List Of Low Calorie Foods EVERYONE should know about!!



  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
  • bump

    thanks :D
  • amyliz0226
    amyliz0226 Posts: 37
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yep, good list until #9. Diet -anything that has any "sweetened chemicals" (splenda, saccharin, equal) actually makes you hungrier. It's almost as bad as drinking the sugary stuff. If you HAVE to have your diet drink, look for something with stevia in it.
    Stevia is no different than any other "sweetened chemical." If you think Stevia is good, then all of them are good. Likewise, if you think the rest are bad, then stevia is equally bad.

    Stevia is just an artificial sweetener made from a leaf, that's been soaked in chemical solutions to extract a sweet compound and then ground into a powder. Not much different than how Splenda is made, just a different chemical used for soaking (Stevia uses methanol, a chemical, that, when ingested in high amounts on its own, can cause blindness and death. Did I do the scare mongering part right?)

    You can use the leaf by itself too. Float a leaf in your tea / coffee or dry it and grind it up.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Walden Farms condiments.....they have Alfredo Sauce and Maranara Sauce and I put them over my miracle noodles with veggies and chicken.....LOVE IT!!! A huge bowl for like 200 cal!! I love their salad dressings, pancake syrups and carmel syrups....ALL ZERO CALORIES! Look them up on!

    Do you eat any REAL food at all?
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
  • mrmv
    mrmv Posts: 95
    Miracle noodles also called yam noodles. 40 cal for two servings. I rinse them then pan dry them in hot skillet, helps with the texture and the smell. Works great with laughing cow cheese but not so well with marinaras.. Great to have tho!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    At least more people appreciate this thread than not!! LOL!!! People should not judge others on how they lose weight. Everyone is different. If you want to eat "clean" then do it w/o judging others.....I eat splenda, processed food along with "clean" food.....and you know what? I have kept over a 110 lb weightloss off for 4 yrs I don't want to hear ANY JUDGEMENT!!! :tongue:

    There should be lists of low calorie foods that includes REAL FOOD, not processed crap manufactured somewhere to be passed off as food.

    That is what is wrong with this world. Too lazy to purchase, prepare REAL FOOD
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
  • they sell the "miracle noodles" in the same place they sell tofu in the grocery store. Shiritaki noodles are good! Yum!
  • DeadEyedSuburbanite
    DeadEyedSuburbanite Posts: 34 Member
    HOLY CRAP!!!!

    If I ate like that I'd NEVER get to my TDEE of 2350 calories!

    + a dozen or so other similar remarks.

    What is with all the negative comments?

    Do you guys really think that people are ONLY going to eat the food on this list? Of course they aren't.

    It's just a list of some not so obvious foods that people have found useful when dieting because they allow you to consume bulk without going over the calorie limit. I, for one, found a couple of things on there that I never knew about before. So I'll take what I like from it, leave the rest, and thank the OP kindly for the info.
  • Well i'm new here and i have to say i'm a bit shocked how dismissive people are of other peoples methods/ choices. The OP has done a useful post suggesting some foods to eat alongside your normal diet and people are just being unnecessarily rude.

    I hope the whole forum isnt like this

    To add my (processed and full of sugar suggestion) meringue nests are only 50cals each
  • morbidbones
    morbidbones Posts: 20 Member
    HOLY CRAP!!!!

    If I ate like that I'd NEVER get to my TDEE of 2350 calories!

    + a dozen or so other similar remarks.

    What is with all the negative comments?

    Do you guys really think that people are ONLY going to eat the food on this list? Of course they aren't.

    It's just a list of some not so obvious foods that people have found useful when dieting because they allow you to consume bulk without going over the calorie limit. I, for one, found a couple of things on there that I never knew about before. So I'll take what I like from it, leave the rest, and thank the OP kindly for the info.

    Someone with a realistic outlook^

    Not once did I claim that this didn't contain processed food, jeez. As the above person has mentioned (thanks) I do not expect, nor do I advise, anyone to eat only the things on this list. Bottom line, I made this list to help people out. If you don't agree with it, fine. Everyone has there own way of dieting. But you don't have to be so disrespectful. I respect and don't criticise anyone else's way. You're not going to be a happy person if you constantly see the negatives In everything.
    I'm only 18 but feel so much more mature than some of the critical people who have commented on this...
  • HopefulBones
    HopefulBones Posts: 2 Member
    Bump. Thanks! :D
  • BrendaHyde
    BrendaHyde Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for sharing.
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I would like to add something Dr. Oz showed on his show.

    In the morning, add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to a glass of cold water and drink up. :drinker: It gives a metabolic boost of up to 30% for the day and will give you an automatic avg. weight loss of 6 pounds per year by just doing this.
  • vbruce3
    vbruce3 Posts: 10 Member
    [I love it !! Too cute!! Im a newby too and I think I know what BUMP means.. Have you seen people who both agree or like something and they do the fist thing and say "BUMP IT" yea well thats what Im going with. LOL and thanks for the list!! Cool chick!quote]
    Thanks guys! but what the hell does bump mean? lol im new here
  • vbruce3
    vbruce3 Posts: 10 Member
    I love it !! Too cute!! Im a newby too and I think I know what BUMP means.. Have you seen people who both agree or like something and they do the fist thing and say "BUMP IT" yea well thats what Im going with. LOL and thanks for the list!! Cool chick!
    Thanks guys! but what the hell does bump mean? lol im new here
  • denise70460
    denise70460 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I would like to add something Dr. Oz showed on his show.

    In the morning, add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to a glass of cold water and drink up. :drinker: It gives a metabolic boost of up to 30% for the day and will give you an automatic avg. weight loss of 6 pounds per year by just doing this.

    I will give this a try~
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    How has nobody commented on OP's clearly pro-ana tumblr ( or noted the fact that she's 5'4.5 and trying to get down to 100 lbs? Girl, I'm concerned about you :/