"It's SIMPLE! Burn more than you consume!" (B.S.)



  • lornaheron
    lornaheron Posts: 72
    So many Bullies in one place at the same time. I thought this site was for support. It seems like everyones jumped on the band wagon to knock this woman down. Nice work people, i mean really. Chill !!
  • BoydLabBuck
    BoydLabBuck Posts: 16 Member
    And if you were fat then congrats on your success. When your profile indicates "a few pounds" it's easy to assume that's all it's ever been.

    Why do you continue to imply that someones physique has any indication of the quality of their information?

    "Information" is pretty loose here. It's a lot of opinion. Someone who has struggled and solved it has a lot more experience than someone who was gifted with a naturally high metabolism and has thus not struggled.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    ...says the skinny guy that's never had an issue with weight.
    By the looks of your user name, you are a male deer, and I refuse to believe anything that you have to say on this topic. :angry:
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    Why are some people so rude and hateful? The majority of us on here are trying to better our bodies, but then say hurtful things which makes me think you need a personality change too. We should be supportive not rude. If you disagree - say so, but don't belittle people, think how you feel when someone calls you something nasty about your weight. They bully you, so you become a bully yourself?

    We are becoming inspirations for future generations, but some people are showing little in the way of accepting other peoples opinions, I can't believe in 2012 people still act this way.

    I know this do not apply to all, but there is no need - be happy in yourself, accept other people think differently to you. If its their problem, leave it with them - why burden yourself with negative thoughts? Negative thoughts give you wrinkles. Nuff said :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    "Information" is pretty loose here. It's a lot of opinion. Someone who has struggled and solved it has a lot more experience than someone who was gifted with a naturally high metabolism and has thus not struggled.

    If I told you that two years ago, I was 250lbs, would you take my information more seriously?

    What about 300?
    What about 400?

    Have you seen what Gary Taubes looks like? By your logic, shouldn't you throw his book in the trash?

    I'm not trying to pick on you here, just trying to see if I can understand what you're using to validate information.
  • camperchick64
    camperchick64 Posts: 146 Member
    OK, so that statement really chafes my nether-parts.

    It is so NOT that darn simple!

    I am a Zumba Instructor. I teach a 1 hour class at the MINIMUM of 3 times/week. On average I AM burning more calories than I consume and I am NOT losing weight anymore. I've been teaching about 6 classes/week for the past 2 weeks and haven't been eating any more or any less and I haven't gained or lost a SINGLE FRIGGING POUND!

    By the way, I'm NOT asking advice, because I can almost promise you for 20 different people at least 10 different answers. Not gonna help me, but thanks anyway. I simply wanted to point out that this statement gets thrown around so much and it's just blatantly NOT TRUE!

    It makes me angry too as I have been working my butt off to lose weight since December. I've done it before and now doing the same exact thing wasn't working. I actually quit talking to my friends/co-workers about it because it was making me angry to hear the "its simple - just don't eat as much." Umm - trust me I've tried that. So I did the same thing - thought I wasn't eating enough - did that for about 3 weeks and still nothing. There are a lot of reasons why some people don't lose it that easy. I did Jenny Craig - paid a lot of money for it - didn't cheat at all and in two weeks had not lost one pound! Explain that - if its as easy as eat less? Why do you people get so angry when someone posts a I'm frustrated post on here - if you can't identify with it and be supportive - then why not just move on to something else. I had all the tests done too - nothing - no thyroid trouble, no hormonal trouble - nothing. So why if I only eat 1200 calories a day - walk 30 to 40 minutes a day (fast pace walking) and have one splurge meal on a weekend night - and I'm talking nothing too crazy - just maybe actually have a baked potato with my dinner or have a regular mexican dinner that I don't even eat all of and a few glasses of wine, don't I lose weight, if its that easy? Everybody is different - what works for you - may not work for one.

