I did the ultimate food sin..*gulp* ugh...



  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Wow. This post is like alley fight scene from Anchorman. "Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast." "Brick killed a guy". "Did you throw a trident?"

    For All: Movie popcorn is terrible. It's cooked in oil, covered in salt, and the "butter" adds 100's of calories from oily fat.

    For the Original Poster: It's probably just water weight from the huge sodium shock to your system. I'd ignore it and stick to my normal routine.

    For All, part II: MFP isn't the place to start flame wars. If you truly believe a poster is trolling, JUST IGNORE THE POST. There are hundreds of posts created every day that you can make helpful, encouraging comments on. Click thru, find one, and offer someone your support. Even if you're 90% positive about whatever you think of a poster, keep it to yourself. Everyone on MFP, including me, has their own issues to deal with. How would you feel if people on MFP mocked your goals, mocked your photo, called you a fake, anorexic, trivial, etc? There are plenty of places on the net to mock people, support forums on weight loss sights are not one of them.

    For All, part III: The fight scene from Anchorman. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/TvY51HF3tNA

  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Wow. This post is like alley fight scene from Anchorman. "Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast." "Brick killed a guy". "Did you throw a trident?"

    For All: Movie popcorn is terrible. It's cooked in oil, covered in salt, and the "butter" adds 100's of calories from oily fat.

    For the Original Poster: It's probably just water weight from the huge sodium shock to your system. I'd ignore it and stick to my normal routine.

    For All, part II: MFP isn't the place to start flame wars. If you truly believe a poster is trolling, JUST IGNORE THE POST. There are hundreds of posts created every day that you can make helpful, encouraging comments on. Click thru, find one, and offer someone your support. Even if you're 90% positive about whatever you think of a poster, keep it to yourself. Everyone on MFP, including me, has their own issues to deal with. How would you feel if people on MFP mocked your goals, mocked your photo, called you a fake, anorexic, trivial, etc? There are plenty of places on the net to mock people, support forums on weight loss sights are not one of them.

    For All, part III: The fight scene from Anchorman. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/TvY51HF3tNA

    You sir, are awesome. :heart:

    Easy on the eyes too. ;)
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Wow. This post is like alley fight scene from Anchorman. "Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast." "Brick killed a guy". "Did you throw a trident?"

    For All: Movie popcorn is terrible. It's cooked in oil, covered in salt, and the "butter" adds 100's of calories from oily fat.

    For the Original Poster: It's probably just water weight from the huge sodium shock to your system. I'd ignore it and stick to my normal routine.

    For All, part II: MFP isn't the place to start flame wars. If you truly believe a poster is trolling, JUST IGNORE THE POST. There are hundreds of posts created every day that you can make helpful, encouraging comments on. Click thru, find one, and offer someone your support. Even if you're 90% positive about whatever you think of a poster, keep it to yourself. Everyone on MFP, including me, has their own issues to deal with. How would you feel if people on MFP mocked your goals, mocked your photo, called you a fake, anorexic, trivial, etc? There are plenty of places on the net to mock people, support forums on weight loss sights are not one of them.

    For All, part III: The fight scene from Anchorman. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/TvY51HF3tNA

    ^^^ THIS! Tell me again why MFP doesn't have a like button? :smile:
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Please try and remember i DID eat earlier that day,breakfast...lunch AND dinner..which i was already at about 1,200cals then i had a medium popcorn with a lot of butter and salt...its not like i ate JUST popcorn that whole day..i've heard popcorn with butter (movie theatre) is an easy 1,300 calories...anyways...i'm done posting in here,got the information i needed,so thanks to all of you who were supportive and pointed me in the right direction :heart:

    I do think some people on here were overyl harsh, but if your really are looking to add muscle, and join a fitness competition I think it would be best to do more research, because eating at 1,200.00 calories a day, and working out all of the time is not going to get you to your goals. There are some really good advice forums on here on how to do this, but eating at a deficit wont.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks that it's funny that whenever people start fighting on the boards we say "I'm gonna go get some popcorn" or whatever and this post is actually about popcorn and everyone's fighting?
  • gmarriottfccla
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    For all of those who gave me GREAT advice: I did ONLY 60mins of cardio yesterday (like i do EVERY day & no more) i was being sarcastic and was obviously looking for guidance as to what to do for my indulgence when i said i was going to do 2hrs..i drank LOADS of water yesterday and i feel GREAT today,thanks to all that pointed me in the right direction,i appreciate it :D

