Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • Posts: 117 Member
    5 random things...

    I must have hot sauce on all savory foods. the hotter the better.

    I own over 200 pairs of shoes (boots, sneakers and heels)

    I was born in Germany

    I am learning to play the bass

    I have seen the band Rage against the machine play live 8 times, and Madonna 4.
  • Posts: 28
    1) I am a book worm can get lost in a library or book store !
    2) I prefer being around animals than people
    3) I love to drink a good glass of wine
    4) Im a loner
    5) I love lazy days
  • Posts: 510 Member
    I used to grind my own telescope mirrors. My last one was an f/4.5 8-inch diameter Dob.

    Our house burned up in the 2007 wildfires and we rebuilt on our lot to LEED platinum standards.

    I was Irwin Jacobs' 75th birthday party magician - he's co-founder of QUALCOMM

    I was trapped in an elevator at the age of 6 with Mr. Rogers, and he scared the poop out of me!

    I have worked in Saudi, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Australia's outback, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Montana Rockies, New Mexico, Yakima, Oak Ridge, Hollywood Fl, Alameda, among others.
  • Posts: 223

    2. I am a sports FREAK. I watch ESPN, MLB Network, & NFL Network more than most men.

    ESPN is constantly on at my house. My boyfriend has asked me several times if I watch anything else.
  • Posts: 280 Member
    1. i can juggle
    2. i love looking at disgusting things. e.g. autopsies, any kind of surgery, anything gross- i am super curious about and enthralled with.
    3. i dislike surprises.
    4. i am a clean freak.
    5. i hate getting shocked by static electricity.
  • Posts: 28 Member
    1) I'm the most shameless nerd you will ever meet.

    2) I'm still torn between becoming an Art Therapist or a Mortician.

    3) I am immensely impressed by drag queens (and am currently trying to convince my best friend to become one).

    4) I still love playing with Playdough. :)

    5) My little sister is only 9 but she is one of my best friends!
  • 1. I love driving with no shoes
    2. I have seen more internal organs and amputated limbs than your average person
    3. My husband proposed to me after being together 6 months
    4. I'm a dog groomer and I love my job
    5. The last burger I ate was from in n out, 5 years ago
  • Posts: 258 Member
    1 - I have never eaten a lot of common foods. I've never had a pear, swedish fish, peaches, chinese food, indian food, avocado, etc..

    2 - It would make me the happiest person ever if we put more money, time, and energy into space exploration. Seriously.

    3 - I can't look at animals on because I start crying every time.

    4 - I know a lot of facts about the colossal squid

    5 - I wish I had access to a ceramics studio. I took a ceramics class in college and it was so much fun.
  • Posts: 49 Member
    1. I organize everything by shape and/or color

    2. If I could wear flip flops all year round, I would

    3. I played the flute in middle shcool

    4. You will Always will see me in a pair of hoop earrings

    5. I have keen memory for people's faces/names/birthday's
  • Posts: 603 Member
    1. I have an unnatural fear of bridges (esp over water), I get so tense I can hardly drive.

    2. I believe in reincarnation.

    3. I love storms, the bigger, louder the better. My husband & I want to be storm chasers when we retire.

    4. I grind my teeth...almost all the time.

    5. My memory really, really sucks!
  • Posts: 247
    kinda-- you were checking to see posts close to yours... not sure that counts. :wink:

    Wrong! :P
  • Posts: 4,099 Member
    I used to run around barefoot & half naked with a herd of Arabian horses (I was 4)

    I've stuck a butter knife down an electric toaster while in use... twice

    I was a published author at the age of 12

    I've bred and trained two Kentucky Derby winners (think fantasy football, only with horses)

    Sometimes I hold my breath just to feel my heart beat
  • Posts: 108 Member
    1. I dance in my seat when I eat something that tastes children do it too.
    2. My Grandma had 17 children.
    3. I married my only Boyfriend.
    4. Most people think it's strange that my Dad's ex wife shares the holidays with us. They get along great and she is my Mom's best friend. We all Love her and wouldn't have it any other way!
    5. My Blood type is The rarest one.
  • Posts: 87
    1.) I'm addicted to facebook

    2.) I used to really hate fish and vegetables but now I LOVE them!

    3.) I have this weird annoying habit of always playing with my hair and it drives me so crazy but I can't stop! lol

    4.) I love the ocean :)

    5.) I always think I'm so super tall until I head out into the real world and find out I'm actually kind of short! hahahahaa
  • Posts: 82
    1) I am absolutely petrified of butterflies

    2) I have 4 metal plates and 16 screws in my face

    3) I've never so much as considered trying a cigarette

    4) I don't believe in hell

    5) I secretly dream of working for Paws for Purple Hearts
  • Posts: 39 Member
    1. I had a pet snake but I'm afraid of caterpillars.
    2. I can't workout in long socks. If they go past my ankles it throws me off
    3. I've never had a cigarette.
    4, I love okra
    5. Miles Davis is my favorite musician.
  • 1. I can't stand to look at people's feet. Once you are over like age 2, your feet are no longer cute, and should be hidden at all costs...with that being said, three of my tattoos are on my feet!

    2. I am terrified of bugs of any kind...debilitatingly terrified!

    3. I have wicked neat handwriting...Printing or cursive, I am always getting compliments and I love it!

    4. I am a dork! I went back to school last year and I have a triple far I have all A's in every class I have taken aside from one, and I wanted to retake that class to make it an A. My academic advisor suggested that I don't do that! I was still tempted.

