What drives you CRAZY about your gym??



  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    Since my gym is in my apartment complex, we only have one treadmill that works (the other poops out after one minute), the TV is stuck on the stock market channel, and the water cooler is always empty. Also, there are windows to the hallway, people walking past generally stare in, and some of the employees in other sections of the complex will walk past 7 or 10 times ON THEIR LUNCH BREAK while I'm on my run. It's aggravating.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I wish my gym was open at 5 everyday. I also wish the free weight part was bigger. It gets packed and I feel easily intimidated.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    this whole thread makes me glad i cancelled my gym membership. lol i dont like working out in public. i make weird noises, weird faces, i sweat too much, turn purple and curse....a LOT. lol
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    1) Dudes that use the weight machines and drop the weights, while I am on the treadmill, 4 feet away.

    2) Naked old guys weighing themselves in the locker room.

    3) Guys that leave bandaids, razor blade covers, and empty shampoo bottles in the shower. The custodian is pretty good at keeping it clean, but he can't check every shower every 5 minutes.

    4) Guys that leave their locks on the lockers all week, when they are not RENTAL lockers. They do this to hog the few full length lockers on Monday, and remove their locks on the weekend. Gym staff cut off locks on Saturday nights, so they have figured out how to beat the system.

    5) Towels that are barely big enough to use as a loin cloth, let alone to try myself off after a shower. Come on...gimme a big towel!
  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 177 Member
    I hate when people leave their nasty paper towels all on the cardio machines. Gross!

    I hate it when the gym people don't empty the trash or replenish paper towel dispensers, too.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    The guys who only work upper body and not their legs, they look like flamingos!
    Also the people who can't put the dumbbells back as a matched set.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    My gym has a great circuit training room. The 20 stations are numbered, the instructions are clearly posted on the wall, the timer clock is at the front with red and green lights. It is a set up of efficiency and procedure. Sure there is a large amount of rule-following conformity here, but if you want to hop around on various machines, there's plenty of them out on the main floor.

    BUT NOOOOOOOOO.....some of you are special and you can cut in front of us as we work the process to maximize the inherent efficiency. You ignore the clock, you sit for 20 seconds and do ridiculously puny and rapid movements that make me think you get a better workout brushing your teeth. You float around the room and the exercise stations as if there was no pattern, no process, no routine. You people need to back off from us anal-retentive ants and our circuit room or I will shred you to bits with my mandibles and drag the pieces of you down a dark and dirty hole.

    That's my peeve.
  • This is great, what drives me crazy is that the San Luis Sour Dough company is right behind the gym and they are just baking away every time I am at the gym, the smell of fresh sourdough whips through the open windows and makes me crave bread the whole time.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    The equipment keeps breaking and it takes forever for things to get fixed! And 1 out of 4 stalls in the bathroom has a working lock. I would never pay more than $10 to go to such a crappy gym lol
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    The bros.
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    I go to the gym at my apartment complex. Things that bother me? It's a small room, so only a few of us can work out there at a time. The machines block the mirror, so you can only see yourself doing free weights facing one small mirror. There's also no rowing machine.
  • ginamaria724
    ginamaria724 Posts: 133
    I really wish my gym had a running track. I know treadmills are always available, but if I'm having ankle problems, it really hurts to run on the treadmill. Plus I also believe you get a littttttle bit more of a workout running on actually ground rather than a machine that basically forces your feet to move.

    I also wish my gym I go to wasn't so far away :( It's hard sometimes to get enough self encouragement to force myself to drive almost 30 minutes there during the winter or just when I'm feeling lazy.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    The gym I belonged to turned me off for a few reasons, but mainly the bathroom was so small that the showers and the toilets were next to each other:grumble:
    and it wasn't woman friendly...
    but it was close to work...
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    They dont have enough Cybex machines. Everybody loves them but they only have 5 and about 20 Elipticals with about half empty all the time. What about more Cybexs less Elipticals...novel idea.

    Also I'd like to say to the person that posted this that I think the personal trainers are paid for their time so it probably is unpaid advice you are asking for. It happens in my business too, however I will answer basic questions.
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    I'm gonna have to disagree on this one. I'm a very happy person. I'm friendly with the staff, say hello and make small talk with whoever is working the counter. Maybe I'll smile at other women in the locker room or people on my way in and out. With that being said, I don't go to the gym to make friends. I go to work out and get on with my day. Maybe I'm biased, but as a 28 year old single woman in LA, I'd rather not say hello to men I don't know at the gym. I get enough weird looks because I'm tattooed; I prefer to keep to myself and get in and GTFO. Some guy kept staring at me today when I was on the exercise bike and I did not find it flattering. I was sufficiently creeped out. Sorry...
  • AndreaDonofrio
    AndreaDonofrio Posts: 2 Member
    Many things but I'll go with the top 2... I go to a National Chain Gym that is VERY corporate... to the point of not being able to control the temperature without permission from head office... on the opposite coast. So when it's Hot and humid in VA... someone in CA gets to yeah or nay a change in the air conditioning. To me... chain or not... a gym is personal to it's location and it's community and there should be some managerial autonomy AT the gym.

    Second... and it rides along with number one... when a class requiring equipment (weights, steps etc. ) so consistently FULL to capacity for over 6 months and "management" won't get us enough of said equipment so that everyone who comes can fully participate.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    That there are no signs in the free weight area reminding people to rack their weights when they are done. 10 years ago, they had that, but they disappeared. 2 years ago, I sent an email to the then-manager and got no response. This time, they have a Facebook page, and I asked on there if we could get some. New manager said he ordered them at my suggestion. They aren't in and up yet, but I liked the response.

    The only other thing is that it's always more crowded than I would like, even at 11pm! 4am seems like a good time to go, but I can't usually get up that early and only do it when I've been up all night.
  • I don't like the mentally ill guy who talks to himself all the time. Everybody says he is "really nice," but when I see him, he is always going "expletive this and expletive that." It's a little unnerving because I have had a couple of bad experiences with mentally ill people.
    I also don't like the bathroom habits of some of the members. I mean, why do they have to put up a sign that says "Don't spit in the sink."
  • lindseypro
    lindseypro Posts: 14
    I go to a pretty nice gym (24HourFitness). I don't pay a whole lot of money for monthly dues but there are a lot of members. The gym itself has a "loft-like" feel with exposed ductwork. They have PLENTY of income but the ducts and the fans in the gym are always dusty!

    I realize it's a lot of work to keep them clean but in a place where people are working on their HEALTH, breathing heavily, they should really work harder to keep the place and the AIR IN IT clean. I don't think it's just my gym either - I've belonged to several gyms over the years and most of them have looked like this! Look up next time you're at your gym. I bet yours looks similar. ICK!!
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    This is great, what drives me crazy is that the San Luis Sour Dough company is right behind the gym and they are just baking away every time I am at the gym, the smell of fresh sourdough whips through the open windows and makes me crave bread the whole time.

    I have used a gym in Maryland while on Vacation there that shares a parking lot with a very good BBQ restaurant, the smell as you leave makes you wish to go over and replace the calories I had just burnt. On one occasion as I was leaving there were 2 members of staff bringing back take-out :laugh:
