TEAM FIT continued - November!

Hi ladies...Happy November!! Here's our new thread for November. What are your November goals?


  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everybody!! My November goal is to lose 5 pounds by November 20th, and then maintain that through the end of the month. My husband and I are leaving on the 20th for a little vacation in Colorado, so I'd like to have my weight lost before then, and then maintain that through our trip and through Thanksgiving (that's a tall order with two families of wonderful cooks!). Still want to drink at least 8 cups of water per day and exercise at least 5x per week/30 minutes each. My Halloween weekend was a splurge (*hopefully not TOO bad*), so I'm ready to buckle down and get to losing!
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    I want to keep exersizing 5 times a week upped to 45 min
    I want to drink 8 cups of water not the 4 or 5 I have been
    I want to LOSE WEIGHT not just inches:grumble: (although they are nice to lose too):bigsmile:

    My halloween was full of 2.5 hours of walking, a game of ghost in the grave yard, a loooong walk, and my wifes 14 year old brother getting me too run with asthma. man as soon as I caught my breath he had me running again! I wish he lived closer! he would keep me moving!

    Good luck to everyone through November!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Sunday - 8 cups of water - 0 exercise.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Saturday totals: 45 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water
    Sunday totals: 53 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water

    November goal: lose 4 lbs, exercise 5 times a week.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Sunday no exersize or water!:noway: is suck i know. I couldnt exersize i want to scream when i move an inch let alone do cardio. well anywhoo i thought everyone would like to see our chart overall. so here you go we are all doing great but i am no expert at a chart and it wont do what i want it to do so here you go lol

    Name Start weight Current Weight Lost

    joline 164 165 +1
    tanya7712 143 140 -3
    downsizing 195 195
    rattykid 188 188
    15togonar 130 130
    aabelein 190 182 -8
    lmr9 212 208 -4
    jadelynn 146 142 -4
    laughingfox 189 189
    amm114 153 151 -2
    anewday 121 121
    kholmes 139.5 136 -3.5
    tabby25 265 266 +1
    moms5boys 215 215
    aes14 141 141
    lyla29 143 143
    christymomx3 200 200
    cfrench0128 165.9 165.9
    leila_i 250 250
  • DownSizin
    OOPs! I didn't view this thread until after I started a new one. :noway:
    I'm using this one - thanks lmr9!

    My starting weight was 195, so I lost 4lbs for October. I missed my goal by 5lbs. :frown:

    Weigh-in this morning: Down 1 lb. Starting weight for Nov: 190

    Goals for Nov: Lose 5lbs by 11-30; Meet calorie goals DAILY; Stay on track thru Thanksgiving, continue exercising 5 days a week, include 30 Day Shred 3 x week.

    To everyone who lost weight, met or surpassed their Oct goal - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are an inspiration and motivation for the rest of us! Keep it up!
  • DownSizin
    Okay. I'm going to commit to keeping a spreadsheet for whoever wants to see it. This will be a 'test' for this week and if I can maintain and we want to continue, I'll do it. OK?

    So, please give me your current weight as of today. If you are tracking inches lost, give me those too and I'll incorporate that into the ss.

    Good luck, everyone! :flowerforyou:

    BTW: Newbies welcome. :smile:
  • DownSizin
    Okay. I'm going to commit to keeping a spreadsheet for whoever wants to see it. This will be a 'test' for this week and if I can maintain and we want to continue, I'll do it. OK?

    So, please give me your current weight as of today. If you are tracking inches lost, give me those too and I'll incorporate that into the ss.

    Good luck, everyone! :flowerforyou:

    BTW: Newbies welcome. :smile:
    Send me your email address if you want a sample of what I'm including in the spreadsheet. Like jolinemm_07, I tried to cut and paste in here, but the columns get messed up. :(
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone. I had a totally great week (including indulging in food) since last Tuesday and now I need to get back on track

    As of this morning I am 135.5. My November weightloss goal is 5 pounds so 130.5 by Nov 30.

