Worst part about losing weight

moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
I know we all usually try to stay positive, but I was wondering what if any bad parts about losing weight are for you guys.

For me, it would be push ups. They used to be so much easier. I used to go till my stomach hit the ground. Now, that doesn't happen until my chest is pretty much on the ground. So it makes each one a lot harder.

What about you guys?


  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    All the money I have to spend on new clothes!
  • fordies
    fordies Posts: 14
    Definitely the money on buying new clothes but I can cope with that if the fat loss continues :)
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    When you are the only one trying to do it in your house, have to do different meals, and not eating MY SWEETS!!!!!
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    My wife and I are both participating, so I'm saying, smaller boobs.
  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    New clothes. I have one pair of jeans left that fit me. Being a law student, mom, and on one military income, I cannot justify spending $30+ for a new pair of jeans. I really wish I had not donated all of my other pre-pregnancy jeans :(
  • brittany103
    brittany103 Posts: 96 Member
    When you are the only one trying to do it in your house, have to do different meals, and not eating MY SWEETS!!!!!

    I agree, it's hard eating healthy when everyone around you doesn't pay attention. I went put to eat last night, my boyfriend's meal had 1370 calories not including the whiskey sour he had with it. I was disgusted since I don't eat that much in a day.
  • Dani_Luers
    Do you have free cycle.com where you live? You might look into that and just ask if someone has jeans they are about to donate.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    My boobies. Are. Gone.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I have parts shrinking I don't want to shrink, but my hubby is being a good sport (he said, "oh well more than a handful's a waste anyway." what a doll!)

    And the other is dealing with clothes issues...all my "fat" clothes are getting too big but I have 20 lbs to go, so I'm not ready to spend time and money buying much new stuff right now. I do hit the second-hand stores, might have to look up "free cycle" or whatever that is, thanks for the idea!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Def the having to get new clothes, or having to wear a belt to hold up your baggy jeans. EMBARRASING
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Yesterday I went through my clothes to get rid of a bunch of stuff that I absolutely can't wear anymore because they just look like bags hanging off of me. 4 of my ultimate favourite shirts I have ever had, and 1 of the best pairs of jeans I've ever had and barely worn are in that bag :( The beginning is fun because you go 'shopping in your closet' and find all this stuff that you used to love and can't wear anymore. When you pass that phase, your wardrobe starts shrinking again, and it makes me sad :(
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Understand the budget crunch but smaller clothes are cheaper! I love, love being able to wear stuff that I like instead of whatever the store had in my size! At 5'1 I can even get stuff in the children's dept--and that definitely saves money. The added bonus for my lazy self is--no hemming! :laugh:
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    1. Not even knowing how to shop for clothes anymore. I have no idea if something fits, even when trying it on.

    2. The change in identity that has gone along with it has been confusing and, at times, scary. It bewilders me that people don't seem to think that I'm fat anymore (I know I'm not, but I still think I am.).

    3. This isn't about weight loss, but it's related: I miss eating whatever I felt like eating whenever I wanted to. I miss eating because I was bored or had time to kill. I miss getting (what I used to think were) great deals on tubs of ice cream and other junk food.

    Despite this stuff, though, it's still 100% worthwhile and I'll never regret getting to a healthy weight. The pros outweigh the cons a million times over.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Having to spend the money on new clothes is bitter sweet, I still have low self esteem most days, squats and lunges :grumble:
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Yeah. The boobs were the first to go. On the plus side I can wear a sports bra without looking like I am smuggling melons! No more bras with extra wide bands and shoulder cushions! .
    For the money thing, I got some fab and almost new,designer jeans for 25c/pair at my neighbor's yard sale! That $150 I saved will go a long way toward replacing any other wardrobe essentials.
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    And as a dude, there is no bad part about losing weight. Didn't care about clothes then, don't care now. At least I can get a tan without being embarrassed.
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    it is a very slow process. I want it off NOW. but that is not happening. slow and steady wins the race.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    1. Not even knowing how to shop for clothes anymore. I have no idea if something fits, even when trying it on.

    2. The change in identity that has gone along with it has been confusing and, at times, scary. It bewilders me that people don't seem to think that I'm fat anymore (I know I'm not, but I still think I am.).

    3. This isn't about weight loss, but it's related: I miss eating whatever I felt like eating whenever I wanted to. I miss eating because I was bored or had time to kill. I miss getting (what I used to think were) great deals on tubs of ice cream and other junk food.

    Despite this stuff, though, it's still 100% worthwhile and I'll never regret getting to a healthy weight. The pros outweigh the cons a million times over.

    All the above...although #2 I am still fat and still have 45 pounds to lose.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I have to agree with the expense! Not just on new clothes (which is fun except for when it's underwear... dammit I had perfectly good underwear that I bought in December! Come on!) but on things like a decent bathroom scale and a food scale, the increased cost of groceries (anyone else notice that fresh food costs a lot more than dried spaghetti and canned sauce?), gym membership, workout clothes, running shoes... it adds up like crazy! And the longer I stay healthy, the more tools I want to keep it up... I'm just itching to buy a FitBit, a bicycle and some free weights, but goddammit that stuff does not come cheap!
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    There should be a place on here where people can pass down their clothes to others. A pay-it-forward kind of thing. I would be glad to take anyone's size 16-20 when you skinny out of them :) I have some 22-28 to pass along too. If anyone needs them, send me a message :)
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