Closed Diary's



  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    My food diary is closed because thats what I chose. It has nothing to do with hiding my food. I eat really well. As someone who has worked to lose weight in the past and for a longtime, it's annoying to have people comment on EVERYTHING you eat. If I have an orange, "oh that's sugar!" If I have a cupcake, "I thought you wanted to lose weight." I've never experienced it on this site but I have among people I know. That was annoying enough. I'm not on MyFitnessPal for that. If you chose to keep yours open and you only want friends who do that same. That's fine. But there is a reason we have a choice. As others have said, everyone is not here to be supportive. Some people are here to make themselves feel better by making others feel bad about their choices. We're all adults here. We all have choices. Do what is best for YOU!

    Also, it's the default setting. A lot of people don't even know they can open it for public viewing.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Because nosy people are incredibly annoying and if I work at ____ and I eat there six times a week because it's free for me and I'm a broke college student and you don't like it, tough! :mad:

    .. or at least, that was the actual reason and situation to why I closed mine down, haha :bigsmile:

    Honestly, I'm on here for me, not on here for anyone else. I am honest with my calories and my intake and I am real with myself. I don't need or want unsolicited advice about that extra cupcake I indulged in.

    I work at McDonalds and eat there at least 5 times a week, but I find keeping my diary open keeps me accountable because I know someone will say something if I'm eating a big mac 3 days of that and then wondering why I gained weight. At least this way I know...okay, my friends will see this so should I have a mcgriddle or oatmeal...oatmeal it is!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    You obviously haven't seen the numerous rants....I mean threads 'judging' people or putting them down because of things they eat. Or have not seen comments made by people who say they get random messages from people giving unsolicited advice on their diary. OR, the fact that SO many people on this site are overly worried about what other people are doing.

    For me: I keep mine closed because I do what I want.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    My diary is open regardless of what I eat. My friends don't say anything about the frozen yogurt I had for dinner.
    I think if you are a complainer and whine about why you aren't losing weight but then have a closed diary...maybe you should stop whining.
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    If someone ate all fresh vegetables, lean meats, healthy stuff all day and are under, I am going to compliment their diary. If they ate all Mcdonalds and cheesecake, even if they stayed under goal I'm not going to compliment them. I think there is more to MFP than just staying UNDER your goal, although it is an important part.

    This is why a lot of people keep their diaries closed~It is not my place to tell you what to eat as long as you are eating enough calories, if you are light for the day I will call you on it and I expect my friends to do the same, but I will never judge your food choices. If I wanna have pizza and cheesecake every night for dinner that is MY choice and I don't need anyone to tell me that it doesn't live up to THEIR standards of what "healthy" is.
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    My beef is with "friends" with closed diaries...I don't care how others keep their diaries.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I always kept mine open. I've closed it now because I'm not filling it out (I could just open it I guess...). I'm trying to recover from some really disordered eating habits, so based on the advice I've sought, I'm not counting calories for a little while.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Because some of us don't care what other people's opinion on what we eat are... I use the diary for my logging purposes to make sure I am hitting my macros and keeping track of my calories. I know what I should be eating and can keep myself accountable. Mine is open but I have had it closed in the past just for the fact that I don't particularly like people commenting on crap like my water intake (I don't log it), or unrelevant stuff like how I should just eat the Whites of eggs. It's not anybody's darn business what I choose to eat. :P
    This site is for logging and motivation/support. I can get and offer support and motivation without having to know what somebody is eating. Why would you need to look through my diary before offering support or encouragement? Looking to critique it? Thats not exactly the best kind of support..
    I rarely even look at the diaries of my friends because I'm here to offer support and encouragement when they need it not to offer suggestions on their diet unless they asked for it. =/
    Would you still offer your support knowing that person is starving himself/herself to death?? Or you would rather not know?

    Why is it so important for others to HAVE to see their friend's diaries? I don't understand that. Making comments on somebody's eating habits or knowing what they are eating is not the only form of support you can offer. If that was the only kind of friends I had on here, I certainly would never use this site again outside of logging.
    Would you still offer your support knowing that person is starving himself/herself to death?? Or you would rather not know?
    I don't keep friends very long if I know they are starving themselves and they don't try to change it. But It isn't my business to pry into their lives to find out. Most of my friends on here have the same goal as me and are looking to build muscle and therefore eat that way. The others have their right to their privacy. I am still going to offer any encouragement I can and just assume they are doing what they should be doing. I don't go aorund commenting on people's diaries whether open or not with stuff like ''way to go'' etc.
  • futuresizeeight
    Edit, because I guess it's your choice if you'd rather have friends with open diaries. I disagree, but it doesn't really matter in the end. :)
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Because some people don't want the support aspect of the site, they just want the tools.

    This! Also, I don't need to know the minute details of everyone's day if they don't feel comfortable sharing it with me. I feel pretty self-conscious about my friends seeing what I eat on days when I tend to carb out or something. It takes a lot for some people to want to open up like that.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My beef is with "friends" with closed diaries...I don't care how others keep their diaries.

    Well then why not take it up with them on your own feed, instead of posting here?
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    My beef is with "friends" with closed diaries...I don't care how others keep their diaries.

