Short Girl Challenge!!!



  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member

    Raining today, had to share the treadmill with my exercise partner. He hogs the TM

    I love it!
  • I weighed and I'm down from 176 to 174.4.
  • sageskye
    sageskye Posts: 44 Member

    Awww! Lucky you to have such a cute workout partner :)
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I weigh in on Saturday hoping to be down a pound or two by then! :wink:

    On a more substantial note, I went shopping and tried on a size 8 skirt and it fit!! Now that makes my week!! I started in January as a size 18/20! I'm having to reevaluate my entire closet full of clothes, cause everything's too baggy!!! All my old pants have gone to goodwill already!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I weighed in yesterday and am exactly the same. *sigh* :(
  • sageskye
    sageskye Posts: 44 Member
    On a more substantial note, I went shopping and tried on a size 8 skirt and it fit!! Now that makes my week!! I started in January as a size 18/20! I'm having to reevaluate my entire closet full of clothes, cause everything's too baggy!!! All my old pants have gone to goodwill already!

    Very inspiring! You must be thrilled with your results even though it is expensive to have to replace all of your clothes :smile:

    I am just about to do day 1 of the 30 day shred... anyone else tried it?
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    OK did weigh in, Started this challange at 212, and as of this morning I am 209, so I hope next week will be the same but I doubt it. As I approach TOM it gets harder to lose. But I am feeling great. This challange has been good for me. Thanks,
    And wow, there are so many joined up for this. Thanks for the daily stories. Anyone found any great recipe's of low cal but fillin g yummy food? Tonight I made a pasta sauce with hot tomato sauce and pinapple, I love the taste of sweet and hot. grated in carrot and zuchinni. Tastes good even cold. Mixed it in with gluten free brown rice pasta.
  • kloach1
    kloach1 Posts: 1
    I am interested, I need all the support I can get!
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Had a strange day today! I didnt work today because I was visiting with my Sister in Law. Went to Applebees and had spinich and shrimp salad... 3 of them! UGG! But I logged it! And I feel really good about the fact that I wrote it down and moved on!

    Tip for the day for me "DRINK WATER! Drink 1/2 body weight in ounces of water (for me that would me that would be 106 oz (or 13.25 cups)
  • yoshelin_20
    yoshelin_20 Posts: 3 Member
    no :( hopefully next week :), is all about effort!!! lets go guys we can do it!!
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!! I hope everyones day is off to a great start!

    I forgot my breakfast this morning:( but I have been downing my water to keep try and make it to lunch without diving into the Reese Cups (darn work candy jar)

    Tip of the day for me "Do some purposeful movement! Get off your Butt and do some thing!"

    Tonight I will attend another pole fitness class but I hope to get out and walk before I go to the class.

    Hope everyone has a great day and wonderful start to the weekend!

    Ohh I would like to offer up a challange to everyone: Do something this weekend that is out of your box. Try a new food, do a new workout, anything! Shake it up a little!
  • territmj
    territmj Posts: 1
    ok sounds good to me I just started 7 days ago and could use a support group. I'm doing this because I will be turning 50 in a couple of months and want to feel better about myself.
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member

    I am already up and at them! I am getting ready for my first of 2 pole fitness classes today! I can not wait to rock it out! I stuck a move last night that I have been trying for 3 weeks to get! Mind you it is a "basic" move, however it made me feel so awesome that I could accomplish it!

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Tip of the day for me "get in your water! Especially since I will be working out a lot today"
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in. I started again on MfP last Monday and have already gone down 5 lbs. I am 5'1 171. I need all of the support I can get.
  • ajpeardon
    ajpeardon Posts: 25 Member
    5' and down with the challenge!
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    24 and 190 lbs. Went out and walked/ran 2.39 miles this morning. I feel awesome :-)
  • xbeledi
    xbeledi Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, I'm ready to do this again. Dec-Mar I lost 20 lbs, dropped body fat from 33% to 20%. I CAN DO THIS.
    I worked out 5x a week, varing aerobics, step, muscle conditioning and zumba. I kept a food diary and found that repeation of foods was the safest. AM - coffee, banana, yougart, granola bar. Never ate these all at once, spaced it out. Lunch was a homemade vegetable soup and oyster crackers. Afternoon was yougart, milk, or vege sticks. Regular dinner watching portion size, stayed away from white foods - bread, rice, potato. That was hard. I fill up a 32 oz jug of water 2 times a day, use propel to flavor it. Yougart again for dessert. I need motivation to get out the front door and go to the Y or do my P90x at home. It works with dedication. Best wishes for you and me. I have found as I get older, loving to walk is just not enough.
    I am 5', 54 yo, and don't mind 140ish if the body fat is down. I had to stop due to illness and the waist is flabby again. Not pretty. My scale has been creeping upward and it neeeds to stop. HELP!
  • collectsfrogs
    collectsfrogs Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, I've been lurking here for a while. It's about time I post I suppose. I am 30, 5' and currently at 191 pounds. My highest weight was 240. I had lost 70 pounds in 3 months, due to relationship issues. Since I have been better I gained back 20 pounds. Now, I am ready to lose for good. This morning I finished Jillian Michaels - Frontside for the first time, I plan on doing Backside tomorrow, and during the week doing her 30DS. I have decided not to log what I eat, as I get obsessed with it, and don't eat enough. I am hoping I don't quit this time only after a week. Thanks.
  • fizzlepip
    fizzlepip Posts: 6
    i'm 5'3 and 229lbs...Definitely in :D
  • sageskye
    sageskye Posts: 44 Member
    Tip of the day for me "get in your water! Especially since I will be working out a lot today"

    I am going to use your tip of the day too! My youngest daughter has been sick most of the week and the only way she was comfortable enough to sleep was when I was holding her. I didn't want to wake her with frequent bathroom trips so I didn't drink my usual amount of water. Feeling very dehydrated today! it is raining here so my exercise for the day will be day 2 of the 30 day shred (I am skipping a day in between).

    What is everyone else up to today?