    I plan to continue my last two weeks of ChaLEAN Extreme and then start Turbo Jam. So that means at least 5 days of workouts each week and then more if I feel like it but not required. I also want to continue my water intake (at least 8 glasses a day).

    Monday - 40 min workout so far.

    Congrats to TEAM FIT. Even if you did not make your goal if you are still here you are still committeed and that is all that matters. Sometimes we will all have set backs but you have to recognize what is happening, accept that you are only human, and commit to get back on track. I BELIEVE IN EACH ONE OF US. We can do this.:happy:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    yeah thats what happened to me i would love one my email for yahoo is my weight today is 165 last time i weighed
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday - 8 cups of water - 45 minutes of exercise
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Monday total: 4 glasses of water, 45 minutes of cardio
  • andreaprojectme
    Hi there

    can i join?

    current start 290
    monday glasses of water 5 (bad i know)
    goal for november is to lose 10 pounds
    andrea x
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning team!
    Sorry I didnt post yesteday, I was not at work, I'm not feeling too great. Well I didnt lose any weight last week for some reason. I was very frustrated, but then I realized that it might be because I wasn't eating all my 1200 calories. I was probably eating around 900. So I'm making it my goal for this month to make sure I eat all 1200 calories every day. I will also be drinking 8 glasses of water and exercising 65 mins at least 5 days a week. But I'm going to try for 7 days. I cant remember what I started at least month but I weight 180 now so i think I met my goal. My goal for weight loss this month is 8 pounds. I'm hoping for 2 pounds a week. Okay team, lets make it a good day and good luck to everyone! I know we can do this!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :happy: :tongue: :bigsmile: :drinker: :wink:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    I did 60 min of cardio yesterday
    strength training and I drank 4 cups of water yesterday
    Today is the day I officially quit soda even diet.:flowerforyou:
    I wish their was a ticker for that too!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Monday - 10 glasses water, 80 min workout
    Tuesday - 35 min workout so far

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. I have had an awful headache for several days so I am hoping it will go away today. Not sure what it is.
  • DownSizin
    Hi there

    can i join?

    current start 290
    monday glasses of water 5 (bad i know)
    goal for november is to lose 10 pounds
    andrea x

    WELCOME Andrea! Glad to have you! I will add you to my spreadsheet to track your progress. I am thinking of sending everyone an updated copy either on Saturday or Sunday as I get time. Hopefully, that will keep us all focused and motivated for the upcoming week. Good luck!!! We can do this! :happy:
  • DownSizin
    Good morning team!
    Sorry I didnt post yesteday, I was not at work, I'm not feeling too great. Well I didnt lose any weight last week for some reason. I was very frustrated, but then I realized that it might be because I wasn't eating all my 1200 calories. I was probably eating around 900. So I'm making it my goal for this month to make sure I eat all 1200 calories every day. I will also be drinking 8 glasses of water and exercising 65 mins at least 5 days a week. But I'm going to try for 7 days. I cant remember what I started at least month but I weight 180 now so i think I met my goal. My goal for weight loss this month is 8 pounds. I'm hoping for 2 pounds a week. Okay team, lets make it a good day and good luck to everyone! I know we can do this!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :happy: :tongue: :bigsmile: :drinker: :wink:

    Hi A - I hope you feel better soon! I did the same thing this weekend - I probably ate around 800-900 cals because I just wasn't hungry. It's okay...this is a new week and we can do this! Get well soon! :flowerforyou:
  • DownSizin
    I did 60 min of cardio yesterday
    strength training and I drank 4 cups of water yesterday
    Today is the day I officially quit soda even diet.:flowerforyou:
    I wish their was a ticker for that too!!

    Include the soda in your 'no smoking'! BTW: CONGRATS ON THE NO SMOKING!!! I used to smoke, so I know how hard it is to quit! Great job!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks Downsizin!!! :wink:
    Call me Ariel everyone. Then you guys will know my name. :laugh: