New Challenge for Late Night Snackers (June 2012)

dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
Are you ruining the efforts you've made during the day to eat clean and exercise by munching late? Are you turning dinner into the most important meal of the day and snacking all the time until you hit the pillow? Tired of it? Then this challenge might be the one for you, provided that:

- you can commit yourself to a cut-off time, past which no calorie enters your mouth OR
- you want to be kind to yourself and play moderation, by allowing controlled snacking (no junk food! and no mindless eating!)
- you agree to report in frequently, regardless of how the previous night(s) went
- you accept the fact that there will be falls, but are willing to take a U-Turn each time this happens
- you can accept advice and will do your best to give some when people here need it (this one is actually optional, but enables us to build up as a team)

Have you read so far and thought "this sounds like me"?. Then all I can say is:

Welcome! :flowerforyou:


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm back and in. I am going to make my cutoff 9 p.m. five nights a week, with two later nights (not sure what time), but have to stay within calories and macros either way.

    Thanks Dew for keeping this going all this time.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    My cut-off: 8 p.m. I should be in bed by 10:30 (I might need to start a challenge on this, too :tongue:)

    Yeay, Lulabelle! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks Dew for keeping this going all this time.

    It was Beeps :love: - she's been doing a great job at keeping this going!
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I'm in. Snacking is tough for me, but I'm ready to do this!
  • sandy0723
    sandy0723 Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in!

    My cutoff will be at 8PM. Last night I tried, but broke down and ended up eating a bowl of cereal (sugars).
  • I'm all in. My cut off time wil be at 8pm........I think this will help me out alot
  • megan120c
    megan120c Posts: 13
    I'm in! Not having a specific cut off time because i work shifts that finish at all different times so mess up my eating times badly..
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I'm in too. Thanks dewdrop for getting June started.:flowerforyou:

    My cut-off time is 9:30 except for evenings out and then it's 11:30 pm.

    I practiced last night and had nothing after my cut-off time. :laugh:
    So, here's to a good month everyone.

  • orangesumr
    orangesumr Posts: 8 Member
    this is me!!! I did this last year and I lost 15 lbs! So, i'm back to losing and wanting to stop snacking at night. My cut off time will be 9pm. Motivation will help me a lot. Thanks!!!!
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in! Going to try a cut off time of 7:30
  • Hey, you know what? I'm in too! My cut off time will be 9 pm :) Do we just report to this thread? I'm new to this.
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in, with a cutoff time of 9:00 pm
  • Count me in, too! I have a bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night and eating. I think this challenge could be very helpful! My cut-off time is 9pm. I should be in bed by 11pm. I, too, may need a separate challenge for that. haha.
  • I can do it. I just posted a thread asking people if they HAD a cutoff time or not lol! I'll make mine NINE, with PLENTY of water after (I have a nighttime work out habit lol) & maybe later on the weekend?
  • MsPrettyAmazing
    MsPrettyAmazing Posts: 32 Member
    I'm up for it! My time will be 8pm
  • jands7483
    jands7483 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in too...this is my biggest downfall
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Yay, dewdrop!! Nicely done.

    I'm in.

    June is gonna be AWESOME!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I am ready to go!!!! My cutoff time will be 9 pm
  • ddamore
    ddamore Posts: 36 Member
    This is definately for me! My worst time is when i'm making lunches for the next day, i feel i snack on everything in sight (or out of sight.. ha ha). My cut off will be 9 PM. And i'm definately open for suggestions and will need support!! Thanks for putting this together!
  • yougojo170
    yougojo170 Posts: 62
    I'm in! This is my most dangerous and difficult habit to break. My cut off will be 8:30pm
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Excellent! Lots of enthusiastic people :love: it! Make sure you stay this way! :flowerforyou:

    For the newbies: there are two approaches to this:

    1) going cold turkey

    Brush your teeth at your cut-off time, fill up a glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea, close the kitchen door behind you, put a locker on the fridge if you have to :laugh:. Make sure you eat nothing! It gets better after a few nights. Be prepared for temptations, thoughts like "just one apple", "just this one bowl of cereals with milk". NO! This will simply ruin it!

    2) if you're not eating a proper (I don't mean BIG, I mean appropriate) dinner or you leave a too longer span until going to bed, you might have trouble falling asleep when you stomach is growling. So maybe it's best you take it mildly, climb the ladder slowly, but think through what is it you should eat, put the things on the table and do not refill! :wink:

    Maybe there's a number 3) come up with what's appropriate for you; if you feel strong enough, you might adjust on the flight

    Bottom line: take it one day at a time. And remember to keep us all posted! Gives us a feeling of who still with us and keeps you accountable (you'll find yourself closing the fridge door as you think "if I do this, I'll lose a point to LNS)