For those of us with only 10-30 pounds to lose....



  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    believe me running a marathon will not help with losing the pounds :( ran 2 half marathon and all I did was gain weight afterward. still have 10 bs to lose and I have not lost an ounce since September.:grumble:
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Took me 3 months to lose 14...have 9 to ultimate goal...

    These last few are murder and SO hard to come's like my body is holding onto the lbs for dear life!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    I feel so much better after reading this thread. I thought I was the only one not losing any more weight. The first 20lbs happened in 2.5 months but now the last 14lbs are taking forever. The upside is that eating healthy and exercising is a way of life with me now. Patiently waiting for the last 14 lbs to go away.
  • lulu_1
    lulu_1 Posts: 100
    I had 40 lbs to lose but only 8 to get to a healthy bmi the other to lose the excess fat cause being at the edge of a healthy bmi is to close for comfert. it has taken me 5 months to lose the first 10 pounds so painful. now i have 30 left to lose.

    Gw: 100 lbs
    CW: 130 lbs
    height: 5'1"
    If you want friends add moi!
  • Let me just tell you are here and talking about it which is awesome! I finally thought, "wow, noone is going to tell these people to EAT MORE"! Guess I should have known better because then it started "eat more to lose more"! Seems not one thread can be written without someone throwing that "overrated" phrase out there. Sorry but I am not a big eater and I lost all mine and some eating "less" and sure and the heck NOT eating my hard work exercise calories back! If all people had to do was EAT MORE noone would need this site! So please you all just listen to your own bodies and do what is right for YOU! We are not all wired the same...thank God for the uniqueness He gave each of us....and this overated EAT MORE is NOT the answer for everyone! Add me if you would like ,but like true to yourself, and I will support you 110 percent!!! I really love mfp family! They are the best:)
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Yup. I lost 15 pounds and I can't seem to lose anymore. As of today, I'm trying low carb.. tired of waiting for something to happen.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    I'm looking to lose 10-15 more pounds. I'm currently losing less than a pound about every other week, but I'm glad I'm at least still making progress! The important thing is not to give up, right!? :drinker:
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    definitely in the same boat here. i have about 7 lbs to lose to get to my ultimate goal and most days i feel like i will never get there. my weight hasnt budged in 4 months, but i have reached my body fat % goal so i dont know that i will ever lose that 7 lbs.
    its a hard place to be in once you get so close to your goal. but, i do have to say that i would rather be struggling with the last few pounds than have a lot to go still.
  • i still have 25 to go
  • i am in the club! i have never been over 25 lbs ish of my ideal weight - just sucks bc sometimes it feels like with how much work is put in the weight should have fallen off already like it seems to for soooo many others. i know my goals say 30 but shoooot i would be really satisfied with just 15 atm - however months later and nothings changed xD just gotta be patient one day all the work will pay off or the perfect combination/option (fitness & food) will be found c: we will all figure it out *crosses fingers*
  • bigb1975
    bigb1975 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with ya!! I've been trying to lose this last 10 for awhile now. I keep losing the same 5 lbs only to gain it back and start over again! So frustrating. And the worst part is most people think I look fine (in clothes that is) I'm skinny fat. So while I'm small I do have some excess fat that I want off so bad. But like you said, with so little to lose you have to practically starve yourself to get it off. Please add me as a friend we can console each other :) Good luck!
  • trybabytry
    trybabytry Posts: 181
    I started off at a healthy weight (~155 at 5'10") but wanted to lose 15-20 pounds to slim down, and I've only lost about 5-8 pounds in two and a half months. It seems to go so slowly when you don't have that much to lose! I see people saying they lost as much as 30 pounds in a month, and that just blows my mind!!!!
  • yesssss! so discouraging since some people can lose 20 lbs in just a month!
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    How is it that I can lose over 100lbs and need about 20-30 to go and now can't lose at all? Its late...I'm tired.
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I'm apparently at a normal weight to begin with but I'd like to lose quite a bit of weight, it definitely takes longer. Good luck everyone :)
  • Txglitter
    Txglitter Posts: 178 Member
    Yep me too! I really only have about 5 to go, technically I would be fine as far as numbers on the scale go to just maintain except I am out of shape and need to tone up and build indurance, and just cant seem to get there. I would love to help in anyway I can. Support is welcomed :) Be well
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    this kid right here *sigh*
  • i lost 30 lbs pretty quickly, the last 18 are impossible. i would be happy with 10 more honestly, but it doesnt seem like either is going to happen.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I would like to lose 15lbs, however, my fitness pal gives me a daily calorie goal of 1470 and that seems high to me. Usually I hear people recommend 1200 calories a day, I think I even heard Jillian Michaels state that, so should I ignore the advice on the MFP and customize it or go along with it? I'm currently 135 and 5'4. By some miracle I would like to fit into a bathing suite before August rolls around.
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