
  • I am new to this program so I will do this for my first goal. I always think i need chocolate everyday but I like a challenge.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I am new to this program so I will do this for my first goal. I always think i need chocolate everyday but I like a challenge.
    Welcome-- time to rethink-- you don't need chocolate every day-- you want it every day-- big difference--

    Be strong-- you can do it.
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    Did bad again yesterday, but today is another day and I am not going to give in to sweets today. My 12 year old asked me to bake her a pumpkin pie, so i did..... Then my 14 and 5 year old said they want pie too but they hate pumpkin pie. So, I made them a chocolate cream pie. Need i say more? :ohwell:
    First thing this morning i took both pies out to my husbands beer fridge in the garage so i will stay out of them. I will do good today!!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Yeah I did it yesterday will do good today
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    good morning, my friends--

    Sending you all positive vibes today-- with major kudos to Lori for her example to us all of strength under fire-- her life is no less stressful than all of ours, no less goodies tempting her, but she has abstained--

    Keep her in mind today, folks, when faced with that pumpkin pie, donuts at the office, leftover ice cream little junior didn't eat, et cetera-- let's be strong this day, my friends--
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    So far, so good.

    And since I went and got a sandwich to replace the salad I left at home for lunch to eat with my soup, I won't be hungry and get tempted.

    Good thoughts to you all today...:heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,773 Member
    good morning, my friends--

    Sending you all positive vibes today-- with major kudos to Lori for her example to us all of strength under fire-- her life is no less stressful than all of ours, no less goodies tempting her, but she has abstained--

    Keep her in mind today, folks, when faced with that pumpkin pie, donuts at the office, leftover ice cream little junior didn't eat, et cetera-- let's be strong this day, my friends--

    Ahh, shucks Marla! Thanks

    Yep, day 16, still trudging along. Still have 18 pounds of Halloween candy in the house. The kids are allowed 4 pieces a day. Even with 4 kids, it's going to be around a long time! I put it under a shelf on the floor of the food closet, I don't even really see it.

    Made a Halloween cake for the kiddos Friday. Nothing. My son's birthday was Monday, didn't eat his cake either. Did dishes and pretended I didn't know what they were doing while they ate it and ice cream. LOL. Whatever works.

    I'm not knocking it, I think I like it. I finally hit normal BMI today and I've been hanging out almost there for a LONG time. I mean LONG. Did I say LONG?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    good morning, my friends--

    Sending you all positive vibes today-- with major kudos to Lori for her example to us all of strength under fire-- her life is no less stressful than all of ours, no less goodies tempting her, but she has abstained--

    Keep her in mind today, folks, when faced with that pumpkin pie, donuts at the office, leftover ice cream little junior didn't eat, et cetera-- let's be strong this day, my friends--

    Ahh, shucks Marla! Thanks

    Yep, day 16, still trudging along. Still have 18 pounds of Halloween candy in the house. The kids are allowed 4 pieces a day. Even with 4 kids, it's going to be around a long time! I put it under a shelf on the floor of the food closet, I don't even really see it.

    Made a Halloween cake for the kiddos Friday. Nothing. My son's birthday was Monday, didn't eat his cake either. Did dishes and pretended I didn't know what they were doing while they ate it and ice cream. LOL. Whatever works.

    I'm not knocking it, I think I like it. I finally hit normal BMI today and I've been hanging out almost there for a LONG time. I mean LONG. Did I say LONG?

    Wooo hooo-- look at that woman's ticker-- the elusive 50!!!!!!

    You did it-- congrats, Lori!!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    oops already blew it today 2 peppermint patties:grumble:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Just blew it....

    Went to WHole Foods to pick up some tea and saw this yummy brownie, cookie thing staring me down. I thought it couldn't be too bad since it was Whole Foods, but boy was I wrong.

    It was ooey gooey, chocolate, caramel, cookie delight! Scrumptious!

    Have to pay for it tonight with a kick @ss workout and very little to eat!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am staying away from thsi thread because as soon as I document I have had no sweets all day, I run find the candy from Halloween:noway:

    I have done well today and promised myself NO candy after posting:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I found myself in quite a pickle earlier-- Caleb brought me a mini Hershey bar that he found in Hope's bag, and asked me to open it.

    Chocolate in my grubby mitts for a one year old who won't notice if I eat half of it? Hmmmm-- what to do?

    Thought of my compatriots, and abstained-- woo-hooooooooo--

    Thanks, friends!!
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    You ARE a strong women.... lol!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    9 pm and I have survived Day 1...yay me!
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    I was doing soooo well. I actually made it nine days and then was feeling down and caved. I had a little of the halloween candy and it tasted gross! After nine day of no sugar it really does not taste good anymore so remind me of that next time I am feeling weak. I am jumping right back on the wagon! :smile:
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    I had no idea how hard this no sweets thing was going to be. I am so stuck in this pattern of eating that i can eat sweets and not even realize it until i go to record my food. This no sweets has really opened my eyes to what im eating. :noway:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I had no idea how hard this no sweets thing was going to be. I am so stuck in this pattern of eating that i can eat sweets and not even realize it until i go to record my food. This no sweets has really opened my eyes to what im eating. :noway:

    Yep-- it is eye opening what we pop into our mouths mindlessly--

    we've had challenges in the black thread to also log every morsel, every lick of a spoon, every bite of a kid's leftover sandwich-- everything-- if you can't log it, then don't eat it-- those challenges have helped me so much, too, to eliminate the mindless food popping.

    I think I may be in need of that one, too-- I've been licking a few too many spoons again-- always seems to happen cyclically, when I'm already bloating beyond belief-- like now.

    take captive every morsel today, skrumm-- nothing mindless.
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    Thank you for the words of wisdom.... I shall account for every bite. :smile:
    I will teach this old dog new tricks! lol!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Okay-- pretty quiet in here-- (get it? Crickets? nothing but cricket noise? Get it-- oh, never mind)

    Where are all my sweet free friends?

    Hanging tough, I trust--

    nothing for me yesterday-- woot--

    Have a great day-- be strong-- no sweets!!!:angry:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    I am new in this group but I am so in this!!!! I am a huge sweet eater and trying hard to avoid them, that and soda!!! I haven't had a soda in 4 days which is huge for me, so proud. But I got up this morning and my tummy looks like it is flatter :happy: !!! Could I be doing this right after all these years ?!?

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