumba class twice a week. It's not too crowded, good music, lots of sweating going on. My only complaint was the one time I couldn't get on the front row. I get seriously distracted when I can't have my eyes on the instructor the whole class.

    I don't think I could go back to a class at the gym! They were definitely too crowded and the instructor was whack-a-doo. She was jumping all over the place like a crazy person. There was also a bit of a clique of her "regulars" who would always clump together right in front of her and I couldn't see what the heck we were supposed to be doing half the time.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Zumba instructors that don't use Latin music for most of the session. Isn't that what Zumba is supposed to be? And yes.... People who crowd behind you because they are trying to "hide". One of these days I am going to end up with my finger up someone's nose.... :laugh:


    This! Play.Zumba.Music not top 40!
  • YepLilly
    YepLilly Posts: 129 Member
    Zumba classes depend a lot on the instructor. I know this is true about all classes, but it is especially true with Zumba. I've been lucky to attend mostly classes with either good or awesome instructors. With some I get a good workout and with others it's so intense (in a good way) I can hardly keep up, love it! lol. But once I got a substitute instructor, and she really didn't know what she was doing. The songs were too slow, the moves were boring, and I didn't break a sweat.

    If you find your class too boring or too blah, I suggest trying to find another one with a different instructor. It does make a difference!

    ETA: The class should feel like a party along with a good workout. If it doesn't, then the instructor/music is not that good.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I hate that they never switch up the routines or music. It's like they have these 7-8 workouts and can't think of anything new. But then they are DVDs so I guess I should expect that.
  • LessJos
    LessJos Posts: 113 Member
    Hate Zumba. Everything about it.

    I did two classes and I find it gets boring very quickly. I don't break a sweat, ever. My last class was yesterday.

    And the above quote sums it up for me now. Glad it is over!