How old were you when you had kids?



  • I seem to be in the minority here, but I was almost 42 when I had my first (and last!) child. I'm now fifty and my little girl is still only just nine. So, the pro's: Had a wonderfully free life until then; travelled a lot, saw a lot, had a lot of fun, enjoyed my jobs. The cons: pregnancy and childbirth were HARD; looking after a small child in your forties is HARD (you have nothing like the energy you have in your twenties and thirties and going without sleep nearly kills you!). So, my advice is to absolutey wait until you're older. In my (relatively old) eyes, you are still pretty much a child and should be living life, having fun. However, DON'T wait as long as I did (it wasn't deliberate - just happened that way). It's really hard on your body. That said, nothing is as wonderful as being a mum, whenever you do it. Hope this helps!
  • terabill6
    terabill6 Posts: 1
    I was 20, 22, 23, and 25 when my daughters were born and I am 31 now. It was hard because of how close they are in age but not because I was young. As a matter of fact that probably helped me keep up with them! LOL It is different for everyone because people have different goals and lifestyles. Having kids and being a mom was my dream. As they get older, I am enjoying things I guess maybe I could've done when I was in my early twenties, but now we actually have the money to do them! Good luck with your decision!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    GRREAT Topic...I had my daughter when I was 20.. It was an experience...and I always encouraged her to get her goals met, because when you have a family you needed to focus on your kids and family. My daughter is now a nurse, owns a home, and she gave me my grandkids when she was 39 and then again at 41 years old...and I am the happiest Grandma. Being the oldest in my family, and the last to become a siblings were sooo happy for me. My daughter has lived in Hawaii, and Alaska, snowboards, love riding her motorcycle with my SIL...and they enjoy all the same things...They are thrill seekers, loving the my Now I am 61, and proud that I can still run and jump with my two year old grandson. I have been enjoying my life for YEARS. Though I dropped out of college, I finally got my degree 30 years later...NEVER too late! I have yo yo'd all my life between 10 lbs in weight...but SERIOUSLY working on the fat loss of those same pounds...and JUST ENJOYING! I want to see both my grandkids graduate college...and taking care of myself so that I PRIMARY with me. Thanks again for the topic!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi!
    I am 52 now. I was 24 when I had my first son and 32 when I had the next one. I was a much calmer mom at 32 than at 24. I say enjoy your life for a while. You have plenty of time to have kids later. I wish I would have traveled more and enjoyed more time with my husband and I by ourselves. Once you have kids things are more complicated and expensive so you might not have the opportunity you have now.
    I wouldn't wait pass 30 or so to have your babies because you need a lot of energy for them, to truly enjoy them and be the best mom ever.

    Regardless sometimes kids come unannounced and you will still enjoy them. Whatever you decide, love them and cherish them because they will be the biggest love in your life.
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    My mom had me when she was 19...which was pretty cool to have a young mom (even though she wasn't too cool haha). I married at 26 had my first child at 29, 2nd at 31, and 3rd at 38. I wish I had them earlier because I want to hopefully see my grandkids someday, but I also feel that I wasn't ready until I was 29 at least for the 1st child....and I definitely wish I had the 3rd one sooner. You should do what feels right for you.
  • MonisNatural
    MonisNatural Posts: 24 Member
    I was 30 when I got pregnant and 31 when I had my son. Like others have said, I'm SOOO glad I waited and got all of the partying, traveling, etc. out of my system. By the time I was pregnant I had long been settled and was in a good place to raise my son. He has been a joy but I just couldn't imagine being a Mom when I was younger....

    You are right to wait...enjoy life. LIVE, LEARN, AND LOVE!
  • I was 23 with my first, 29 with my 2nd, and 30 with my last. I am now 31 and will be marrying my last two babies father 2 days after my birthday this year. Having my first at 23 was not hard. All of my friends had kids in high school, so I felt like I waited. Now I have two step kids so there are five kids in the house that are 8 and under. I stay home with all of them so now I feel more stressed than ever.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    18. Hope to have another one next year when Im 27.
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    25, 28, and 29
  • MissMom85
    MissMom85 Posts: 11
    I was almost 26 with my 1st and now we are trying for #2, if it goes to plan I will be 28 when he/she is born. I am SO glad I didn't have kids really early like all of my friends. If you don't feel ready definitely wait!! :) There is always later, especially since you are only 21
  • SeminoleFan0514
    SeminoleFan0514 Posts: 69 Member
    I had my Daughter at 25 and my Son at 27, I sure wouldn't change a thing!
  • I was 17 when I had my daughter. It makes you mature even if you aren't at the level you are suppose to be at. I'm 23 now and maturity wise I hear that I'm about 30-35yrs old. You learn to adapt because you have to. If you are not a mom yet, I'd advise that you wait until your finances are in order. It's not that you need to have a boat load of money but that you want to feel confident you can do whatever you want with your kid, not be on a budget.

    My daughter is almost 6 now, she's my best friend. I tell her I love her every single day and she knows we are together forever until the end of our lives. I really hope that never changes and have a gut feeling it won't. I missed out on time with my mom as she wasn't maternal. Don't force it...have a kid when you are ready, not when society or others around you are doing it.
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    21- had my son
    25- had my daughter
  • I was 37 (last year) when I had my first. I wanted to be a mom sooner than this... but kinda feel like I got my crazy/party stage all out early. ;)
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I had my first born son when I was 2 months shy of turning 22. Then17 months later I had my second born son. 6 1/2 years after that, at the age of 29 I had my 3rd born, my daughter.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    30 and 32. Wish I would have waited longer!!!
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    I had my 1st when I was 18, 2nd when I was 21 and my 3rd when I was 28. Yup that is a long age difference. Hoping to have my 4th and final one by the time I'm 35.
  • tin_ab
    tin_ab Posts: 1 Member
    I was 35 when I had my son. I Do not regret waiting at all. We are settled and able to put 100% into raising out little man.
    There are pros and cons either way, you have to do what you believe is right for you.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    28 and 33 years old.