    P.S i have no clue wth "trolling" is so can someone inform me please? Thanks :laugh:
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    Trollin' trollin' trollin'

    Um yep!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Pray for forgiveness to the fitness gods and goddesses and maybe they will forgive this... I don't know though, it is pretty close to the unpardonable sin.... but with the right penance perhaps, just perhaps they will let you off with only 10 years of obesity...

    Just kidding of course... Hey, it was one incident on one day and not even that bad at that... Just start back today and don't make a habit of it. It all averages out over time anyway... (The popcorn is not bad... It is all the butter and oils they use that causes problems)... I go over from time to time... I don't sweat it because I may go over 500-1000 cals today but there are plenty of other days that I am under by nearly that much... It all averages out... It is a journey and you don't have to sweat the occasional splurge....
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Can we have one post where some1 doesn't behave like a total butt hole? You're fine honey! Just flush your system with water.


    Oh yeah its totally cool if you go way over your calories...just drink a few extra cups of water!

    If that were the case we could all eat like *kitten* as long as we drank plenty of water. The only thing all that water will help is sodium intake (which would correct itself within a day or so anyway).
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    For all of those who gave me GREAT advice: I did ONLY 60mins of cardio yesterday (like i do EVERY day & no more) i was being sarcastic and was obviously looking for guidance as to what to do for my indulgence when i said i was going to do 2hrs..i drank LOADS of water yesterday and i feel GREAT today,thanks to all that pointed me in the right direction,i appreciate it :D

    P.S i have no clue wth "trolling" is so can someone inform me please? Thanks :laugh:
    I heard that water makes you heavier. No idea what trolling is. :bigsmile:
  • islandgirl1984
    islandgirl1984 Posts: 64 Member
    Seriously? The "ultimate" food sin. Lol :) Oh hun, I think you will be fine. I'd hate to know what you'd do if you were to experience one of my cheat days.... ;)
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    sorry but some of the comments here, just making me laugh:laugh:

    people get bent over the strangest and simplest 'slights' real or imagined
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    omg..this thread is beyond ....don't listen to the rude comments
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Hey Fitbarbie,

    Girl, stop trippin! One bag of popcorn at the movies will not kill you! Log it and move on..... You will be fine, get back to your "normal" choices and keep going.
  • RollerDevil
    Uh wow...i cant believe some of the responses i just received..aren't we ALL on here for the same reason?! a lot of us need help with weight loss and staying fit and have tons of questions..i have as much as a right as anyone else on here to ask them..not to be made fun of...i was asking an honest question,due to false information i was given before..but i don't deserve rude comments..

    So, is the pic in your profile and ticker a goal weight, or how you actually look now? Because other than the obvious places that seem to be medically enhanced, I don't really see anywhere you would possibly need to lose fat.

    You're so rude.
  • Minnie92x
    Minnie92x Posts: 107
    R u for real? Looking @ ur picture, I'd say go eat some more popcorn!

    Some people are so jealous. Can't believe the abuse you've been given on a healthy eating site!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    girl, don't sweat it. i've had days since I've been doing this where i eaten nothing but 7K calories worth of nothing but sweet delicious brownies FRESH out of the oven because who can resist that? all of the weight i gained from that was water and by the end of the week i still registered a 2 pound loss.
    the weight you gained was also probably just water weight since movie popcorn has sooo much sodium even if you dont add your own.

    i wouldnt worry about these type of things unless you are eating way over your calories several days a week

    By the way, i consider the ultimate food sin as going over my calories on food i DONT enjoy. that would suck! if i'm going to be going over my calories it had better be with something i'm excited about eating
  • RollerDevil
    Me thinks jealousy runs a muck in these parts, Sandy. ;)

    ^Agreed. Many of the posters here clearly only find it so unbelievable because the OP is actually hot, not fat.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Popcorn is the ultimate food sin??? Im so screwed...