I did the ultimate food sin..*gulp* ugh...



  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Please try and remember i DID eat earlier that day,breakfast...lunch AND dinner..which i was already at about 1,200cals then i had a medium popcorn with a lot of butter and salt...its not like i ate JUST popcorn that whole day..i've heard popcorn with butter (movie theatre) is an easy 1,300 calories...anyways...i'm done posting in here,got the information i needed,so thanks to all of you who were supportive and pointed me in the right direction :heart:

    You're doing great.

    haters gonna hate.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    O.K!! That does it! I've heard all I can stand of this!! I'm loading up the kid's and going to the theater for popcorn! XTRA BUTTER!!!!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Ha! I'd just forget about it and move on.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    The ultimate food sin is popcorn? I am so eating some cheesecake tonight!

    I think I'll join you. Maybe even have some chips while we're at it? ;-)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    There was so much that went wrong in that post that I have no idea where to even start.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Oh honey, I know what you are talking about. Theater popcorn is horribly bad.:devil: . Yet the minute I walk in and smell it I want it bad.
    The kids(kids ha ha, they are 24 and 19) and I just went and saw MIB3 and Avengers, we shared a small. Let me tell you the the small is pretty big and loaded with butter. But since we only go to the movies maybe 2-3x a year, I splurged. SO worth it.:smooched:
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Pop corn is the ultimate food sin?

    I am going to hell for what I ate in Las Vegas then. Totally worth it though.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    To be fair to the OP, I read on a website that my TDEE was 900 calories, so 1200 would be a gain. Now, I do know that website was ridiculous, I do not eat 900 calories, all I'm saying is there's some bad information out there and if the OP stumbled on that website first she might not have questioned it.

    (I wish I had the website to link. Will have another look now...)
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    There was so much that went wrong in that post that I have no idea where to even start.

    How about she wants to compete in fitness competitions and thinks the best plan is to do cardio for hours at a time?
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Yanno what, forget anyone who has anything negative to say on here tearing you down. Yeah, talking about the girl who posted twice who had nothing but nasty comments to make towards you. She doesn't know you, (neither do I, obv). It really was a simple question and I think people on here forget they are NOT certified nutritionists, and there is no need to get holier than thou when we are all just learning from each other. I get so sick of going on the forums and see some idiot(s) who gets all her information from a google search, or from reading all the drivel on the forums and thinking they are experts talking down to others. And judging someone based on their looks? Wow. Let's see her say that to you in person.

    Sorry, end rant!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    O.K!! That does it! I've heard all I can stand of this!! I'm loading up the kid's and going to the theater for popcorn! XTRA BUTTER!!!!

    AMEN SISTER! I'll meet you at Pier Park in an hour!!! :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    *Bashes head against wall*

    Please, don't worry about those that have negative responses. While my "ultimate food sin" is different than yours, I can TOTALLY relate to the feeling. Luckily, it will be okay in the big scheme of things, so don't worry too much.

    And for those that say you're doing things wrong for your goals, I'm sure they don't know exactly what your goals are or everything about you, and they also should know that you cannot make blanket statements for everyone. They are confident in their intelligence, so I'm sure they know that.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    *Bashes head against wall*

    Please, don't worry about those that have negative responses. While my "ultimate food sin" is different than yours, I can TOTALLY relate to the feeling. Luckily, it will be okay in the big scheme of things, so don't worry too much.

    And for those that say you're doing things wrong for your goals, I'm sure they don't know exactly what your goals are or everything about you, and they also should know that you cannot make blanket statements for everyone. They are confident in their intelligence, so I'm sure they know that.

  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    my ultimate goal is to be in fitness competitions..and to do that u need to gain a lot of muscle and eat VERY clean

    Don't do excessive amounts of cardio like that then. You'll just start burning through valuable muscle tissue when your body runs out of energy stores. It won't be able to metabolize fat as energy for hours at a time. Do some HIIT cardio if you want punishment but keep it down to 30 or 45 minutes.

    EDIT: not 2hrs of cardio at a time.

    Ive taken my cardio down a lot,i used to do 90-120mins a day..but now i do 60mins a day along with strength training on different muscle groups..i only workout 5x a week,i give myself 2 days off a week :)
  • ByeByeBigGurl
    So what? You had a bag of popcorn...not like you eat it all day, every day...what's the big deal?
    Forget about it and move on.
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    If your gonna comment on this thread,please do me a favor and read all my posts AFTER my first initial post..thanks..*eye roll*...you LIVE AND YOU LEARN...isn't that what were all doing on here..helping one another and LEARNING to live a healthy lifestyle?! what makes you think i know everything about fitness?! I'm just like the rest of you..so give me the right to learn to,instead of bashing me...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    To be fair to the OP, I read on a website that my TDEE was 900 calories, so 1200 would be a gain. Now, I do know that website was ridiculous, I do not eat 900 calories, all I'm saying is there's some bad information out there and if the OP stumbled on that website first she might not have questioned it.

    (I wish I had the website to link. Will have another look now...)


    Stop the BOAT!

    What's your stats???

    My TDEE is always like HUGE.... and I don't think i'm that big of a girl....
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    please read my previous posts in this forum & you'll get your answers.thanks.my ultimate goal is to be in fitness competitions..and to do that u need to gain a lot of muscle and eat VERY clean,so of course i'm gonna feel guilty over popcorn
    What do you mean "of course i'm gonna feel guilty"? Why would a person with a healthy relationship to food every feel GUILTY about what they ate? Guilt is a misplaced emotion when it comes to food. To me that is a sign of a problem.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    There was so much that went wrong in that post that I have no idea where to even start.

    How about she wants to compete in fitness competitions and thinks the best plan is to do cardio for hours at a time?

    Wowza, you're mean...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    If your gonna comment on this thread,please do me a favor and read all my posts AFTER my first initial post..thanks..*eye roll*...you LIVE AND YOU LEARN...isn't that what were all doing on here..helping one another and LEARNING to live a healthy lifestyle?! what makes you think i know everything about fitness?! I'm just like the rest of you..so give me the right to learn to,instead of bashing me...

    Honey, don't take what people say personally. I think its possible people are feeling threatened by your amazing pic and given the title, they might be reacting to a fear that you are promoting ED type thinking. There's been some weird pro-ED things on here lately.

    I think its cool that you admit you are learning and that you were misinformed about things here and there. Some of us have been here a long time and get nutso when we see people putting out misinformation....but it looks like that's not what you were trying to do. You were just askng for advice and there's a bit that you didn't know. It's ok. Before I was here, I had no idea how many calories would make fat, or what a TDEE is or an ORM. I spent a lot of time searching forums and asking my friends what was going on. I do hope you give yourself a break to eat more than 1200 cals here and there and especially if you are working out hard. And I agree that clean eating is good.... just keep trucknig a long. Take the good advice and don't let the *kitten* grind ya down.