Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Sometimes I feel guilty for spending money on healthy, nutritious food I really need and then I look at someone else's cart and don't feel so guilty. It always amazes me at how money is being wasted on food that has no nutritional value, is high in calories, and tastes bad. For example, beer, sausage, or bologna! Ewww! My husband loves these things, but they are high in calories and taste bad, so why eat them? If I am going to eat something "bad," I'll have something really tasty like warm slice n bake chocolate chip cookies coming out of the oven! Yum! Of course I very rarely do that or I would never lose any weight.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I think everyone is at least somewhat aware of what other people are buying. It's not like we're spying on them, but when you're in line at the cashier, it's almost impossible not to notice. That doesn't mean I judge though...
  • jwshmoe75
    jwshmoe75 Posts: 119
    LOL. Sometimes. Like when I'm behind someone in the check out lane. I'll look to see what they got.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    Yes, I do! I live in a small town and am fairly well known as a health nut so I've even had people stand between me and their cart while we were chatting so I couldn't see what they had in there.....and heaven forbid I ever run into anyone with a bag of chips or carton of ice cream in MY buggy!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    No, I peek in people's food diaries intead :P
  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member
    I took a picture of the lady infront of me in line the other night... she was only buying three items: a box of frozen White Castle burgers, a bottle of wine and a box of cupcakes.

    She must have had a rough day.

    Why on earth would you take the lady's picture? Did you ask her first? If not, how incredibly rude. :mad:
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I am completely a "cart-peeker". Sometimes it reminds me I need something or gives me ideas for new foods to buy! Other times, I must admit, I think, "ewww--do they really understand what they are putting in their bodies with that?" Usually on the tail of that thought, I happen to see the package of Oreos or some other junk resting on top of my cabbage and broccoli...LOL.
    I do the exact same thing!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I do.....especially if its a good looking guy...see how much he buys and try to guess if he is single or not...hehe
  • orr_stacie
    orr_stacie Posts: 48 Member
    Yes. Especially parents with overweight children. I'm not usually judgemental, but sometimes I just want to pull the the frozen pizzas, pop, chips and Little Debbies out of their cart and drag them over to the fresh produce aisle....while asking them if they know what they're doing to their children.
    I thought I was the only one that wanted to do that!!!!!!!
  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    I always do. It reminds me of what I used to be like - so clueless about food!
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    lol Yes I do but I must say I feel more pride in what's in my OWN cart these days.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I guess I don't really do this much. I'm usually there to get in, and get out.

    The other day I did notice in passing someone's cart because she was on the phone talking to someone asking them if they liked spegetti-o's. Her cart was full of frozen burritos, ramen noodles, and soda. It made me think of when I was growing up (minus the soda).
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    no not really lol...
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    nope but I try to slide my items with theirs at the checkout line lol
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Yes, all of the time.

    No offense, but when I see an obese person with a cart full of processed junk, it kind of makes me want to say something.
    I notice people checking my cart out too so it's mutual.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    This confirms my paranoia that people are judging me by what groceries I buy! Eeeek! :embarassed: But my paranoia started because I know I do that when I'm shopping - if I see someone buying a lot of veggies, I wonder if they are jumping on the diet wagon. Or if someone buys a lot of junk, I wonder if they are in for a night of bingeing... I guess a lot of people do this! It sure makes me rethink some of my junk food purchases while in the store! LOL
  • bunnyfufu2012

    This made me laugh soo hard....
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I was waiting for another thread like this. I have seen others asking if a person judges what's in the other person's cart, etc. I had something happen at the grocery store, just a few days ago, that fits into this category.

    I have been taking care of my ex husband. He is in the final stages of cancer and it's pretty much all through his body. He is beyond any treatment and he can no longer force himself to eat "normal" foods. About all he can stomach right now is sweet stuff. So, I am going through the self-check line and in the station behind me is a husband and wife team. He elbows her and says "Can you believe what she is buying? Like, she really needs that crap." My cart was full of frozen cream pies, Marie Callender's fruit pot pies, brownies, ice cream, etc. All of it was for my ex husband except for a pint of Hagen Dazs Coffee flavored frozen yogurt (yum). I could feel my face turning red, but I didn't say anything. I thought the guy was really rude to say anything about what I had in my cart, much less be judgmental about something where he was totally off base. If a person HAS to snoop into another person's cart, best keep your opinions to yourself... and what does it matter why, or what, another person is purchasing?
  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    no, guess i'm not that interested in other peoples business. but now i'm a little embarassed knowing so many people do cart-peep.
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