Why are you here? No, for real...



  • neikoboo927
    neikoboo927 Posts: 19 Member
    Because I gained 40lbs from 10/21/11 (when I had a full abdominal hysterectomy) until 5/14/12. I kept having to get bigger jeans and that is so not ok with me! So i decided to calorie count, cut out soda and fast food from my diet and start exercising.

    It has been hard for me because I have never had a weight issue, or exercised; but with the only drinking water and stopping fast food I dropped 10 fast. Now I just have to stay on track and just keep swimming.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I started losing weight because I had 3 upcoming weddings over a 6-month period to attend and was freaking out trying on dresses. When my sister scheduled her wedding right in the middle of the others and set it on a beach in Aruba I knew I'd have to drop some weight to be comfortable at any of the events.

    Originally I started out on my own with the aid of different calorie websites. I'm here at MFP now because I'm approaching the one-year anniversary of starting my diet and I need some help pushing through these last 15 pounds. That and I lost the support of my friends and family who don't understand why I'm still dieting now that the weddings are over. My best friend has drunkenly taken me aside more than once to try and get me to stop before I'm smaller than she is. So now I have to lose the weight and show them all up, right?!
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I also did it to get the attention of a man who already had a girlfriend.

    is that ok? maybe I'm wrong, but that seems wrong

    Right or wrong, it worked for her.

    No point in judging the reasons. They did what they were meant to do.
  • krbates84
    krbates84 Posts: 96 Member
    I saw a picture of me from a family weekend and said it's TIME. I've tried everything and never stuck with it. I've very short and battled weight my whole life. Also, we are beginning to talk about having children and I want to be at a much better weight before becoming pregnant.
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    Well at the time of starting out a lot of my friends were loosing weight and I decided I wanted in on this too! Most have given up but not me! I also hate looking back at photos from any nights out I think I always look massive in them, even though I know some of my friends are bigger than me but I was always worried people were laughing at us for been the "fat chicks"
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    LOL'D IRL..Girl comes out of office, "what's so funny?" all I can say is Diabeetus...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I also did it to get the attention of a man who already had a girlfriend.

    is that ok? maybe I'm wrong, but that seems wrong

    Right or wrong, it worked for her.

    No point in judging the reasons. They did what they were meant to do.

    fair enough...but if it was your man? you still gonna be so non judgmental?
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Wanted to be a healthy BMI to be a surrogate mother, and kept going from there <3
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I guess it all started before last years family vacation to mexico. I worked hard for a few months and then gave up. So after seeing the photos I decided it was really time to get in shape. Also, having people tell you that they are glad you are still working on it cause they didn't think you'd stick to it helps the motivation. I guess I thank people who have no confidence in me cause it makes me want to prove them wrong. I'm doing it this time.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh and I never noticed switching from being the youngest in the office to being the only one over 30 - by a long way - in an office full of skinny 20-somethings. :embarassed:
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    fair enough...but if it was your man? you still gonna be so non judgmental?

    My man wouldn't notice. He's happy where he is, so any girl that wants to look good for him can feel free. They'll be healthier, and I'll still have my man. :wink:
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I have a totally shallow reason for working as hard as well! I mean I want to be healthy and blah, blah , blah BUT I work out everyday- skip big Macs and gave up Dr Pepper to show my sister up :blushing: Everytime I talk to my mom she goes on and on about how my sister is loosing her weight....looking good, but she' s not and she eats horriable doesnt take care of her self. I enjoy the comparision that is made when we get together----this is the only area that I outshine my sister in my mothers eyes :ohwell: So there you have it..... silly but it motivates me!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Midlife crisis. One day I was putting my kid to bed and he warned me not to sit on his bed because I was too big and would break it. When your 7 year old tells you that you're fat, only in not so many words because he's polite, it's probably time for a change...
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Didn't like what I saw in the mirror.
    There was stuff all over the floor.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    fair enough...but if it was your man? you still gonna be so non judgmental?

    My man wouldn't notice. He's happy where he is, so any girl that wants to look good for him can feel free. They'll be healthier, and I'll still have my man. :wink:

    This. Maybe if she had been a little more secure in her relationship, then they would still be together. Obviously, I was never a threat. But hey, thanks for reminding me how little someone I had feelings for actually cared about me. A little salt in that wound really helps.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My reason for starting to lose weight was fear... I was closer to weighing 300 than 200 and scared me. Over the years, my reasons and motivations have changed as I have changed.

    What keeps me here and keeping the weight off now? Lots of reasons, but the two that I don't mention are, I don't want to end up alone, depressed, and extremely unhealthy like my mother. She rarely leaves her house and when she does it's to buy fattening foods or to go gambling. Its sad, but she's not willing to change.

    The other reason (or my reason for getting my butt moving with exercise) is a friend of mine. She's very overweight and complains about it, does the "diet of the month" (for about 3 to 10 days before coming up with an excuse to quit), exercises for a day or two, then comes up with a dozen excuses why she can't/shouldn't/won't exercise. When I start thinking of blowing off my exercise for the day, I think of her and it gets me moving. I don't want to be the whiny friend; I want to be the happy, fit, healthy friend!

    There. I admited it.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I was disgusted with every picture that was taken of me, my size 12s were getting too tight, I was in the "overweight" BMI for the first time ever, and I felt unattractive in every piece of clothing I owned.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Cause in Jan 2011 I decided I was so over being fat.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    One of the reasons I'm here is because I seperated from my husband 7 months ago, and I want a new bod to go with the new life. I have my eye on someone new, but I just don't feel comfortable persuing it looking the way I do now.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've just remembered why my starting weight was significant - it just tipped me over into an "obese" BMI.