    Now I am following the 17 day diet and am on my 9th day and have lost 1 whole pound - woo hoo! There are people losing anywhere from 2 to 6 lbs a week on this diet plan. Explain that? I actually quit logging in and just following my plan because logging all the food was actually making it harder to stick to my plan. So since last week I have followed the plan to the T - ok - I did have a glass of wine with dinner over the weekend and I did forget to drink my lemon water a couple days. I am eating plenty as I am not "hungry" so I'm not starving myself - I'm eating regular size healthy portions. Is there a reason - yes I am sure there is a reason behind why I'm having a difficult time losing. But is it beause its as simple as eat less calories than you burn - nope - it is not.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Let me just throw something WILD out there, though - with this group of people (meaning the people that regularly read post to the forums) ANY TOPIC IS CONTROVERSIAL!!!!!

    Well of course it is! We're all either frustrated because we're eating at a deficit, or frustrated because we're not losing weight!

    Because it is all about calories-in, calories-out. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    And if you were fat then congrats on your success. When your profile indicates "a few pounds" it's easy to assume that's all it's ever been.

    Why do you continue to imply that someones physique has any indication of the quality of their information?

    "Information" is pretty loose here. It's a lot of opinion. Someone who has struggled and solved it has a lot more experience than someone who was gifted with a naturally high metabolism and has thus not struggled.

    "gifted" with "high metabolism"

    What makes you think that that person does not work their *kitten* off keeping their "high metabolism"? What makes you think, for even a second, that that person does not put equal or more effort into their nutrition and exercise goals that you do? Just because they are ahead of the game and never allowed themselves to get fat you are going to discount their opinion on health? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    wow..dieting sure makes people crabby:grumble:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I guess I just don't see the point.

    Posting a vent like this, especially in the general weight loss section instead of chit chat section, appears to be a request to receive feedback--even if you say you don't want feedback. It's amazingly short sighted to think that simply asking people not to respond to you when you're using an interface designed specifically, and almost solely, for having threaded conversations will actually be effective.

    I'm not sure what it is about the internet that makes people feel entitled to being able to spout off to the world without reprisal or response.

    Don't like the comments? Post your rants to a blog that has comments turned off. This is like watching someone walk into a grocery store and get mad that the butcher won't sell them a car.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    wow..dieting sure makes people crabby:grumble:
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I am baffled at how people are so willing to discount the words of 2 people who do more research into this than anyone else Ive seen on the forums. They check evidence based studies. They look at whos funded the research grants. Their physique are that which so many strive for and arent rude about their posts. They even share the links so we can research on our own. And they get flack.

    Baffling. Simply baffling.
  • BoydLabBuck
    BoydLabBuck Posts: 16 Member
    "Information" is pretty loose here. It's a lot of opinion. Someone who has struggled and solved it has a lot more experience than someone who was gifted with a naturally high metabolism and has thus not struggled.

    If I told you that two years ago, I was 250lbs, would you take my information more seriously?

    What about 300?
    What about 400?

    Have you seen what Gary Taubes looks like? By your logic, shouldn't you throw his book in the trash?

    I'm not trying to pick on you here, just trying to see if I can understand what you're using to validate information.

    I'm pretty sure I explained my process there. Those that have been through a fight and succeed hold a lot more weight than those that watched a battle and reported the results. This goes for everything in life.

    I've seen Taubes. He's never tried to present himself as an athletic specimen, and he's far from fat, let alone obese. Diet gets you most of the way to a good body, exercise the rest. His appearance has nothing to do with whether his information is true or not, but his experience of digging through millions of pages of data does. I'm assuming no one else on this site has read the extent of literature on the subject he has. If someone has published a similar book after reading a similar amount of information, then I will give their knowledge more credit as well.

    The internet is full of googlectuals.
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    You're absolutely right. There's no possible way you could be overestimating your expenditure an/or underestimating your intake.

    That would just be silly.

    Thank you for that........makes me think about myself. Am both over and under estimating. Yes it's making me think. :smooched:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    His appearance has nothing to do with whether his information is true or not, but his experience of digging through millions of pages of data does.

