How old were you when you had kids?



  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I had my twins at the age of 28, then another one at 31 and my fourth one at 40.
    Every age has advantages and disadvantages.
  • MNJ2921
    MNJ2921 Posts: 63
    We got married at 22, had our first at 31 and second at 34. My kids are now 11 and 8. SOOO glad we waited. By waiting, we were able to:

    1) Finish growing up and get out of debt (paid off all those college loans)
    2) Buy a starter home and then a family home where I plan to live until I either die or get put into a home ;o)
    3) Travel extensively
    4) Feel completely ready to start a family
  • jlb1191
    jlb1191 Posts: 8
    my first at 19, my 2nd at 21, my 3rd at 25 and my 4th at 33...WOW! Shocking when I put it in writing! lol Just for the record I didn't even like but I myself wouldn't change anything. I matured much faster than my friends but had time to still go out and have fun...didn't miss anything. If you have family to help out you can still have a night to yourself and such. I didn't have alot of support but still was able to do so. The plus side...when I am old I can enjoy some time with my hubby because they will all be moved out ;) Although the last one did put a few extra years on my sentence (love the little guy)!!!
  • Rachel4343
    Rachel4343 Posts: 19
    43...never had kids and never married. I know I'm odd.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i was 31 with my first and almost 35 with my second. My husband was 40 with the first and 44 with the second.

    i am so GLAD i waited. i was able to travel abroad and really figure out who i was before being tied down with kids. hindsight, i might have even waited a few more years so hubby and i could have had more time just the two of us. regardless, it's a very personal choice, but i wouldn't change it. it was worth the wait. AND i have far more patience than i did in my twenties. i felt like it was my decision and i was ready to give up the partying lifestyle at that point. i think if i had had my kids in my twenties, i might have resented having to give up some things. on the other hand, if you have them young, you are an empty nester at a younger age and able to do those things then. however, i think your 20's are about self discovery and it's hard to do that with the demands of a child. personally, i would discourage my children from having kids before their 30's. but, i would also encourage them to have them early enough that their kids will complete college while they are still in the workforce. my husband worries that he's going to have to work until he's 80. :)
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I was 30 when I had my daughter. I was 31 when I had my son. My hubby wants a 3rd, but I want to get back into shape first. I'm afraid that I don't really want a 3rd. But if I wait too long, I might not have as easy of a time getting pregnant again. So for the sake of my not-yet-conceived possible 3rd child, I wish I started earlier. Otherwise, we waited until we were financially stable and had quit most of our vices before we had our first. The timing was perfect in that regards. We have been together for 12 years, so it's not like we rushed to have her. We took our time until we were ready. :)
  • ANB22
    ANB22 Posts: 64
    Well i was 18 when i had my first and 23 with my second if I could have done over and got the same kiddos I would have waited until about 23 to have my first...not that I don't love my first I just feel like I screwed him out of some of the things that my daughter has that he never did.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    So this is probably personal but I'm curious as to if I'm the only one who is holding out! I'm twenty one. My boyfriend (future husband) is 22. My mom was 20 when she had me. She's an amazing mother. All of my friends are pregnant and/or having kids. Literally, everyone. I feel like I should NOT have a kid at 21! I feel like I am still a kid...but then there are those moments when my maternal clock starts ticking and I really want a baby.....(that only happens when I'm drunk....haha.)

    Seriously, ladies, how old were you when you had a kid, and was it worth it? If you could go back and wait would you? Or if you could go back and do it earlier would you? I have a job that I really love and it's my main focus.....I just feel like I'm kind of old fashioned and want to wait until we own a home, have a nicer car, make good money, settled down somewhere permanent, gone on vacations and partied without a kid....I feel like we just haven't lived enough yet, and having a kid would throw it all I wrong??

    (I know it's a matter of personal preference in the long run but I'm just curious :)

    I had my daughter just a few weeks before I turned 25 (which I feel is too young). That said, my husband has a really great job, we are really well settled. No car debts or mortgage.

    And as much as I love my daughter, Ill never have a vacay with husband for at least 5-7 years when we feel comfortable leaving her with grandparents for three four days. Or I have yet to have a night out where I'm home later than 10 (bedtime routine).... Take yo time, enjoy it all... So when u have a LO you can focus all on him/her and give you LO the best opportunities.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    #1 at 20
    #2 at 26
    #3 at 29
    Vascectomy at 29.5! LOL

    Love my oldest son but he deffinitely made me grow up in a hurry!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I had my first child at 24. The only thing I would change about my life, (marriage/kids) is that I would've waited to get married. I married at 19, and wish now I had waited a few years.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Wife and I waited til we were 35 to try to have a child (and we got two). But, by then we were financially stable and had built our dream house on 10 acres.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    22 when I had my first, 26 with my 2nd, 28 with my 3rd and 31 with my last. My BFF had her first at 31. I always wanted to be finished having babies at 30. My brother had his 3rd and last at 21!
  • finz96
    finz96 Posts: 102
    My mother was married and a parent by age 17. Growing up the child of a very young parent, I knew I wanted to wait until I was older! I was 27 when my daughter, the light of my life, was born.
  • etay888
    etay888 Posts: 17
    My fiance's dad was 19 when he got married and went to get "snipped" when he was twenty three because they had three kids by that point. We are getting married next spring and I am 23, he is 27. Because he is older his friends all have kids, but I want to enjoy being married for at least two years before starting a family. I say whenever you feel emotionally ready to have your life revolve around a little boy/girl you're ready. Also, being settled into a good job is important because children are not cheap : )
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I was 35 and I am SOOOO happy I waited. I had lots of fun in my teens, 20's and the beginning of my 30's. Those experiences make me who I am today, and I think they have made me a better and more patient mother. I love my son dearly, but I know he came at exactly the right time in my life.
  • artessa546
    artessa546 Posts: 22 Member
    I had my daughter a year ago, I am 30. I waited because I wanted to travel and do things with just me and my husband.
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I had my first when I was 29; the next at 32. I'm glad I waited too....
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I had my daughter when I was 25. We had already been married 3 years, together for 5 before that. I feel like 25 was a good age - we were stable, owned a home, had good jobs, and a solid history together. We had time to enjoy our youth, but I felt like I was still a "young mom". It was the best of both worlds - a great age to start a family! (for us anyway!!)

    It's a personal decision, but if you have doubts, you should wait. I agree with what another poster said - having kids is stressful. My daughter is 4 now, and we had a couple of rough years after she was born. Financially, it can be hard too. Make sure you're ready!
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I was 40 when I had my one and only. I was able to come and go as I pleased, answered to no one, went to Mexico every year with my friends, partied when and where I felt like it. I had a blast.

    Now that I have my son, it's a whole different story. Life is no worse. It only got better. Different, but better.
  • trinawynne75052
    I was 26 when I had my daughter ~ Skylar & now I am 32