This is a weight loss board



  • BigenFluffy
    BigenFluffy Posts: 57 Member

    This is the stupidest rant ever.

    Once again, I need a 'like' button
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    You all have reminded me to measure, not done it for a few weeks and I lost 2inches from my tummy whoo hoo!!!
  • TheChangingMan
    TheChangingMan Posts: 73 Member
    I honestly couldn't care if I weighed a pound or a ton if I looked right!

    The scales are just ONE of the weighs I measure my progress.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    The ENTIRE site might be a fitness site but this WEIGHTLOSS.

    Perhaps its title should be changed to Weightloss and Body compesition Help?

    But like I said....I do NOT care to be smaller if my BMI still screams obese. And if BMI doesn't matter tell me why it matters to insurance companies? Because when are you trying to get health insurance, or my case a job, weight on the scale matters.
    Not Body Fat Percentage, not the size of my hips and waiste...BMI.

    End rant.

    accurate BMI (Body Mass Index) comes from body composition, not a guestimate from your weight.
  • kais79
    kais79 Posts: 41 Member
    There are jobs out there that have begun to evaluate potential candidate on their BMI, among other factors. It is very unfortunate because BMI is an outdated measure of a person's health. You can be 1% body fat, hypothetically, and have a BMI that states you are obese, even though you're mostly muscle. This is a shame. Personally, I would thank a job for turning me away if they judged their candidates based on such criteria. They are not the type of employer that deserves my hard work and loyalty.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    It's unfortunate that people don't comprehend how the human body works in such a basic sense that the OP thinks you can lose weight but have the same measurements.

    That would be a very odd thing indeed.

    I think society needs a re-education on health and wellness from the age of 5 forward. I think the US Government should mandate 20 minutes per day (at least) to health and wellness education in schools from K up to graduation.
  • 0093
    0093 Posts: 12 Member
    BMI drives me crazy!!! Insurance companies drive me insane!!!! I understand what you are going through but think of it this way....instead of looking at your BMI, look at your body composition which indicates how much fat you actually have. That would be so much more accurate.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    It's unfortunate that people don't comprehend how the human body works in such a basic sense that the OP thinks you can lose weight but have the same measurements.

    That would be a very odd thing indeed.

    I think society needs a re-education on health and wellness from the age of 5 forward. I think the US Government should mandate 20 minutes per day (at least) to health and wellness education in schools from K up to graduation.

    I wish this could happen! Imagine how much healthier people would be? I think a lot of people generally just misunderstand everything diet/fitness related. So many people just don't even know how to make good choices when it comes to eating right. Not everything is always common sense. I know for me it wasn't, I had to educate myself a lot to learn to eat right.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Ot actually says: "General Diet and Weight Loss" so it isn't just weight loss.

    I'm sorry but I just don't get why you would write a post just to complain.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Just and FYI to everyone who ask "Do you take other mearsurements." YES I Take other measurements, but those measurements don't mean anything if I am still overweight.
    I am here to LOSE weight...not inches, no cm, not improve my ability to do a standing broad jump...WEIGHTLOSS. When I complain about not losing any real weight...don't ask me if I have measured my hips.


    I totally agree with this!!! But it does make the weightloss journey a little sweeter. I've been doing weights lately, so no, the scale isn't going down. The only thing that makes me ok with that though is the fact that i'm tightening up and losing inches. When I look in the mirror, I actually look better. I'll take these "small" things until the scale starts moving downwards.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    MyFITNESSPal. It's not called MyWEIGHTLOSSPal. Also, why would you just want to lose pounds and not gain health/lose inches...? Whatever, man.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Mfp is for anything fitness related... Hence the name mfp
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    If you eat pizza, subway, hamburgers etc, you're probably not going to see the scale budge the way you'd like! A lot of your food choices are good, but most days I see something that's *not* so healthy. A couple of days you go over by 4 or 500 calories looking over the past week. Lots of people here have pointed out the futility of your rant, but I thought I'd take a butchers and see if there's something I can offer to help - and that would be my estimation of perhapy *why* the scale isn't moving. Don't get me wrong, i do the same myself, hell yesterday I was over by at least 500 thanks to a very well enjoyed chinese meal. But then I don't cry about the scale not moving, because I know exactly WHY it hasn't - I have to keep holding myself accountable to stay on this journey!

    I suspect you may have left the thread (it took me all day to get through the replies (very amusing btw :smile: ), but if you do get a chance to see this, have a think about where you can tweak things - and if it's not on the diet front, are you perhaps overestimating exercise calories burnt?
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    I see that your diet is largely based on processed foods. The sugar (and I assume sodium, chemicals, preservatives, etc.) intake in these foods is astronomical. It would help if you included more unprocessed foods such as: PLENTY of FRESH fruits and vegetables, unrefined whole grains, lean unprocessed meats (whole pieces of lean chicken or fish instead of ground meats, etc.)
    Clean eating really does help me stay full (with plenty of fiber and protein), and prevents cravings because I'm providing my body with lots of nutritionally dense foods.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    The ENTIRE site might be a fitness site but this WEIGHTLOSS.

    Perhaps its title should be changed to Weightloss and Body compesition Help?

    But like I said....I do NOT care to be smaller if my BMI still screams obese. And if BMI doesn't matter tell me why it matters to insurance companies? Because when are you trying to get health insurance, or my case a job weight on the scale matter.
    Not Body Fat Percentage, not the size of my hips and waiste...BMI.

    End rant.

    When you figure out how to lose a lot of weight and still have the same measurements let me know how you did it.

    You do it by losing muscle and gaining fat, though why anyone would want to do that is beyond me.
  • gardenkitty
    gardenkitty Posts: 6 Member
    Wow. First off let me say I did skip a lot of comments on here because a lot were saying the same thing. Now, I did not comment on boards very often and I did not read the original post in another forum either. Stop all the *****ing and moaning and realized the whole reason behind Denise's beginning rant. Weight loss help is not about saying you're doing it wrong! When someone gets frustrated because they have reached a plateau they want support not smart *kitten*. I am a new comer to MFP and before I came here I had lost over 40 lbs using another site so please don't tell me I don't know anything because I haven't been there. Yes, fitness is a long term goal, yes, loss of inches is a long term goal and yes I still get frustrated when I hit a plateau. Hell, I am on one now. I know what I am doing wrong and just have to get back on the wagon and that might take some time even if that is frustrating. Denise, You can do it! I believe in you. Just don't forget to believe in yourself even when things like BMI have got you down. I will never wear single digit clothes and if my BMI still says over weight when I lose this last 15 lbs then I don't care because I don't want to look like Skeletor. Don't tell I am not fit either because I ran a 5K obstacle course 2 days ago for the first time. Just because I am not "skinny" doesn't mean I am not healthy. .
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    First of all, OP, what gives you the right to dictate the purpose of a message board that you do not run?

    As for wanting support, there is actually a board called "Motivation and Support". If you want support, that's the place to go. If you want "help" sometimes that help is going to involve telling you what you're doing wrong.
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    Size 2 isn't big even if you are 4'11

    It depends on the line. They make 00s and 0s. I'm 5'2", three inches taller. Depending on the garment, I wear anything from a Petite 00 to a Petite 6, although usually a Petite 2 or 4.

    A thin, well-proportioned person of 4' 11" might swim in a 2, especially if it's a Regular 2.

    I've never understood this. Why can't women's sizes be similar to men's and actually mean something. For a man, a size 34 means 34 inches. Size 16 neck-16 inches. So simple, so easy!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
This discussion has been closed.