    I'd put Krieger and Aragon's research volume up against his. Did you read the link I provided yet? The individual in question has done his homework.
    I'm assuming no one else on this site has read the extent of literature on the subject he has. If someone has published a similar book after reading a similar amount of information, then I will give their knowledge more credit as well.


    ^ These gentlemen have done a ridiculous amount of research and you may wish to read further.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Get back to me when Gary Taubes gets a degree in nutrition and publishes his findings in peer reviewed journals.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Get back to me when Gary Taubes gets a degree in nutrition and publishes his findings in peer reviewed journals.

    You mean journalism isn't good enough? lulz.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    "Information" is pretty loose here. It's a lot of opinion. Someone who has struggled and solved it has a lot more experience than someone who was gifted with a naturally high metabolism and has thus not struggled.

    If I told you that two years ago, I was 250lbs, would you take my information more seriously?

    What about 300?
    What about 400?

    Have you seen what Gary Taubes looks like? By your logic, shouldn't you throw his book in the trash?

    I'm not trying to pick on you here, just trying to see if I can understand what you're using to validate information.

    I'm pretty sure I explained my process there. Those that have been through a fight and succeed hold a lot more weight than those that watched a battle and reported the results. This goes for everything in life.

    I've seen Taubes. He's never tried to present himself as an athletic specimen, and he's far from fat, let alone obese. Diet gets you most of the way to a good body, exercise the rest. His appearance has nothing to do with whether his information is true or not, but his experience of digging through millions of pages of data does. I'm assuming no one else on this site has read the extent of literature on the subject he has. If someone has published a similar book after reading a similar amount of information, then I will give their knowledge more credit as well.

    The internet is full of googlectuals.

    Because people publish books to share their godly truth, not to make money.... yet MFPers advice is free, we have no way to know if you'll follow it, but we gain no benefit from misleading you.

    I'm deleting all the skinny people off my friends list because I can't trust their opinions anymore. :[
  • MeliciousGibson
    I guess I just don't see the point.

    Posting a vent like this, especially in the general weight loss section instead of chit chat section, appears to be a request to receive feedback--even if you say you don't want feedback. It's amazingly short sighted to think that simply asking people not to respond to you when you're using an interface designed specifically, and almost solely, for having threaded conversations will actually be effective.

    I'm not sure what it is about the internet that makes people feel entitled to being able to spout off to the world without reprisal or response.

    Don't like the comments? Post your rants to a blog that has comments turned off. This is like watching someone walk into a grocery store and get mad that the butcher won't sell them a car.

    I sincerely apologize that I did not post this in the "Chit-Chat, Fun and Games" section of the forum - however, to me this was not about "chit-chat", it ISN'T "fun" and most certainly NOT a "game" - it's about "General Weight Loss". It was YOU who assumed that it was a request for feedback - even though I stated the reasons WHY I wasn't requesting feedback. In case you missed it, it was because of all of the various and conflicting types of information I knew I would receive.

    I never once said that I didn't expect to "spout off to the world without reprisal or response" - in fact it was quite the contrary. On a site such as this with as many unpleasant and downright rude people as I've run into on MFP, I FULLY expected it! I do, however, once in a while also receive actual SUPPORTIVE AND COMMISERATIVE responses from other people that feel as I do (or did at the time of writing that post) and this was more for THEM than it was the shallow, snarky, tactless and rude people that are out there. Judging by my inbox, I'd say I actually managed to reach a couple of them, too.

    Who are you to tell me how to best enjoy my internet experience? I do not wish to write a blog with the comments turned off. I have actually received genuinely helpful information that has given me much to think about. If you don't like my post or the thread in general, you could have at any point STOPPED READING instead of imposing your judgment of what YOU think I should do or should have done onto me.

    So - thanks for posting! Sorry it bothered you so bad! Have a nice day!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I do appreciate the nasty and sarcastic responses, though! (by the way, that's my own sarcasm, in case you missed it) It serves to remind me why I rarely ever post to these forums. Such a nasty and unsupportive place. Honestly, I've never known a forum be so full of such nasty people in my life - and I've belonged to more than a few of them!

    Totally agree. Glad someone pointed it out.
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