Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    1. I love the University of Cincinnati more than sane person should love their alma mater--I wear at least 2 things Bearcat every single day.

    2. I am a sports FREAK. I watch ESPN, MLB Network, & NFL Network more than most men.

    3. I can pick up any instrument and play it. I taught myself to play the piano & saxophone, and I'm currently teaching myself to play the guitar.

    4. I like beer, a lot. I started a tradition last fall of getting a new beer every Friday and trying it. I've learned a lot about beer doing this, but man, I have a lot more to learn still, and that excites me.

    5. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and today is the 16 year anniversary of our first date. I have now officially been with my husband for half of my life.
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    1. I collect turtles. I have at least one from every country I've ever been in (including a hand carved jade one from Kenya) and a few from countries I haven't been to yet (a jeweled one from Paris for example).

    2. A just had a baby girl who has been the biggest joy and also the biggest frustration in my life. She's my fir starter trying for two years.

    3. My grandmother, and father we're born in Saskatchewan but I was born in Ontario. Yet I wound up her anyway. Weird.

    4. I have a fear of two things, heights (once blacked out on the CN tower) and crickets. I don't know why I'm afraid of crickets but they literally send me into a petrified frenzy.

    5. I have a crush on Chef Robert Irvine. He's former military, built well, has a sexy accent and can cook. There is nothing hotter.
  • laurenr85
    laurenr85 Posts: 11
    1. I absolutely do not like sharing any kind of dairy products. I can barely share ice cream with my boyfriend and we've been together for 6 years. Oh it just grosses me out!

    2. I am obsessed with cozy coffee shops! I could spend hours in them with a good book and a cup of coffee.

    3. I love vintage and old timey things. 40s and 50s seem really neat to me for some reason. Like the music and fashion, etc.

    4. I love to travel!

    5. My biggest pet peeve is people smacking their food or gum. Drives me freaking nuts!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    1) I hate chalk. Touching it makes me cringe

    2) I was born without a thyroid

    3) I have no idea what NSV stands for

    4) My feel shrunk a little with every child I had

    5) When I am watching movies all by myself I will smile to myself through the whole thing or sob. My husband thinks I am strange when he walks in and sees me with a mascara covered face or with a huge smile on my face. What can i say...I feel the emotions the character feel.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    1. I was born on Christmas EVE
    2. I hate anything flavored chocolate and strawberry.....but I like chocolate and strawberries by themselves.
    3. I have OCD......sometimes it is very severe and extremely annoying.
    4. I went to Art school in Long Beach, CA for one year for Fashion Design....PS....I hate to sew so I didn't go back the 2nd year!
    5. I am deathly afraid of water over my head and drowning.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    1) I'm a Croatian sensation!

    2) I always sing off key. Even tho I was in choir for 4 years.

    3) I talk in my sleep.

    4) I have 7 tattoos.

    5) At 5' 10" I'm usually the tallest woman around.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    1. I am related distantly to a president of the United States

    2. I do best at singing harmony as opposed to melody

    3. small crowds make me nervous

    4. I sat next to Macluany Culkin on an airplane going to Los Angeles
    5. I was mistaken for a well known christian singer and was asked for my autograph by a lot of little kids
  • Astroduckula
    1. I'm very photosensitive even on cloudy days I'll have my photochromic sunnies on.

    2. I cannot stand bland foods, everything MUST have some form of flavour / spice.

    3 I adore... & I mean ADORE thunder & lightning. Any hint of a storm & I'm bouncing around with excitement doing my own version of a storm dance.

    4. Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson is my great great great great (I think it's 4 greats) granddad.

    5. I'm fluent in German and learning Italian, Japanese and Russian, what can I say, I love languages :)
  • raindance_maggie
    1. i have identical mirror twin sisters who are nine years younger than me;

    2. i hate when my food touches on my plate but i love to make and eat food from the crockpot.

    3. i have such eczema on my arms sometimes i take a fork or a hairbrush to it...eww...but it feels oooh so good.

    4. man feet freak me out so much to the point of i can't look down when im at the beach -- ever!!

    5. i have a mole in a place that my gyno keeps asking me if it's changed -- and i keep asking him how would i know ... well, maybe that one was too personal but i lost my other number five thought now... :)
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    1. I am related distantly to a president of the United States

    2. I do best at singing harmony as opposed to melody

    3. small crowds make me nervous

    4. I sat next to Macluany Culkin on an airplane going to Los Angeles
    5. I was mistaken for a well known christian singer and was asked for my autograph by a lot of little kids

    Which singer?
  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member
    5 random things...

    I must have hot sauce on all savory foods. the hotter the better.

    I own over 200 pairs of shoes (boots, sneakers and heels)

    I was born in Germany

    I am learning to play the bass

    I have seen the band Rage against the machine play live 8 times, and Madonna 4.
  • beccapink
    beccapink Posts: 28
    1) I am a book worm can get lost in a library or book store !
    2) I prefer being around animals than people
    3) I love to drink a good glass of wine
    4) Im a loner
    5) I love lazy days
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I used to grind my own telescope mirrors. My last one was an f/4.5 8-inch diameter Dob.

    Our house burned up in the 2007 wildfires and we rebuilt on our lot to LEED platinum standards.

    I was Irwin Jacobs' 75th birthday party magician - he's co-founder of QUALCOMM

    I was trapped in an elevator at the age of 6 with Mr. Rogers, and he scared the poop out of me!

    I have worked in Saudi, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Australia's outback, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Montana Rockies, New Mexico, Yakima, Oak Ridge, Hollywood Fl, Alameda, among others.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223

    2. I am a sports FREAK. I watch ESPN, MLB Network, & NFL Network more than most men.

    ESPN is constantly on at my house. My boyfriend has asked me several times if I watch anything else.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    1. i can juggle
    2. i love looking at disgusting things. e.g. autopsies, any kind of surgery, anything gross- i am super curious about and enthralled with.
    3. i dislike surprises.
    4. i am a clean freak.
    5. i hate getting shocked by static electricity.
  • cynrawr
    cynrawr Posts: 28 Member
    1) I'm the most shameless nerd you will ever meet.

    2) I'm still torn between becoming an Art Therapist or a Mortician.

    3) I am immensely impressed by drag queens (and am currently trying to convince my best friend to become one).

    4) I still love playing with Playdough. :)

    5) My little sister is only 9 but she is one of my best friends!
  • goddamnelectric
    1. I love driving with no shoes
    2. I have seen more internal organs and amputated limbs than your average person
    3. My husband proposed to me after being together 6 months
    4. I'm a dog groomer and I love my job
    5. The last burger I ate was from in n out, 5 years ago
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    1 - I have never eaten a lot of common foods. I've never had a pear, swedish fish, peaches, chinese food, indian food, avocado, etc..

    2 - It would make me the happiest person ever if we put more money, time, and energy into space exploration. Seriously.

    3 - I can't look at animals on because I start crying every time.

    4 - I know a lot of facts about the colossal squid

    5 - I wish I had access to a ceramics studio. I took a ceramics class in college and it was so much fun.
  • babyann79
    babyann79 Posts: 49 Member
    1. I organize everything by shape and/or color

    2. If I could wear flip flops all year round, I would

    3. I played the flute in middle shcool

    4. You will Always will see me in a pair of hoop earrings

    5. I have keen memory for people's faces/names/birthday's
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    1. I have an unnatural fear of bridges (esp over water), I get so tense I can hardly drive.

    2. I believe in reincarnation.

    3. I love storms, the bigger, louder the better. My husband & I want to be storm chasers when we retire.

    4. I grind my teeth...almost all the time.

    5. My memory really, really sucks!