What foods do your co-workers eat?



  • krawl78
    krawl78 Posts: 115 Member
    Without a joke, there is a young woman who sits outside my office and eats NOTHING but junk. She opens her first full sugar coke and a bag of Munchos or some other fat laden potato chips (yes, chips for breakfast) at 9:30 a.m. She has buckets of chewy candies, chocolate, hard candies that she snacks on all day long. Each day for lunch she goes to Wendy's, McDs or Burger King. I've commented to her, asking her if she understands what she is doing to her body and she just laughs. I'm not exaggerating when I say, her hips and rear but be at least 65 inches around. It's ridiculous. I'm overweight too, but even before MFP, I never ate like that. She'll be dead in 5 years if she doesn't smarten up.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I went to In-N-Out burger the other day with a couple. I just had an unsweetened tea since I brought food to work. One had a double meat double cheese with fries and a shake, the other had a double-double and fries. Yes, that's 4 patties of meat and 4 slices of cheese. It was huge. I bet it was at least 1,000 calories for the burger alone.

    That sounds delicious. I need to go to an In-N-Out.
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    I'm a stay-at-home Mom now, but back when I worked as a pharmacy tech my co-workers used to eat pizza or pasta EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Plus, a couple of them would ALWAYS buy candy and put a huge bowl of it out...the sad thing is, there were only 6 of us working there and it would be empty in a week. Ugh. :embarassed:
  • sarahharrison77
    sarahharrison77 Posts: 24 Member
    My co-worker told me that she let her 14 year old daughter eat 4 cookies the other night at 235 calories each!!! Thats nearly my whole days allowance. No wonder the poor girl is overweight! :0(
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    My manager ordered us mcdonalds one day.... everyone got hash browns..big Mac..anything off the value menu..but she herself got not one but TWO mcgriddles .... and she said she was still hungry. *face palm all day* oy. And they made fun of me cuz I refused to get something. :huh:
  • Rachel4343
    Rachel4343 Posts: 19
    My boss is eating healthy like me and since it is only us in the office it make it a lot easier. She is very supportive.
  • Mostly fast food at my office...we have the same people some of you are talking about who say they need to lose weight but then bring in the pancake, eggs, etc big breakfast from mcdonalds and the 1,000 calorie lunches.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    lots of pastries and cakes as a van comes everyday at breakfast and lunch time. My friend buys from there every day, costs a fortune and she is slim? how? i don't know as she doesn't exercise either... one day it will catch up lol. x
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    My coworkers eat pretty bad, mostly fast foods, pizza, burritos, large quanities. Love to bring Donuts all the time, my boss always sets my favorite donut on my desk _ I've had to ask her to really knock it off she finally has. They look at my healthy food choices and say thats disgusting ( one of my pet peeves) telling someone how grose their food is as they are about to eat it. They have no concept of healthy food choices no matter how much you try to set an example (there are a couple exceptions, all male) They complain about being tired and lethargic and not feeling well after they eat. Its very frusterating so I keep to myself and tune them out (roll my eyes as I walk away) Its actually kind of motivating (I'll show them!) I have however turned some of them on too MFP (only the guys) and Im making them try my homemade Kale chips right now, they think im insane.
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I work with guys who eat McDonalds sometimes twice a shift. They also hit Tim Hortons (donut shop), subway, chinese, oh and lets not forget pizza.
    Heart attack on a bun!!!!

    My success so far has been due to planning, preparing and taking food with me. If I get caught without my lunch bag, I am screwed.
    I am the only girl on my shift and the guys call my lunch bag the picnic basket! hahaha
    I actually have a bag that is a cooler bag. It plugs into the lighter plug and keeps my water, salads etc cold.
    Love it!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    My coworker pulled out a ziplock bag with turkey bacon out of his backpack today. :laugh:
  • Amama622
    Amama622 Posts: 4
    what a b!
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    Death to the person who warms up leftover fish in the microwave.....

    I have coworkers that warm up their lean cuisines and they stink up the place...I microwave my salmon and if I get a dumb remark I always tell them. Oh Im sorry, but I have smelled worse, you know like those lean cuisine meal things
  • Amama622
    Amama622 Posts: 4
    oops, my first 'reply' and I didn't do it right...hmmmm....
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Everyone eats out of the candy dish at work (gross, everyone's dirty mitts in there) full of gummy bears, jujubes, jelly beans, licorice etc... the lady who brings it ironically is TINY and brings a huge container of fresh veggies to eat herself.... it's funny!! She's giving everyone a free coupon for diabetes.
  • lungti29
    lungti29 Posts: 28
    I work in a doctors office and am in constant awe of the crap that the people around me eat. At the end of the day it's their decision and I never comment, unless asked to, so I get super annoyed when they comment...........daily.....on my lunch options. Plus they feel it necessary to basically put me down because I bike to work for bonus exercise! It's actually kind of mind boggling!
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    My co-worker has been on "the atkins" for years. For lunch he eats approximately a 1/2 pound of cheese, 1/2 pound of lunchmeat, and a couple celery sticks. His weight loss is currently on hold.
    Hey we have one of those too. But its a she. Almost 10yrs she still looks the same.

    Huh... I was on Atkins for 8 months and lost 140 pounds. Kept it off until I got pregnant, and now I'm back on it again to lose the baby weight (and doing fantastic- 20 pounds this month). Maybe these two folks being referenced go home and sneak rice cakes when no one is looking. :laugh:
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    The only other girl in the office and my good friend and I have been bringing in salad stuff and gnawing on that at lunch and
    we tend to drink a lot of water and keep each other on track.

    The three men that work in my office on the other hand . . .one always eats fast food everyday, one eats salads cause he's on a biking team and super healthy, the other hardly eats at all. So its a very well rounded office.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    My co-workers eat anything and everything! Our boss buys our lunch every single flipping day!! it is part of our benefit package, and I am not allowed to opt out either. Do you know how hard it is to try to stay with in calorie and nutrition goals. We don't do fast food, like McDonalds or Burger King, we order take out from so called "home style cooking" restaurants. I throw 90% of what I order away.

    I must be doing something right because I have been working for him for 6 years now, and I am almost 2 years into my weight loss journey, and have not gained anything back! That is not true I have gained back my confidence and self esteem!!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Once a month my team gets together and hosts a recipe sampling. It's a mini feast. I first identify the proteins options available and make a plan. Honestly there's usually an abundance of sugary dessert and potato dishes. When something looks good I taste or sample reminding myself that I'm at a sampling. Everyone else seems to eat and eat some more while talking about how they should be losing weight. It's ok, one day each of them will begin to change their behavior to match what they are saying. And I keep telling them about MFP :-)