    5. I have a need for perfection and control...see #4.

    This was fun!
  • Posts: 92 Member
    1. I'm terrified of heights and sometimes bridges.
    2. My parents were born in Italy.
    3. I remember each time and place when I saw a shooting star.
    4. I used to teach high school English.
    5. I like summer least of all seasons.
  • Posts: 213 Member
    1) I lived in the middle of nowhere Washington for six years with no broadcast TV, electricity or running water when I was a kid.

    2) I was the first person from my family to graduate from a four year university.

    3) I was my high school valedictorian.

    4) I absolutely hate using the toilet in a public bathroom. I don't mind urinating in a public bathroom....but not the other. Over the years, my body has adjusted itself so I've only used public toilets a handful of times in the past ten years.

    5) My wife is almost five inches taller than me.
  • Posts: 69 Member
    1.) I love natural light and HATE when people turn on overhead lights during the day.

    2.) It's weird... but I love eating a clean natural diet, but I love drinking and drugs (not the hard stuff but... you know)

    3.) This is lame... but I love historic fiction like Downton Abbey

    4.) When I'm alone at my house, I put on Kaskade or Deadmau and dance like a crazy person.

    5.) I'm very cautious by nature and sometimes worry if it's holding me back from my full potential in life.
  • Posts: 843 Member
    1. I could read books all day, every day forever if it were possible to do so and still get paid!

    2. I hate my blinds being open at night...I swear there is someone looking in at me if they are.

    3. As of December, I'll be the first person in my family to graduate college and get my Bachelors Degree.

    4. I fantasize about being stranded on an island all the time.

    5. I've never smoked pot...have never had any desire to.
  • Posts: 224 Member
    1. i am a nerd. I graduated 3rd in my class in high school and only took 3 years to earn my bachelor's degree in history and political science with a minor in german.

    2. i love big cities and plan on living near one some day. my favorite that i have visited so far is new york.

    3. i hate most fruit but i love fruit juice. its a texture issue though. i actually love the flavor. seeds, bleh!

    4. my first car was a yellow 2003 mustang. i now drive a gray 2012 jeep compass.

    5. i am 6' tall, but no i do not play basketball. i also did not play basketball in high school. tennis is my sport of choice. :)
  • Posts: 23 Member
    1. I can be very shy at times.
    2. I've only ever been to one concert: Sade. (my favorite artist, I have all of her CD's).
    3. I am terrified of spiders.
    4. I have a fear of heights.
    5. I absolutely love motorcyles! (I'm a licensed rider).
  • 1. I once owned a llama that was struck and killed by lightning
    2. I have ADHD, when it comes to mowing lawn,
    3. I love boxers, they are the best dogs ever!!!
    4. I plant my garden in strawbales
    5. I am very shy
  • Posts: 234
    1. I organize everything by shape and/or color

    2. If I could wear flip flops all year round, I would

    3. I played the flute in middle shcool

    4. You will Always will see me in a pair of hoop earrings

    5. I have keen memory for people's faces/names/birthday's

    But.... No hoops in your profile pic!? lol
  • Posts: 860 Member
    1. The only bone I've ever broken is my tailbone. And I've broken it twice.
    2. I used to be a stripper when I was younger.
    3. I do not have a relationship with either one of my parents. For different reasons. And I never plan to again.
    4. My right earlobe is deformed. My mother told me it was because I had my hand resting on my chin with my finger on my earlobe in utero. I don't know if that's true, but it makes me self conscious to wear my hair back/up.
    5. My 11 year old niece is my mini-me. She is EXACTLY like me. We even have the same birthmark.
  • Posts: 291 Member
    1. I absolutely HATE grasshoppers. They terrify me. I never know where they are going to jump!!!

    2. There are certain foods I will carry on about hating, but have never tried.

    3. My parents got divorced when I was 7 but have lived together for the past 9 years.

    4. If I watch a horror movie by myself during the day, or at night with other people, I am convinced that the killer is lurking outside my window.

    5. I have 2 half sisters and one full sister, but consider one half sister as a full, and dont talk to the other one. She just annoys me. And I hate her mother.
  • Posts: 268 Member
    1. I cannot snap my fingers.

    2. I cannot whistle

    (Yes, tons of people have tried to teach me and I can't) whomp, whomp.

    3. I am right handed, but if I attempt t write with my left hand it automatically comes out left to right and backwards except for e's.

    4. In high school, my best friend and I became friends because we had three things in common, the same birthday, the same bra size and we both LOVED Britney Spears! ;)

    5. I am a Pure Romance consultant, and it isn't anything like I thought it was before I started my own business with them and now sexually educating other women is a huge passion of mine!
  • Posts: 287 Member
    1. I can't stand feet !!!! (eewwww)

    2. I have an OCD when it comes to keeping my work area neat but at home it's a different story.

    3. I have a tattoo on my arm that i will someday have it lasered off (no matter how painful)

    4. Have a 13 year old daughter that is going to put me in an early grave cause she is so beautiful.

    5. Utterly Addicted to the 50 Shades of Grey triliogy. :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Posts: 751 Member
    1. I played Rugby in college
    2. I hate feet. Ick.
    3. I have a tooth that is actually two that grew together.
    4. I need 20 to 30 min alone or quiet in the morning with my coffee or I get grumpy.
    5. I can do a handstand.
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