50 days of something



  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Round 2 day 8/50 walked and did weights miss my 50 days on here...
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Today - 30 minutes swimming

    Hey you! We got pretty chummy over here didn't we? I miss our side chat too. I am amazed at how many are posting on the June thread. I didn't expect that many to join. It's hard to be friendly and have a personal conversation on the side. I went swimming with my daughter this evening. She's almost 13, and at that age where nothing is ever right.

    I am also in a group called the 100 squats in 100 days group. I joined that group about the same time we started this 50 days thread. Only 4 of us post there even though there is over 100 members who never post. Anyway, so it is small and personal. Come have a look, we are only posting in the thread called May and June. Even though it's called 100 squats..., we don't care what you do. You may like it better there than in the crowded June Something thread. I will send you an invitation.

  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Hi. Yeah that June thread is amazing. Sooooo busyat work and home that I find it crazy to follow anybody. I will try but. Ready to do the squats. Might start with 50. Anything extreame gets my joints in a tizzy. Ha ha.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Have been remiss in posting because I have been babysitting at 5.45 am and going to bed early..lol

    Day 33/50
    5km race (walked the whole way, came in last , but finished!!!
    Day 34/50
    Drove home from Toronto
    Day 35/50
    Babysat a very active 2 year old this morning!
    Day 36/50
    Babysitting again and also had to run after my horse who decided to get out of her paddock and come down to the house for a visit.
    Day 37/50
    15 minutes on treadmill
    30 minutes weight lifting with my trainer
    Day 38/50
    45 minutes of chasing a horse and fixing fences again this morning at 7am.

    I am just going to continue from yesterday since I cant remember everything I have done this week.

    Day 39/50
    15 minutes treadimill
    30 minutes weight lifting with my trainer
    Day 40/50
    3 hours heavy housework, moving furniture, washing floors etc.
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    round 2 day 12/50....I joined clovers group to do 100 squats a day but I am doing 50 squats a day to build those big muscles to increase metabolism and 50 crunches a day to work that core so when I loose this layer of fat I acutally have a strong core...
    also my normal upper body strength workout...it is about 4-5 exercises for biceps triceps lats and chest...i do 3 sets of 10 right now 2 sets of 5lbs and 1 of 8 lbsweights ...trying to keep it simple and consistant in this busy life.
    plan to cut the grass, plant my hosta garden and get a walk in today :) Happy Saturday
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