I hate to sound mean but......



  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I'm far too busy trolling MFP at work to worry myself about my co-workers' eating habits.
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Lead by example.

    Start bringing healthy snacks and see if she'll share or just talk about your weight loss goals and health food (even if ya lie just a bit) Two of my best friends are overweight and weren't doing anything about it... I couldnt say anything but after "rubbing it in there face" ot actually but eating great or talking about how good I feel.. not to pushy.. they BOTH started to jog and eat better..
    Its contagious!!

    It ma not work but it's a way to slyly do something and seein gif it happens.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Personally, if it was me having to put up with it, I'd be pissed because the smell of that crap, especially McDonald's literally makes me want to barf.
    I'd be spraying stinky air freshener lol.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    maybe see of your company can get memberships to a gym or something for yall at a reduced or free rate, and offer for her to come with you..until then, maybe try to educate her..obviously you care about her some, so tell her this
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Now. I’m am not a clean eater at all and I am not judging by her eating habits but ... I almost find it repulsive to see someone so over weight eating so carelessly.

    This is, in fact, judging her.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    It's not your place to say anything. It is her choice to eat as she does, just as it is your choice to eat as you do. Saying something would only hurt and anger her and make your work life hell.

    And...if I were her and you said something....I'd totally sit on you! ;-D
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I just find it very odd that someone that knows they have a problem to continue on the path thats leading them to an early grave.

    Ever heard of addiction?

    I won't say I haven't felt a lot of the same things about severely overweight folks I see eating that way, but I know that's not my 'best self' coming out, so I redirect my thoughts. She's prob in her own private hell, and you saying anything would only make it worse, IMO. If she needs an intervention of some kind, it should be left to her doctor and/or loved ones, not a coworker who's got a pretty Judgy McJudgerson view.
  • ABetterBalance
    Sounds like you're nonjudgmentally judging her. You've seen what she eats often enough to know she's not eating well, but it really isn't your place to say anything about it unless she asks. Just look after yourself and maybe she'll notice your improvements health wise and want to know how you're doing it and then you can tell her to go easy on the fast food and that she'd be better served learning how to cook her own food.

    ^^^ This.

    If she ever broaches the subject with you, or asks for your input- give it (as kindly as possible) Otherwise, it's not your concern.
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    Lead by example.

    YES! People turn to that food for so many reasons. Maybe she knows it's bad but is depressed/hopeless/whatever. Maybe she doesn't care, maybe there are other reasons.
    Be a support. Why not make a healthy (and delicious) snack to bring one day and offer her a bit? If she likes it, give her the recipe.
    Do you get a lunch break? Maybe ask if she'd like to go for a walk during lunch?

    If she doesn't, there's nothing you can do. It's her choice. It's frustrating and sad (especially if you like said person) but someone needs to want to change (as others have said).
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Now I would never say mean things about people that are over weight but I cant help but be bothered by her eating habits.

    I would never say mean things but....

    You just did. Unless she asks for your help it is none of your business. What she eats is none of your business, and it is pretty nosy of you to keep track of what she eats. If she wants your help she'll let you know, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.

    What part of that was mean? and Im not keeping track. I just notice because she its directly in front of my face.

    Saying it is repulsive for one. How would you feel if it was you that someone was talking about on this board? Do you think she would find this as you saying nice things? When someone says I don't mean to, but (something along those lines) at least subconsciously, they know that what comes next conflicts with the earlier part of the statement. Also, I don't hate fat people, not even her isn't exactly positive....
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    Chances are that at some point she will notice how you are eating and that you are losing weight/getting fit. If that happens, you can talk about what you are doing, but like everyone else said, I would NOT mention her eating habits or you will offend her and there could be some serious HR issues. However, if she asks for suggestions, give suggestions without talking down to her about her current habits. Otherwise, I agree with everyone who said to lead by example.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    What would I do?

    I would get to know her better and find opportunities to share health and nutrition with her. I'd share my own weight loss and "eating clean" struggles with her. That is what I do now and will do for the rest of my life. I would NOT just blindly do nothing.

    She needs help, she needs a friend that will support her, can that person be you?
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You can always annoy her by condescendly eating a healthy salad right in front of her face as she chows down on her mcdonalds food.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I cant help but be bothered by her eating habits.

    I am not judging by her eating habits

    I’m really bothered

    What would you do?

    haha Touche to the truth

    You may not like this reply, but I'm honest.

    I would learn to accept that other people can make decisions about their life that do not effect you. Much in the same way that someone can be homosexual, or have tattoos, or wear a blue shirt.

    Get over it.
  • MissMama5
    MissMama5 Posts: 23
    Sounds like you're jealous because you see her eating like that and not giving a ****, and you wish you could too. She probably looks at you and thinks "Ha, that poor carrot.munching suckerfish!"
    Mind your beeswax woman. That's just plain rude, a.) to judge her when you obviously barely know her, b.) when you aren't a totally clean eater either and c.) to watch her this closely and monitor her eating habits. Does your boss pay you to nose in on your co-workers? Because I would like a job there, if this is the case.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    105 lbs ago I knew I was fat and I knew I ate garbage. I didn't need anyone to tell me or make me feel worse than I already felt.

    If/when she's ready to change, she will. Nobody can make someone else change their habits. It has to come from within.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Welcome to every office, everywhere.

    Live and learn. We all gotta start somewhere. Yada, yada, yoo...
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    You know what's funny.... 15 years ago, I weighed 105 lbs and that was my typical menu...

    No one ever would have looked at what I ate and been repulsed. Jealous, maybe. Not repulsed. And no I didn't have an eating disorder. Just lucky genes.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I just want to know where you work so that she can afford so much fast food. Fast food is not cheap. And I'm looking to make good coin...

    ** cough cough being a college student (:wink: )

    Its called the dollar menu duh hahaha

    OK. So...

    soda: 45 cents (let's give her the benefit that it's a canned pop from home, but it probably isn't). breakfast foods: 2.00 (we'll play the dollar menu game). total: 2.45

    soda: 45 cents and chips: 50 cents (again, giving benefit of a big box store price, not vending price) total: .95

    lunch: 3.00 with drink

    snack: 1.00

    That's 7.40. If she does this daily, as indicated, that is 37.00 a week; 481.00 a quarter; 1924 a year. We're a family of 7, and I'm not sure we spend that a year eating out...

    because we can't afford to...

    so I want a good paying job. :-D

    For 37.00 a week, I'd be nearly halfway to my weekly grocery budget!
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    We were all there at one point I understand it why it would bother you to see it but it would bother her more and she would feel worse if you approached her about her eating. I definitely agree with most here I would down right angered by someone stepping up to me to tell me how I should eat and it may create strife between y'all. :) Use that as your drive to continue to eat healthier and if she decides to ever ask you what your doing healthwise then go for it!!
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