    Ask them to open it, if they don't and it's that important to you delete them - Easy Peasy!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I would also like to say that most people don't need unsolicited advice about food that isn't coming from a nutritionist. That isn't supportive and doesn't help.
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Mine is closed! reason why some jacka** thought they were better than me and was making nasty to the ones that ask to see it I have it locked with a key and they have the key.. why because they are supportive! Not everyone on this site is supportive :(

    See, this is just wrong. I'm all for being supportive and honest. ANYONE who makes poor comments on your diary when it's open (honesty and being just plain mean are different) does NOT deserve to be on your friends list. I'm one of those that if you can't handle the cold hard truth about your diet, then you probably shouldn't add me as a friend. :-) No one is perfect and as long as everyone puts their goals and explains what they eat out in the open, I'm all about respecting that. It's the ones who post workouts, complain about it not working, but have closed diaries that you can't help them determine if it's their diet OR their workouts. You don't go to the doctor and provide 50% of your information in order to be diagnosed. Just doesn't work that way. This is strictly my opinion; to each their own. :smile:

    I understand where you are coming from :) I do have it available for those who ask...I want to open it but the criticism and hateful comments is what got me here in the first place :) With it being open to everyone there is a risk that one of my "friends" will say something that will derail me and that isnt hard to do :) I use this site to help teach myself the tools and knowledge I need to continue this journey for the rest of my life instead of just a "diet". So if I under eat one day and overeat the next I don't want all those comments...I need to hold myself accountable first then when i feel I am ready to move to the next step and accept criticism then I will.
  • StephGodsPrincess
    StephGodsPrincess Posts: 45 Member
    I really should save my responses to these "closed diary" threads.

    Why do people care whether others have open or closed diaries? It seems a bit controlling.

    Some reasons people don't open their diaries:

    *It is the Internet - you get very strange people commenting on something personal. Who wants a troll sending PMs about that piece of cake you had?
    *You are embarrassed.
    *You've had issues with eating disorders and the idea of others commenting on your food choices is unbearable.
    *Why on earth would you take the advice of some random MFP person on your nutrition? Are they a nutritionist/dietician/doctor?
    *You don't owe it to anyone.
    *You don't need someone's opinion on being over calories one day - you know what you are doing and not doing. Plus, a food diary doesn't convey all the info: diabetes, food allergies, food intolerances, pregnancy, breast feeding, saving calories to go to a party, carbo loading before a big race, on and on!
    *People on MFP have various ideas about nutrition (cleanses, no carbs, high protein, low cal, low fat, high fat, eat more, primal, clean, everything in moderation, on and on). Which would you listen to?
    *Open diary is NOT the whole point of MFP. That's why it is an option.
    *You are a stellar cook and don't need shopping or recipe ideas from others.
    *You tried opening your diary and the inappropriate comments from people who don't understand boundaries or etiquette or nutrition sent you over the edge.
    *Your mom/sister/cousin/coworker/best friend/spouse is on MFP and you don't really want her/him reading your food diary.
    *Food is personal to you.
    *You are a grown adult and don't need someone policing your intake.
    *You don't wanna.

    ^^^^^^Like This^^^^^^^^
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I have a whole host of reasons for keeping mine private, but here's one. If you're noticeably obese, you're used to having your eating scrutinised by others (in real life), and it isn't helpful. I don't want to bring that stress over here.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Getting fit is not about knowing what everyone eats its about encouragement, accountability not judgement and I find the biggest turn offs for me in this site is when a person has good intentions about their diary and only eats say 1400 calories we immediately attack that person for not eating enough etc. Then that person goes and exercises more and then we say your exercising more and not eating enough... This is why closed diaries are becoming more popular and I agree its nobodies business what I eat or what my buddies eat. Of course suggestions are always welcome but please leave the flaming of others and their diaries alone!
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    I've been put down my whole life about my eating habits, even when I was walking/jogging 15+ miles a day to work and working as a groom/exercise rider at one of my jobs. I needed calories then and was broke as all hell so I ate what I could get. I usually eat reasonably healthy. However my mother and others feel I eat like a hog because I am not yet stick thin and they think I need to seriously restrict my calories till I get there. This coming from my mother who was 5'11'' and 100 pounds.

    So yes I have personal issues letting people know how much and what I am eating, because everything feels like like crap.

    Its ok, its a "its me not you" sort of thing. I feel bad because most people here like the support. But I just cant do it.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have a whole host of reasons for keeping mine private, but here's one. If you're noticeably obese, you're used to having your eating scrutinised by others (in real life), and it isn't helpful. I don't want to bring that stress over here.

    Not just the obese, I've always been the "bony" one and I've been scrutinized as well. Never mind I have a sucky hip to waist ratio and had cholesterol through the roof....being thin doesn't mean one is healthy. So I can relate to that.
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    This is so silly. I feel like the ones who MUST read other diaries are nosy AND want to feel better than other people. My friends do not know what type of foods I eat. They get reports when I am under my calories, they get reports when I exercise and when I have lost weight. Plenty of circumstances to congratulate me on.

    I have an eating disorder. BED, actually been diagnosed and in treatment twice so far. It is important for me to be honest with my self at ALL times and if one...just ONE person made a passing comment...well for someone with an ED is detrimental and can lead to suicidal thoughts etc.

    FFS. Don't like my choice to not allow you to have a nosy around? Don't add me. Its not rocket science now is it?