Poll: How often do you step on the scale?



  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    Once a month.
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Usually every morning because I like to. I only log when I see a loss.

    This. And it needs to be more than .2 loss for me to log.
  • Jamie0529
    Jamie0529 Posts: 49 Member
    Every morning.
  • Neondragonfly
    Neondragonfly Posts: 58 Member
    Every friday. time of day depends on when i remember to weigh in.
    Tell me, when is it best to weigh in, morinings or evenings???
  • dreamingspider
    3 times a week. twice daily at work. I think because in my job we weigh the patients twice a day, and I work three days a week.
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    Once a week.
  • spigenerb
    spigenerb Posts: 29
    Every friday. time of day depends on when i remember to weigh in.
    Tell me, when is it best to weigh in, morinings or evenings???

    As long as its at the same time of day and you are wearing the same type of clothes you will be able to chart your weight accurately. I prefer morning because it takes the food I have eaten all day out of the equation.
  • sarahlinson
    sarahlinson Posts: 19
    Usually every morning because I like to. I only log when I see a loss.

  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Almost every morning (once a day). Right after I wake up and after using the restroom. I understand there are normal day-to-day weight fluctuations due to fluid or whatever, and that's fine with me. I just like to see that I'm finally down a good bit from my HW of 137.5... I've lost almost 10 pounds, the last couple since joining MFP.
  • dmw9349
    dmw9349 Posts: 3 Member
    Every morning right after I wake up and go to the bathroom, before I eat. It helps because I'm still mindful of how "good" I was the day before with exercise and eating right.
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    Every morning but I started to make a graph of my weight. I'm starting to be slightly concerned as for the past 3 days (including today) my weight is stuck at 67.0kg. But at least I didn't gain :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Daily but dont take much notice of it- but officially using chemist scales on Fridays :)

    I do a monday check in on the chemist scales too to make sure im on track and so i dont cheat in the week!
  • Snookie86
    Snookie86 Posts: 8 Member
    Every Sunday for my weigh in and sometimes on Wednesday or Thursday to see how I am doing during the week.
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    every morning~ that way I know exactly where I am and if it is way up- I know I had a huge sodium overload or mega work-out that is making me have fluid retention...
  • blowsfire
    blowsfire Posts: 76 Member
    once a week
  • diana4583
    diana4583 Posts: 20
    Hardly ever...but since im starting this diet im going to try to do it once a week
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I weigh 3-4 times a day. The ups and downs don't bother me at all--I just count the first one as my "official" weight. I only mark it down here when there is a loss.
  • Marykeller2005
    Daily ...just for accountability!
  • dlibonati
    dlibonati Posts: 99 Member
    Every couple of days to stay on track and to get a good base line of the weight trend. Always in the morning before breakast. Log every loss, and gains if they happen to stick around for a couple of days.

    I do take my measurements every 2 months at the moment, but think i'll bump that up to once a month to graph my progress better.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    Once a week, every friday morning. I started stepping on it multiple times a day and I was driving myself insane!
    LOL i also weigh myself every Friday morning.