Interesting ways you've noticed you're losing weight...



  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Theres several things I guess but the one thing which really sticks to mind is actually my increased level of fitness. Recently I ran up some stairs at work to grab a phone call and noticed that I could conduct the phone call without sounding like I was out of breath. When I was overweight, I'd have to take a sit for a minute or so to catch my breath.
  • TrinaHillier
    TrinaHillier Posts: 54 Member
    As embarassing as this is when I sit my tummy is not resting on my legs as much, this is quite noticeable for me. Also, I notice my bum moves different when I walk now as it did before. :blushing:
  • RichLove1
    RichLove1 Posts: 97 Member
    These are cool to read... give you a warm feeling! :)
  • RichLove1
    RichLove1 Posts: 97 Member

    My face feels smaller when I shower......


    I noticed this too! :)
  • RichLove1
    RichLove1 Posts: 97 Member
    My boobs now stick out more than my belly!! lol :bigsmile: (finally) :laugh:

    haha! Nice one :happy:
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    The shape of my bellybutton changed ;) Bizarre!
  • All of your stories are great, congratulations on all the weightloss :)

    My feet have lost half a size - it's awesome cause i was always in between sizes.
    Oh, and the other day. Noticed a weird lump on my arm, got a little worried but turns out it was actually just my muscle showing. huh, who new i had any! lol;)
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    My jeans are a little looser.....
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    My pants and shirts are now longer than they used to be!

    Definitely this. I'm tall, and I always complain that they make shirts too short. Uh, no, lose the gut and they're the perfect length. Go figure. (Admittedly, some shirts do shrink and become very short, but most of them do not.)

    I also found that band of my underwear is way higher than my belly button. Time for new ones apparently.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Here are my 'tells' that the inches are coming off:

    Shirts now fit in the arms and are baggy
    Down one hole on belt
    I was able to buy myself knee high boots (never fit in the calves before) and they are now falling down all the time
    Put on a dress that was skin tight previously and now fits me with room!!!
    My husband said "ooooh nice curves" when grabbing me around the waist
    Shorts now fit which I had outgrown last summer
  • bandenna
    bandenna Posts: 89 Member
    Stretch marks are turning from red to a silver white or dissappearing! My face looks clearer and less round :bigsmile:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    All my panties are too big!
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I think the weirdest thing I have noticed is the back of my neck (at the base) looking slimmer. I wish I new a better way to describe it, but I used to have a sort of fat bump there that I was self-conscious about.

    I have also noticed that some of my shoes that I bought when I was heavier are now too loose to wear.

    I totally have that bump too!! I hate it!
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    Wedding rings. (Had them re-sized once, and will have to do it again.)
    My husband being able to wrap his arms all around me. He could barely get his arms around me before.
    Being able to grab my cheeks and flap them around to make that noise from your mouth when you pull back... lol yeah, dont ask about that one ha. But when I had a fatter face my face was filled out and I couldn't pull my cheeks out.
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    My daughter (who is 6) told me I felt like I had less Jell-O in my belly than I used to....uh....I'll take it!
  • emmeinde
    emmeinde Posts: 22
    Other than the usual clothes flapping in the breeze or chillin at my ankles:

    I keep getting head nods or doors opened by guys. Young guys. Cute ones, too. And literally every single time I look behind me like, who's that for?! It's a really weird experience, but I think I could get used to it!

    Does anyone else feel a little taller? My posture has had a definite improvement and I can feel my stomach muscles tighten for balance, too.

    Just got another new sports bra for my new size. Must've picked a really good one because I did a mile and a half of sprints during my regular walk and COULDN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    My high cheekbones are a bit more prominent now...people have commented on my face looking thinner :)

    I found a divot on me the other day!!! And not a bad one :P Under my breasts, I have a slight divot trainer says its my abs starting to show!! The rest of me is still covered in fat, but he said that the fat is less there so it was leaving first. SWEET!!!

    My arms have actual muscle definition now...when I make a muscle something pops out now :P

    I have had to buy new underwear cos the others were baggy, and my jeans are to the point where I MUST wear a belt or they slip.

    I can wear the large scrubs (pants) for work, and sit in them! Before I could only wear the XL and the large were way too tight. I couldn't bend over or squat in them at all.

    And soon I will have to get my wedding ring is so loose atm I have to keep an eye on it. It slides all over my finger now :)
  • MDG8025
    MDG8025 Posts: 4
    My shoes are looser! I was amazed. Also, I hardly have any back pain (thank heavens), hip pain, and knee pain is gone! My clothes are definately looser and i can fit into my pre-prego jeans (booty and hips are smaller!).
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sadly as I put on all this weight I had retired smaller clothing to space bags (you know the ones you vaccum and it all squishes down) and just got bigger clothes. Now, I get to open one from time to time when I should fit into them, hey free clothes:happy:

    My donation pile is getting bigger :happy: I'm still hanging on to one outfit from my heaviest so I can take the "slimfast" picture with me simply swimming in fabric.

    I don't have to twist my wedding ring back on my hand after changing my daughter.

    but the most interesting is I've lost a fair amount of padding in my pelvic area. This has effectively increased my.... um.... size, in the pelvic area if you know what I mean. My wife benefits.:flowerforyou:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    IMO, I think this thread is the best ever.....Wish there was a way that it could be made a sticky so it's always up the top for everyone....Be good for newbies to read first of to see.....

    A big congratulations to one and all on your success of losing weight and feeling the best ever....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: